178 lines
6.4 KiB
178 lines
6.4 KiB
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
## we default to importing <nixpkgs> here, so that you can use
## a simple shell command to insert new hashes into this file
## e.g. with emacs C-u M-x shell-command
## nix-prefetch-url sources.nix -A {stable{,.mono,.gecko64,.gecko32}, unstable, staging, winetricks}
# here we wrap fetchurl and fetchFromGitHub, in order to be able to pass additional args around it
let fetchurl = args@{url, hash, ...}:
pkgs.fetchurl { inherit url hash; } // args;
fetchFromGitHub = args@{owner, repo, rev, hash, ...}:
pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { inherit owner repo rev hash; } // args;
fetchFromGitLab = args@{domain, owner, repo, rev, hash, ...}:
pkgs.fetchFromGitLab { inherit domain owner repo rev hash; } // args;
updateScriptPreamble = ''
set -eou pipefail
PATH=${with pkgs; lib.makeBinPath [ common-updater-scripts coreutils curl gnugrep gnused jq nix ]}
source ${./update-lib.sh}
inherit (pkgs) writeShellScript;
in rec {
stable = fetchurl rec {
version = "8.0.2";
url = "https://dl.winehq.org/wine/source/8.0/wine-${version}.tar.xz";
hash = "sha256-bsj7byxy1XbLEfUrL41Zr2RASAIVRlHRIrmEZtkdyEc=";
## see http://wiki.winehq.org/Gecko
gecko32 = fetchurl rec {
version = "2.47.3";
url = "https://dl.winehq.org/wine/wine-gecko/${version}/wine-gecko-${version}-x86.msi";
hash = "sha256-5bmwbTzjVWRqjS5y4ETjfh4MjRhGTrGYWtzRh6f0jgE=";
gecko64 = fetchurl rec {
version = "2.47.3";
url = "https://dl.winehq.org/wine/wine-gecko/${version}/wine-gecko-${version}-x86_64.msi";
hash = "sha256-pT7pVDkrbR/j1oVF9uTiqXr7yNyLA6i0QzSVRc4TlnU=";
## see http://wiki.winehq.org/Mono
mono = fetchurl rec {
version = "7.4.0";
url = "https://dl.winehq.org/wine/wine-mono/${version}/wine-mono-${version}-x86.msi";
hash = "sha256-ZBP/Mo679+x2icZI/rNUbYEC3thlB50fvwMxsUs6sOw=";
patches = [
# Also look for root certificates at $NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE
updateScript = writeShellScript "update-wine-stable" (''
latest_stable=$(get_latest_wine_version "$major.0")
# Can't use autobump on stable because we don't want the path
# <source/7.0/wine-7.0.tar.xz> to become <source/7.0.1/wine-7.0.1.tar.xz>.
if [[ "$UPDATE_NIX_OLD_VERSION" != "$latest_stable" ]]; then
set_version_and_hash stable "$latest_stable" "$(nix-prefetch-url "$wine_url_base/source/$major.0/wine-$latest_stable.tar.xz")"
unstable = fetchurl rec {
# NOTE: Don't forget to change the hash for staging as well.
version = "8.14";
url = "https://dl.winehq.org/wine/source/8.x/wine-${version}.tar.xz";
hash = "sha256-4YNu9msYJfqdoEKDDASVsqw5SBVENkNGaXnuif3X+vQ=";
inherit (stable) patches;
## see http://wiki.winehq.org/Gecko
gecko32 = fetchurl rec {
version = "2.47.4";
url = "https://dl.winehq.org/wine/wine-gecko/${version}/wine-gecko-${version}-x86.msi";
hash = "sha256-Js7MR3BrCRkI9/gUvdsHTGG+uAYzGOnvxaf3iYV3k9Y=";
gecko64 = fetchurl rec {
version = "2.47.4";
url = "https://dl.winehq.org/wine/wine-gecko/${version}/wine-gecko-${version}-x86_64.msi";
hash = "sha256-5ZC32YijLWqkzx2Ko6o9M3Zv3Uz0yJwtzCCV7LKNBm8=";
## see http://wiki.winehq.org/Mono
mono = fetchurl rec {
version = "8.0.0";
url = "https://dl.winehq.org/wine/wine-mono/${version}/wine-mono-${version}-x86.msi";
hash = "sha256-dbP0XcodyJhX/p6TLaeHEPZMxtSe8asMcjoXcIW0cRs=";
updateScript = writeShellScript "update-wine-unstable" ''
latest_unstable=$(get_latest_wine_version "$major.x")
latest_gecko=$(get_latest_lib_version wine-gecko)
latest_mono=$(get_latest_lib_version wine-mono)
update_staging() {
staging_url=$(get_source_attr staging.url)
set_source_attr staging hash "\"$(to_sri "$(nix-prefetch-url --unpack "''${staging_url//$1/$2}")")\""
autobump unstable "$latest_unstable" "" update_staging
autobump unstable.gecko32 "$latest_gecko"
autobump unstable.gecko64 "$latest_gecko"
autobump unstable.mono "$latest_mono"
staging = fetchFromGitHub rec {
# https://github.com/wine-staging/wine-staging/releases
inherit (unstable) version;
hash = "sha256-ct/RGXt9B6F3PHbirX8K03AZ0Kunitd2HmI0N5k6VHI=";
owner = "wine-staging";
repo = "wine-staging";
rev = "v${version}";
disabledPatchsets = [ ];
wayland = fetchFromGitLab {
# https://gitlab.collabora.com/alf/wine/-/tree/wayland
version = "8.0";
hash = "sha256-whRnm21UyKZ4AQufNmctzivISVobnCeidmpYz65vlyk=";
domain = "gitlab.collabora.com";
owner = "alf";
repo = "wine";
rev = "2f80bd757739f2dd8da41abceae6b87d2c568152";
inherit (unstable) gecko32 gecko64;
inherit (unstable) mono;
updateScript = writeShellScript "update-wine-wayland" ''
wayland_rev=$(get_source_attr wayland.rev)
latest_wayland_rev=$(curl -s 'https://gitlab.collabora.com/api/v4/projects/2847/repository/branches/wayland' | jq -r .commit.id)
if [[ "$wayland_rev" != "$latest_wayland_rev" ]]; then
latest_wayland=$(curl -s 'https://gitlab.collabora.com/alf/wine/-/raw/wayland/VERSION' | cut -f3 -d' ')
wayland_url=$(get_source_attr wayland.url)
set_version_and_hash wayland "$latest_wayland" "$(nix-prefetch-url --unpack "''${wayland_url/$wayland_rev/$latest_wayland_rev}")"
set_source_attr wayland rev "\"$latest_wayland_rev\""
winetricks = fetchFromGitHub rec {
# https://github.com/Winetricks/winetricks/releases
version = "20230212";
hash = "sha256-pd37QTcqY5ZaVBssGecuqziOIq1p0JH0ZDB+oLmp9JU=";
owner = "Winetricks";
repo = "winetricks";
rev = version;
updateScript = writeShellScript "update-winetricks" ''
winetricks_repourl=$(get_source_attr winetricks.gitRepoUrl)
latest_winetricks=$(list-git-tags --url="$winetricks_repourl" | grep -E '^[0-9]{8}$' | sort --reverse --numeric-sort | head -n 1)
autobump winetricks "$latest_winetricks" 'nix-prefetch-url --unpack'