This allows for correct highlighting and maybe future automatic formatting. The AST was verified to work with nixfmt only.
3.7 KiB
Building Images via systemd-repart
You can build disk images in NixOS with the image.repart
option provided by
the module image/repart.nix. This module uses systemd-repart
to build the
images and exposes it's entire interface via the repartConfig
An example of how to build an image:
{ config, modulesPath, ... }: {
imports = [ "${modulesPath}/image/repart.nix" ];
image.repart = {
name = "image";
partitions = {
"esp" = {
contents = {
# ...
repartConfig = {
Type = "esp";
# ...
"root" = {
storePaths = [ config.system.build.toplevel ];
repartConfig = {
Type = "root";
Label = "nixos";
# ...
Nix Store Partition
You can define a partition that only contains the Nix store and then mount it
under /nix/store
. Because the /nix/store
part of the paths is already
determined by the mount point, you have to set stripNixStorePrefix = true;
that the prefix is stripped from the paths before copying them into the image.
fileSystems."/nix/store".device = "/dev/disk/by-partlabel/nix-store";
image.repart.partitions = {
"store" = {
storePaths = [ config.system.build.toplevel ];
stripNixStorePrefix = true;
repartConfig = {
Type = "linux-generic";
Label = "nix-store";
# ...
Appliance Image
The image/repart.nix
module can also be used to build self-contained software
The generation based update mechanism of NixOS is not suited for appliances.
Updates of appliances are usually either performed by replacing the entire
image with a new one or by updating partitions via an A/B scheme. See the
Chrome OS update process for an example of how to achieve
this. The appliance image built in the following example does not contain a
and thus you will not be able to call nixos-rebuild
this system. Furthermore, it uses a Unified Kernel Image.
pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { };
efiArch = pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.efiArch;
(pkgs.nixos [
({ config, lib, pkgs, modulesPath, ... }: {
imports = [ "${modulesPath}/image/repart.nix" ];
boot.loader.grub.enable = false;
fileSystems."/".device = "/dev/disk/by-label/nixos";
image.repart = {
name = "image";
partitions = {
"esp" = {
contents = {
"/EFI/BOOT/BOOT${lib.toUpper efiArch}.EFI".source =
"/EFI/Linux/${config.system.boot.loader.ukiFile}".source =
repartConfig = {
Type = "esp";
Format = "vfat";
SizeMinBytes = "96M";
"root" = {
storePaths = [ config.system.build.toplevel ];
repartConfig = {
Type = "root";
Format = "ext4";
Label = "nixos";
Minimize = "guess";