Eelco has made several early contributions to NixOS including writing the samba module among other things, but is more or less inactive these days. By my brief inspection, he has not committed to the nixos/ tree since releasing Nix 2.13 in early 2023 and merging a PR to networking tests slightly before that. A lot of these tests/modules are actually unmaintained in practice, so we should update the code to reflect the practical reality so someone can consider picking them up.
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# verifies:
# 1. jenkins service starts on master node
# 2. jenkins user can be extended on both master and slave
# 3. jenkins service not started on slave node
# 4. declarative jobs can be added and removed
import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ...} : {
name = "jenkins";
meta = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; {
maintainers = [ bjornfor coconnor domenkozar ];
nodes = {
master =
{ ... }:
{ services.jenkins = {
enable = true;
jobBuilder = {
enable = true;
nixJobs = [
{ job = {
name = "job-1";
builders = [
{ shell = ''
echo "Running job-1"
{ job = {
name = "folder-1";
project-type = "folder";
{ job = {
name = "folder-1/job-2";
builders = [
{ shell = ''
echo "Running job-2"
specialisation.noJenkinsJobs.configuration = {
services.jenkins.jobBuilder.nixJobs = pkgs.lib.mkForce [];
# should have no effect
services.jenkinsSlave.enable = true;
users.users.jenkins.extraGroups = [ "users" ];
systemd.services.jenkins.serviceConfig.TimeoutStartSec = "6min";
slave =
{ ... }:
{ services.jenkinsSlave.enable = true;
users.users.jenkins.extraGroups = [ "users" ];
testScript = { nodes, ... }:
configWithoutJobs = "${nodes.master.system.build.toplevel}/specialisation/noJenkinsJobs";
jenkinsPort = nodes.master.services.jenkins.port;
jenkinsUrl = "http://localhost:${toString jenkinsPort}";
in ''
assert "Authentication required" in master.succeed("curl http://localhost:8080")
for host in master, slave:
groups = host.succeed("sudo -u jenkins groups")
assert "jenkins" in groups
assert "users" in groups
slave.fail("systemctl is-enabled jenkins.service")
slave.succeed("java -fullversion")
with subtest("jobs are declarative"):
# Check that jobs are created on disk.
master.wait_until_succeeds("test -f /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/job-1/config.xml")
master.wait_until_succeeds("test -f /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/folder-1/config.xml")
master.wait_until_succeeds("test -f /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/folder-1/jobs/job-2/config.xml")
# Verify that jenkins also sees the jobs.
out = master.succeed("${pkgs.jenkins}/bin/jenkins-cli -s ${jenkinsUrl} -auth admin:$(cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword) list-jobs")
jobs = [x.strip() for x in out.splitlines()]
# Seeing jobs inside folders requires the Folders plugin
# (https://plugins.jenkins.io/cloudbees-folder/), which we don't have
# in this vanilla jenkins install, so limit ourself to non-folder jobs.
assert jobs == ['job-1'], f"jobs != ['job-1']: {jobs}"
"${configWithoutJobs}/bin/switch-to-configuration test >&2"
# Check that jobs are removed from disk.
master.wait_until_fails("test -f /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/job-1/config.xml")
master.wait_until_fails("test -f /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/folder-1/config.xml")
master.wait_until_fails("test -f /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/folder-1/jobs/job-2/config.xml")
# Verify that jenkins also sees the jobs as removed.
out = master.succeed("${pkgs.jenkins}/bin/jenkins-cli -s ${jenkinsUrl} -auth admin:$(cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword) list-jobs")
jobs = [x.strip() for x in out.splitlines()]
assert jobs == [], f"jobs != []: {jobs}"