43 lines
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43 lines
1.1 KiB
# Tests the `projectReferences = [ ... ];` feature of buildDotnetModule.
# The `library` derivation exposes a .nupkg, which is then consumed by the `application` derivation.
# https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/unstable/index.html#packaging-a-dotnet-application
{ lib
, dotnet-sdk
, buildPackages # buildDotnetModule
, runCommand
inherit (buildPackages) buildDotnetModule;
nugetDeps = ./nuget-deps.nix;
# Specify the TargetFramework via an environment variable so that we don't
# have to update the .csproj files when updating dotnet-sdk
TargetFramework = "net${lib.versions.majorMinor (lib.getVersion dotnet-sdk)}";
library = buildDotnetModule {
name = "project-references-test-library";
src = ./library;
inherit nugetDeps;
env.TargetFramework = TargetFramework;
packNupkg = true;
application = buildDotnetModule {
name = "project-references-test-application";
src = ./application;
inherit nugetDeps;
env.TargetFramework = TargetFramework;
projectReferences = [ library ];
runCommand "project-references-test" { } ''
mkdir $out