nixos-enter sets up /etc/resolv.conf as a bind mount from the host system, so trying to activate a system that sets `environment.etc."resolv.conf"` (e.g. with systemd-resolved enabled) results in an unhelpful warning. Skip linking /etc/resolv.conf if we're in a nixos-enter environment, as determined by the IN_NIXOS_ENTER environment variable. Make the warnings more helpful, indicating which file we failed to link. Unlink temporary files in case of failure.
160 lines
4.4 KiB
160 lines
4.4 KiB
use strict;
use File::Find;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use File::Basename;
use File::Slurp;
my $etc = $ARGV[0] or die;
my $static = "/etc/static";
sub atomicSymlink {
my ($source, $target) = @_;
my $tmp = "$target.tmp";
unlink $tmp;
symlink $source, $tmp or return 0;
if (rename $tmp, $target) {
return 1;
} else {
unlink $tmp;
return 0;
# Atomically update /etc/static to point at the etc files of the
# current configuration.
atomicSymlink $etc, $static or die;
# Returns 1 if the argument points to the files in /etc/static. That
# means either argument is a symlink to a file in /etc/static or a
# directory with all children being static.
sub isStatic {
my $path = shift;
if (-l $path) {
my $target = readlink $path;
return substr($target, 0, length "/etc/static/") eq "/etc/static/";
if (-d $path) {
opendir DIR, "$path" or return 0;
my @names = readdir DIR or die;
closedir DIR;
foreach my $name (@names) {
next if $name eq "." || $name eq "..";
unless (isStatic("$path/$name")) {
return 0;
return 1;
return 0;
# Remove dangling symlinks that point to /etc/static. These are
# configuration files that existed in a previous configuration but not
# in the current one. For efficiency, don't look under /etc/nixos
# (where all the NixOS sources live).
sub cleanup {
if ($File::Find::name eq "/etc/nixos") {
$File::Find::prune = 1;
if (-l $_) {
my $target = readlink $_;
if (substr($target, 0, length $static) eq $static) {
my $x = "/etc/static/" . substr($File::Find::name, length "/etc/");
unless (-l $x) {
print STDERR "removing obsolete symlink ‘$File::Find::name’...\n";
unlink "$_";
find(\&cleanup, "/etc");
# Use /etc/.clean to keep track of copied files.
my @oldCopied = read_file("/etc/.clean", chomp => 1, err_mode => 'quiet');
open CLEAN, ">>/etc/.clean";
# For every file in the etc tree, create a corresponding symlink in
# /etc to /etc/static. The indirection through /etc/static is to make
# switching to a new configuration somewhat more atomic.
my %created;
my @copied;
sub link {
my $fn = substr $File::Find::name, length($etc) + 1 or next;
# nixos-enter sets up /etc/resolv.conf as a bind mount, so skip it.
if ($fn eq "resolv.conf" and $ENV{'IN_NIXOS_ENTER'}) {
my $target = "/etc/$fn";
File::Path::make_path(dirname $target);
$created{$fn} = 1;
# Rename doesn't work if target is directory.
if (-l $_ && -d $target) {
if (isStatic $target) {
rmtree $target or warn;
} else {
warn "$target directory contains user files. Symlinking may fail.";
if (-e "$_.mode") {
my $mode = read_file("$_.mode"); chomp $mode;
if ($mode eq "direct-symlink") {
atomicSymlink readlink("$static/$fn"), $target or warn "could not create symlink $target";
} else {
my $uid = read_file("$_.uid"); chomp $uid;
my $gid = read_file("$_.gid"); chomp $gid;
copy "$static/$fn", "$target.tmp" or warn;
$uid = getpwnam $uid unless $uid =~ /^\+/;
$gid = getgrnam $gid unless $gid =~ /^\+/;
chown int($uid), int($gid), "$target.tmp" or warn;
chmod oct($mode), "$target.tmp" or warn;
unless (rename "$target.tmp", $target) {
warn "could not create target $target";
unlink "$target.tmp";
push @copied, $fn;
print CLEAN "$fn\n";
} elsif (-l "$_") {
atomicSymlink "$static/$fn", $target or warn "could not create symlink $target";
find(\&link, $etc);
# Delete files that were copied in a previous version but not in the
# current.
foreach my $fn (@oldCopied) {
if (!defined $created{$fn}) {
$fn = "/etc/$fn";
print STDERR "removing obsolete file ‘$fn’...\n";
unlink "$fn";
# Rewrite /etc/.clean.
close CLEAN;
write_file("/etc/.clean", map { "$_\n" } sort @copied);
# Create /etc/NIXOS tag if not exists.
# When /etc is not on a persistent filesystem, it will be wiped after reboot,
# so we need to check and re-create it during activation.
open TAG, ">>/etc/NIXOS";
close TAG;