The library does not depend on stdenv, that `stdenv` exposes `lib` is an artifact of the ancient origins of nixpkgs.
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# This test runs docker and checks if simple container starts
import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ...} : {
name = "docker";
meta = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; {
maintainers = [ nequissimus offline ];
nodes = {
docker =
{ pkgs, ... }:
virtualisation.docker.enable = true;
virtualisation.docker.package = pkgs.docker-edge;
users.users = {
noprivs = {
isNormalUser = true;
description = "Can't access the docker daemon";
password = "foobar";
hasprivs = {
isNormalUser = true;
description = "Can access the docker daemon";
password = "foobar";
extraGroups = [ "docker" ];
testScript = ''
docker.succeed("tar cv --files-from /dev/null | docker import - scratchimg")
"docker run -d --name=sleeping -v /nix/store:/nix/store -v /run/current-system/sw/bin:/bin scratchimg /bin/sleep 10"
docker.succeed("docker ps | grep sleeping")
docker.succeed("sudo -u hasprivs docker ps")
docker.fail("sudo -u noprivs docker ps")
docker.succeed("docker stop sleeping")
# Must match version 4 times to ensure client and server git commits and versions are correct
docker.succeed('[ $(docker version | grep ${pkgs.docker-edge.version} | wc -l) = "4" ]')