With mautrix-signal v0.7.0 the bridge is built upon the bridgev2 architecture. With this, the configuration file was slightly rearranged. Options like login_shared_secret_map and double_puppet_server_map were dropped.
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Mautrix-Signal is a Matrix-Signal puppeting bridge.
- Set to
. The service will use SQLite by default. - To create your configuration check the default configuration for
. To obtain the complete default
configuration, run
nix-shell -p mautrix-signal --run "mautrix-signal -c default.yaml -e"
::: {.warning}
Mautrix-Signal allows for some options like encryption.pickle_key
, allow the value generate
to be set.
Since the configuration file is regenerated on every start of the
service, the generated values would be discarded and might break your
installation. Instead, set those values via
Migrating from an older configuration
With Mautrix-Signal v0.7.0 the configuration has been rearranged. Mautrix-Signal performs an automatic configuration migration so your pre-0.7.0 configuration should just continue to work.
In case you want to update your NixOS configuration, compare the migrated configuration
at /var/lib/mautrix-signal/config.yaml
with the default configuration
(nix-shell -p mautrix-signal --run "mautrix-signal -c example.yaml -e"
) and
update your module configuration accordingly.