132 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable File
132 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i python3 -p python3 python3.pkgs.packaging python3.pkgs.requests python3.pkgs.xmltodict
import json
import pathlib
import logging
import requests
import subprocess
import sys
import xmltodict
from packaging import version
updates_url = "https://www.jetbrains.com/updates/updates.xml"
current_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent
versions_file_path = current_path.joinpath("versions.json").resolve()
fromVersions = {}
toVersions = {}
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
def one_or_more(x):
return x if isinstance(x, list) else [x]
def download_channels():
logging.info("Checking for updates from %s", updates_url)
updates_response = requests.get(updates_url)
root = xmltodict.parse(updates_response.text)
products = root["products"]["product"]
return {
channel["@name"]: channel
for product in products
if "channel" in product
for channel in one_or_more(product["channel"])
def build_version(build):
build_number = build["@fullNumber"] if "@fullNumber" in build else build["@number"]
return version.parse(build_number)
def latest_build(channel):
builds = one_or_more(channel["build"])
latest = max(builds, key=build_version)
return latest
def download_sha256(url):
url = f"{url}.sha256"
download_response = requests.get(url)
return download_response.content.decode('UTF-8').split(' ')[0]
channels = download_channels()
def update_product(name, product):
update_channel = product["update-channel"]
logging.info("Updating %s", name)
channel = channels.get(update_channel)
if channel is None:
logging.error("Failed to find channel %s.", update_channel)
logging.error("Check that the update-channel in %s matches the name in %s", versions_file_path, updates_url)
build = latest_build(channel)
new_version = build["@version"]
new_build_number = build["@fullNumber"]
if "EAP" not in channel["@name"]:
version_or_build_number = new_version
version_or_build_number = new_build_number
version_number = new_version.split(' ')[0]
download_url = product["url-template"].format(version=version_or_build_number, versionMajorMinor=version_number)
product["url"] = download_url
if "sha256" not in product or product.get("build_number") != new_build_number:
fromVersions[name] = product["version"]
toVersions[name] = new_version
logging.info("Found a newer version %s with build number %s.", new_version, new_build_number)
product["version"] = new_version
product["build_number"] = new_build_number
product["sha256"] = download_sha256(download_url)
logging.info("Already at the latest version %s with build number %s.", new_version, new_build_number)
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Update failed:", exc_info=e)
logging.warning("Skipping %s due to the above error.", name)
logging.warning("It may be out-of-date. Fix the error and rerun.")
def update_products(products):
for name, product in products.items():
update_product(name, product)
with open(versions_file_path, "r") as versions_file:
versions = json.load(versions_file)
for products in versions.values():
with open(versions_file_path, "w") as versions_file:
json.dump(versions, versions_file, indent=2)
if len(toVersions) == 0:
# No Updates found
if len(toVersions) == 1:
commitMessage = ""
lowestVersion = min(fromVersions.values())
highestVersion = max(toVersions.values())
commitMessage = f"jetbrains: {lowestVersion} -> {highestVersion}"
commitMessage += "\n\n"
for name in toVersions.keys():
commitMessage += f"jetbrains.{name}: {fromVersions[name]} -> {toVersions[name]}\n"
# Commit the result
logging.info("#### Committing changes... ####")
subprocess.run(['git', 'commit', f'-m{commitMessage}', '--', f'{versions_file_path}'], check=True)
logging.info("#### Updating plugins ####")
plugin_script = current_path.joinpath("../plugins/update_plugins.py").resolve()