The biggest nixpkgs-specific change is addition of printf()-style attribute annotations for many ncurses APIs. -Werror=format-security now flags parameter inconsistencies and fails the build. The fixes are usually one-liners like adding "%s" format string for non-literals or just using `hardeningDisable [ "format" ];` for software where backporting or fixing is not practical. Drop -DNCURSES_INTERNALS=1 workaround required only for ncurses-6.2 and build-incompatible with ncurses-6.3.
26 lines
903 B
26 lines
903 B
{lib, stdenv, fetchurl, ncurses}:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "rogue";
version = "5.4.4";
src = fetchurl {
urls = [
"http://rogue.rogueforge.net/files/rogue${lib.versions.majorMinor version}/rogue${version}-src.tar.gz"
sha256 = "18g81274d0f7sr04p7h7irz0d53j6kd9j1y3zbka1gcqq0gscdvx";
buildInputs = [ ncurses ];
meta = with lib; {
homepage = "http://rogue.rogueforge.net/rogue-5-4/";
description = "The final version of the original Rogue game developed for the UNIX operating system";
platforms = platforms.all;
license = licenses.bsd3;
maintainers = [ maintainers.eelco ];