The restic repository cache location defaults to ~/.cache/restic when not overwritten either by the --cache-dir command line parameter or the universal RESTIC_CACHE_DIR environment variable. Currently, the --cache-dir variable is set to only some restic commands, but, e.g., not to the unit's preStart command for the module's initialize option. This results in two distinct cache locations, one at ~/.cache/restic for the initialize commands and one at the configured --cache-dir location for the restic backup command. By explicitly setting RESTIC_CACHE_DIR for the unit, only one cache at the correct location will be used. https://restic.readthedocs.io/en/v0.15.1/manual_rest.html#caching
172 lines
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172 lines
6.5 KiB
import ./make-test-python.nix (
{ pkgs, ... }:
remoteRepository = "/tmp/restic-backup";
remoteFromFileRepository = "/tmp/restic-backup-from-file";
rcloneRepository = "rclone:local:/tmp/restic-rclone-backup";
backupPrepareCommand = ''
touch /tmp/backupPrepareCommand
test ! -e /tmp/backupCleanupCommand
backupCleanupCommand = ''
rm /tmp/backupPrepareCommand
touch /tmp/backupCleanupCommand
testDir = pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
name = "test-files-to-backup";
unpackPhase = "true";
installPhase = ''
mkdir $out
touch $out/some_file
passwordFile = "${pkgs.writeText "password" "correcthorsebatterystaple"}";
paths = [ "/opt" ];
exclude = [ "/opt/excluded_file_*" ];
pruneOpts = [
"--keep-daily 2"
"--keep-weekly 1"
"--keep-monthly 1"
"--keep-yearly 99"
name = "restic";
meta = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; {
maintainers = [ bbigras i077 ];
nodes = {
server =
{ pkgs, ... }:
services.restic.backups = {
remotebackup = {
inherit passwordFile paths exclude pruneOpts backupPrepareCommand backupCleanupCommand;
repository = remoteRepository;
initialize = true;
remote-from-file-backup = {
inherit passwordFile paths exclude pruneOpts;
initialize = true;
repositoryFile = pkgs.writeText "repositoryFile" remoteFromFileRepository;
rclonebackup = {
inherit passwordFile paths exclude pruneOpts;
initialize = true;
repository = rcloneRepository;
rcloneConfig = {
type = "local";
one_file_system = true;
# This gets overridden by rcloneConfig.type
rcloneConfigFile = pkgs.writeText "rclone.conf" ''
remoteprune = {
inherit passwordFile;
repository = remoteRepository;
pruneOpts = [ "--keep-last 1" ];
custompackage = {
inherit passwordFile paths;
repository = "some-fake-repository";
package = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "restic" ''
echo "$@" >> /tmp/fake-restic.log;
pruneOpts = [ "--keep-last 1" ];
checkOpts = [ "--some-check-option" ];
environment.sessionVariables.RCLONE_CONFIG_LOCAL_TYPE = "local";
testScript = ''
"${pkgs.restic}/bin/restic -r ${remoteRepository} -p ${passwordFile} snapshots",
'${pkgs.restic}/bin/restic -r ${remoteFromFileRepository} -p ${passwordFile} snapshots"',
"${pkgs.restic}/bin/restic -r ${rcloneRepository} -p ${passwordFile} snapshots",
"grep 'backup.* /opt' /tmp/fake-restic.log",
# set up
"cp -rT ${testDir} /opt",
"touch /opt/excluded_file_1 /opt/excluded_file_2",
"mkdir -p /tmp/restic-rclone-backup",
# test that remotebackup runs custom commands and produces a snapshot
"timedatectl set-time '2016-12-13 13:45'",
"systemctl start restic-backups-remotebackup.service",
"rm /tmp/backupCleanupCommand",
'${pkgs.restic}/bin/restic -r ${remoteRepository} -p ${passwordFile} snapshots --json | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq "length | . == 1"',
# test that restoring that snapshot produces the same directory
"mkdir /tmp/restore-1",
"${pkgs.restic}/bin/restic -r ${remoteRepository} -p ${passwordFile} restore latest -t /tmp/restore-1",
"diff -ru ${testDir} /tmp/restore-1/opt",
# test that remote-from-file-backup produces a snapshot
"systemctl start restic-backups-remote-from-file-backup.service",
'${pkgs.restic}/bin/restic -r ${remoteFromFileRepository} -p ${passwordFile} snapshots --json | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq "length | . == 1"',
# test that rclonebackup produces a snapshot
"systemctl start restic-backups-rclonebackup.service",
'${pkgs.restic}/bin/restic -r ${rcloneRepository} -p ${passwordFile} snapshots --json | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq "length | . == 1"',
# test that custompackage runs both `restic backup` and `restic check` with reasonable commandlines
"systemctl start restic-backups-custompackage.service",
"grep 'backup.* /opt' /tmp/fake-restic.log",
"grep 'check.* --some-check-option' /tmp/fake-restic.log",
# test that we can create four snapshots in remotebackup and rclonebackup
"timedatectl set-time '2017-12-13 13:45'",
"systemctl start restic-backups-remotebackup.service",
"rm /tmp/backupCleanupCommand",
"systemctl start restic-backups-rclonebackup.service",
"timedatectl set-time '2018-12-13 13:45'",
"systemctl start restic-backups-remotebackup.service",
"rm /tmp/backupCleanupCommand",
"systemctl start restic-backups-rclonebackup.service",
"timedatectl set-time '2018-12-14 13:45'",
"systemctl start restic-backups-remotebackup.service",
"rm /tmp/backupCleanupCommand",
"systemctl start restic-backups-rclonebackup.service",
"timedatectl set-time '2018-12-15 13:45'",
"systemctl start restic-backups-remotebackup.service",
"rm /tmp/backupCleanupCommand",
"systemctl start restic-backups-rclonebackup.service",
"timedatectl set-time '2018-12-16 13:45'",
"systemctl start restic-backups-remotebackup.service",
"rm /tmp/backupCleanupCommand",
"systemctl start restic-backups-rclonebackup.service",
'${pkgs.restic}/bin/restic -r ${remoteRepository} -p ${passwordFile} snapshots --json | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq "length | . == 4"',
'${pkgs.restic}/bin/restic -r ${rcloneRepository} -p ${passwordFile} snapshots --json | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq "length | . == 4"',
# test that remoteprune brings us back to 1 snapshot in remotebackup
"systemctl start restic-backups-remoteprune.service",
'${pkgs.restic}/bin/restic -r ${remoteRepository} -p ${passwordFile} snapshots --json | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq "length | . == 1"',