Gabriella Gonzalez de83fcb2df containers.*.config: reuse host nixpkgs.pkgs if defined
The minimum reproduction for the problem I'm trying to solve is that
the following NixOS test with a trivial NixOS container:

{ inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/24.05";

    flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils/v1.0.0";

  outputs = { flake-utils, nixpkgs, self, ... }:
    flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: {
      checks.default = nixpkgs.legacyPackages."${system}".nixosTest {
        name = "test";

        nodes.machine.containers.tutorial.config = { };

        testScript = "";

… fails with the following error message:

error: Neither nodes.machine.nixpkgs.hostPlatform nor the legacy option nodes.machine.nixpkgs.system has been set.
You can set nodes.machine.nixpkgs.hostPlatform in hardware-configuration.nix by re-running
a recent version of nixos-generate-config.
The option nodes.machine.nixpkgs.system is still fully supported for NixOS 22.05 interoperability,
but will be deprecated in the future, so we recommend to set nodes.machine.nixpkgs.hostPlatform.

The root of the problem appears to be that in
`nixos/modules/virtualisation/nixos-containers.nix` there is support
for deriving the guest's `nixpkgs.hostPlatform` or
`nixpkgs.localSystem` from the corresponding host's values, but this
doesn't work if the host sets `nixpkgs.pkgs` instead of one of those
values.  In fact, this is what happens when using `pkgs.nixosTest`
(which sets `nixpkgs.pkgs` in

The solution I went with was to forward the `nixpkgs.pkgs` setting from
the host to the guest, but only if it is defined (matching the same
treatment as `nixpkgs.hostPlatform` and `nixpkgs.localSystem`.
2024-08-18 11:32:46 -07:00
doc/manual Merge pull request from PatrickDaG/homebox 2024-08-18 16:32:43 +02:00
lib make-squashfs: add support for generating hydra build products 2024-08-17 09:00:43 -04:00
maintainers nixos/incus: add incus-only vm and container images 2024-08-10 13:23:36 -04:00
modules containers.*.config: reuse host nixpkgs.pkgs if defined 2024-08-18 11:32:46 -07:00
tests Merge pull request from PatrickDaG/homebox 2024-08-18 16:32:43 +02:00
release-combined.nix nixos/release-combined: fix evaluation 2024-06-05 17:50:37 +02:00
release-small.nix nixos/release-small: stop building amazon image 2024-08-04 23:50:46 +02:00
release.nix nixos/incus: add incus-only vm and container images 2024-08-10 13:23:36 -04:00


NixOS is a Linux distribution based on the purely functional package management system Nix. More information can be found at and in the manual in doc/manual.

Testing changes

You can add new module to your NixOS configuration file (usually its /etc/nixos/configuration.nix). And do sudo nixos-rebuild test -I nixpkgs=<path to your local nixpkgs folder> --fast.

Commit conventions

  • Make sure you read about the commit conventions common to Nixpkgs as a whole.

  • Format the commit messages in the following way:

    nixos/(module): (init module | add setting | refactor | etc)
    (Motivation for change. Link to release notes. Additional information.)


    • nixos/hydra: add bazBaz option

      Dual baz behavior is needed to do foo.

    • nixos/nginx: refactor config generation

      The old config generation system used impure shell scripts and could break in specific circumstances (see #1234).

Reviewing contributions

When changing the bootloader installation process, extra care must be taken. Grub installations cannot be rolled back, hence changes may break peoples installations forever. For any non-trivial change to the bootloader please file a PR asking for review, especially from @edolstra.

Module updates

Module updates are submissions changing modules in some ways. These often contains changes to the options or introduce new options.

Reviewing process:

  • Ensure that the module maintainers are notified.
    • CODEOWNERS will make GitHub notify users based on the submitted changes, but it can happen that it misses some of the package maintainers.
  • Ensure that the module tests, if any, are succeeding.
    • You may invoke OfBorg with @ofborg test <module> to build nixosTests.<module>
  • Ensure that the introduced options are correct.
    • Type should be appropriate (string related types differs in their merging capabilities, loaOf and string types are deprecated).
    • Description, default and example should be provided.
  • Ensure that option changes are backward compatible.
    • mkRenamedOptionModuleWith provides a way to make renamed option backward compatible.
    • Use lib.versionAtLeast config.system.stateVersion "24.05" on backward incompatible changes which may corrupt, change or update the state stored on existing setups.
  • Ensure that removed options are declared with mkRemovedOptionModule.
  • Ensure that changes that are not backward compatible are mentioned in release notes.
  • Ensure that documentations affected by the change is updated.

Sample template for a module update review is provided below.

##### Reviewed points

- [ ] changes are backward compatible
- [ ] removed options are declared with `mkRemovedOptionModule`
- [ ] changes that are not backward compatible are documented in release notes
- [ ] module tests succeed on ARCHITECTURE
- [ ] options types are appropriate
- [ ] options description is set
- [ ] options example is provided
- [ ] documentation affected by the changes is updated

##### Possible improvements

##### Comments

New modules

New modules submissions introduce a new module to NixOS.

Reviewing process:

  • Ensure that all file paths fit the guidelines.
  • Ensure that the module tests, if any, are succeeding.
  • Ensure that the introduced options are correct.
    • Type should be appropriate (string related types differs in their merging capabilities, loaOf and string types are deprecated).
    • Description, default and example should be provided.
  • Ensure that module meta field is present
    • Maintainers should be declared in meta.maintainers.
    • Module documentation should be declared with meta.doc.
  • Ensure that the module respect other modules functionality.
    • For example, enabling a module should not open firewall ports by default.

Sample template for a new module review is provided below.

##### Reviewed points

- [ ] module path fits the guidelines
- [ ] module tests succeed on ARCHITECTURE
- [ ] options have appropriate types
- [ ] options have default
- [ ] options have example
- [ ] options have descriptions
- [ ] No unneeded package is added to `environment.systemPackages`
- [ ] `meta.maintainers` is set
- [ ] module documentation is declared in `meta.doc`

##### Possible improvements

##### Comments