After https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/322388, darwin.cctools is just Apple’s cctools again. The replacement for what the bootstrap tools wants is darwin.binutils-unwrapped.
407 lines
14 KiB
407 lines
14 KiB
{ pkgspath ? ../../.., test-pkgspath ? pkgspath
, localSystem ? { system = builtins.currentSystem; }
, crossSystem ? null
, bootstrapFiles ? null
let cross = if crossSystem != null
then { inherit crossSystem; }
else {};
custom-bootstrap = if bootstrapFiles != null
then { stdenvStages = args:
let args' = args // { bootstrapFiles = bootstrapFiles; };
in (import "${pkgspath}/pkgs/stdenv/darwin" args');
else {};
in with import pkgspath ({ inherit localSystem; } // cross // custom-bootstrap);
rec {
build = stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "stdenv-bootstrap-tools";
nativeBuildInputs = [ dumpnar nukeReferences ];
buildCommand = let
inherit (lib)
coreutils_ = (coreutils.override (args: {
# We want coreutils without ACL support.
aclSupport = false;
# Cannot use a single binary build, or it gets dynamically linked against gmp.
singleBinary = false;
})).overrideAttrs (oa: {
# Increase header size to be able to inject extra RPATHs. Otherwise
# x86_64-darwin build fails as:
# https://cache.nixos.org/log/g5wyq9xqshan6m3kl21bjn1z88hx48rh-stdenv-bootstrap-tools.drv
NIX_LDFLAGS = (oa.NIX_LDFLAGS or "") + " -headerpad_max_install_names";
# Avoid messing with libkrb5 and libnghttp2.
curl_ = curlMinimal.override (args: {
gssSupport = false;
http2Support = false;
scpSupport = false;
unpackScript = writeText "bootstrap-tools-unpack.sh" ''
set -euo pipefail
echo Unpacking the bootstrap tools... >&2
mkdir $out
tar xf "$1" -C $out
updateInstallName() {
local path="$1"
cp "$path" "$path.new"
install_name_tool -id "$path" "$path.new"
codesign -f -i "$(basename "$path")" -s - "$path.new"
mv -f "$path.new" "$path"
find $out/lib -type f -name '*.dylib' -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' lib; do
updateInstallName "$lib"
# as is a wrapper around clang. need to replace the nuked store paths
sed -i 's|/.*/bin/|'"$out"'/bin/|' $out/bin/as
# Provide a gunzip script.
cat > $out/bin/gunzip <<EOF
exec $out/bin/gzip -d "\$@"
chmod +x $out/bin/gunzip
# Provide fgrep/egrep.
echo "#! $out/bin/sh" > $out/bin/egrep
echo "exec $out/bin/grep -E \"\$@\"" >> $out/bin/egrep
echo "#! $out/bin/sh" > $out/bin/fgrep
echo "exec $out/bin/grep -F \"\$@\"" >> $out/bin/fgrep
cat >$out/bin/dsymutil << EOF
chmod +x $out/bin/egrep $out/bin/fgrep $out/bin/dsymutil
mkdir -p $out/bin $out/lib $out/lib/darwin
${lib.optionalString stdenv.targetPlatform.isx86_64 ''
# Copy libSystem's .o files for various low-level boot stuff.
cp -d ${getLib darwin.Libsystem}/lib/*.o $out/lib
# Resolv is actually a link to another package, so let's copy it properly
cp -L ${getLib darwin.Libsystem}/lib/libresolv.9.dylib $out/lib
cp -rL ${getDev darwin.Libsystem}/include $out
chmod -R u+w $out/include
cp -rL ${getDev libiconv}/include/* $out/include
cp -rL ${getDev gnugrep.pcre2}/include/* $out/include
mv $out/include $out/include-Libsystem
# Copy binutils.
for i in as ld ar ranlib nm strip otool install_name_tool lipo codesign_allocate; do
cp ${getBin darwin.binutils-unwrapped}/bin/$i $out/bin
# Copy coreutils, bash, etc.
cp ${getBin coreutils_}/bin/* $out/bin
(cd $out/bin && rm vdir dir sha*sum pinky factor pathchk runcon shuf who whoami shred users)
cp -d ${getBin bash}/bin/{ba,}sh $out/bin
cp -d ${getBin diffutils}/bin/* $out/bin
cp ${getBin findutils}/bin/{find,xargs} $out/bin
cp -d ${getBin gawk}/bin/{g,}awk $out/bin
cp -d ${getBin gnugrep}/bin/grep $out/bin
cp -d ${getBin gnumake}/bin/* $out/bin
cp -d ${getBin gnused}/bin/* $out/bin
cp -d ${getBin patch}/bin/* $out/bin
cp -d ${getLib gettext}/lib/libintl*.dylib $out/lib
cp -d ${getLib gnugrep.pcre2}/lib/libpcre2*.dylib $out/lib
cp -d ${getLib libiconv}/lib/lib*.dylib $out/lib
cp -d ${getLib libxml2}/lib/libxml2*.dylib $out/lib
cp -d ${getLib ncurses}/lib/libncurses*.dylib $out/lib
# copy package extraction tools
cp -d ${getBin bzip2}/bin/b{,un}zip2 $out/bin
cp ${getBin cpio}/bin/cpio $out/bin
cp ${getBin gnutar}/bin/tar $out/bin
cp ${getBin gzip}/bin/.gzip-wrapped $out/bin/gzip
cp ${getBin pbzx}/bin/pbzx $out/bin
cp ${getBin xz}/bin/xz $out/bin
cp -d ${getLib bzip2}/lib/libbz2*.dylib $out/lib
cp -d ${getLib gmpxx}/lib/libgmp*.dylib $out/lib
cp -d ${getLib xar}/lib/libxar*.dylib $out/lib
cp -d ${getLib xz}/lib/liblzma*.dylib $out/lib
cp -d ${getLib zlib}/lib/libz*.dylib $out/lib
# This used to be in-nixpkgs, but now is in the bundle
# because I can't be bothered to make it partially static
cp ${getBin curl_}/bin/curl $out/bin
cp -d ${getLib curl_}/lib/libcurl*.dylib $out/lib
cp -d ${getLib openssl}/lib/*.dylib $out/lib
# Copy what we need of clang
cp -d ${getBin llvmPackages.clang-unwrapped}/bin/clang{,++,-cl,-cpp,-[0-9]*} $out/bin
cp -d ${getLib llvmPackages.clang-unwrapped}/lib/libclang-cpp*.dylib $out/lib
cp -rd ${getLib llvmPackages.clang-unwrapped}/lib/clang $out/lib
cp -d ${getLib llvmPackages.libcxx}/lib/libc++*.dylib $out/lib
mkdir -p $out/lib/darwin
cp -d ${getLib llvmPackages.compiler-rt}/lib/darwin/libclang_rt.{,profile_}osx.a $out/lib/darwin
cp -d ${getLib llvmPackages.compiler-rt}/lib/libclang_rt.{,profile_}osx.a $out/lib
cp -d ${getLib llvmPackages.llvm}/lib/libLLVM.dylib $out/lib
cp -d ${getLib libffi}/lib/libffi*.dylib $out/lib
mkdir $out/include
cp -rd ${getDev llvmPackages.libcxx}/include/c++ $out/include
# copy .tbd assembly utils
cp ${getBin darwin.rewrite-tbd}/bin/rewrite-tbd $out/bin
cp -d ${getLib libyaml}/lib/libyaml*.dylib $out/lib
# copy sigtool
cp -d ${getBin darwin.sigtool}/bin/{codesign,sigtool} $out/bin
cp -d ${getLib darwin.libtapi}/lib/libtapi*.dylib $out/lib
# tools needed to unpack bootstrap archive
mkdir -p unpack/bin unpack/lib
cp -d ${getBin bash}/bin/{bash,sh} unpack/bin
cp ${getBin coreutils_}/bin/mkdir unpack/bin
cp ${getBin gnutar}/bin/tar unpack/bin
cp ${getBin xz}/bin/xz unpack/bin
cp -d ${getLib gettext}/lib/libintl*.dylib unpack/lib
cp -d ${getLib libiconv}/lib/lib*.dylib unpack/lib
cp -d ${getLib xz}/lib/liblzma*.dylib unpack/lib
cp ${unpackScript} unpack/bootstrap-tools-unpack.sh
# All files copied. Perform processing to update references to point into
# the archive
chmod -R u+w $out unpack
# - change nix store library paths to use @rpath/library
# - if needed add an rpath containing lib/
# - strip executable
rpathify() {
local libs=$(${stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}otool -L "$1" | tail -n +2 | grep -o "$NIX_STORE.*-\S*" || true)
local lib rpath
for lib in $libs; do
${stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}install_name_tool -change $lib "@rpath/$(basename "$lib")" "$1"
case "$(dirname "$1")" in
# Strip executables even further
${stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}strip "$i"
# the '/.' suffix is required
echo unkown executable $1 >&2
exit 1
# if shared object contains references add an rpath to lib/
if ${stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}otool -l "$1"| grep -q '@rpath/'; then
${stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}install_name_tool -add_rpath "$rpath" "$1"
# check that linked library paths exist in lib
# must be run after rpathify is performed
checkDeps() {
local deps=$(${stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}otool -l "$1"| grep -o '@rpath/[^ ]*' || true)
local lib
shopt -s extglob
for lib in $deps; do
local root="''${1/\/@(lib|bin)\/*}"
if [[ ! -e $root/''${lib/@rpath/lib} ]]; then
echo "error: $1 missing lib for $lib" >&2
exit 1
shopt -u extglob
for i in {unpack,$out}/bin/* {unpack,$out}/lib{,/darwin}/*.dylib; do
if [[ ! -L $i ]] && isMachO "$i"; then
rpathify "$i"
checkDeps "$i"
nuke-refs {unpack,$out}/bin/*
nuke-refs {unpack,$out}/lib/*
nuke-refs $out/lib/darwin/*
mkdir $out/.pack
mv $out/* $out/.pack
mv $out/.pack $out/pack
mkdir $out/on-server
cp -r unpack $out
XZ_OPT="-9 -T $NIX_BUILD_CORES" tar cvJf $out/on-server/bootstrap-tools.tar.xz \
--hard-dereference --sort=name --numeric-owner --owner=0 --group=0 --mtime=@1 -C $out/pack .
dumpnar $out/unpack | xz -9 -T $NIX_BUILD_CORES > $out/on-server/unpack.nar.xz
allowedReferences = [];
meta = {
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.copumpkin ];
bootstrapFiles = {
bootstrapTools = "${build}/on-server/bootstrap-tools.tar.xz";
unpack = runCommand "unpack" { allowedReferences = []; } ''
cp -r ${build}/unpack $out
bootstrapTools = derivation {
inherit (stdenv.hostPlatform) system;
name = "bootstrap-tools";
builder = "${bootstrapFiles.unpack}/bin/bash";
args = [
PATH = lib.makeBinPath [
(placeholder "out")
allowedReferences = [ "out" ];
test = derivation {
name = "test-bootstrap-tools";
inherit (stdenv.hostPlatform) system;
builder = "${bootstrapTools}/bin/bash";
args = [ "-euo" "pipefail" "-c" "eval \"$buildCommand\"" ];
PATH = lib.makeBinPath [ bootstrapTools ];
tools = bootstrapTools;
"${stdenv.cc.darwinMinVersionVariable}" = stdenv.cc.darwinMinVersion;
# Create a pure environment where we use just what's in the bootstrap tools.
buildCommand = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
for exe in $tools/bin/*; do
[[ $exe =~ bunzip2|codesign.*|false|install_name_tool|ld|lipo|pbzx|ranlib|rewrite-tbd|sigtool ]] && continue
$exe --version > /dev/null || { echo $exe failed >&2; exit 1; }
# run all exes that don't take a --version flag
bunzip2 -h
codesign --help
codesign_allocate -i $tools/bin/true -r -o true
false || (($? == 1))
install_name_tool -id true true
ld -v
lipo -info true
pbzx -v
# ranlib gets tested bulding hello
rewrite-tbd </dev/null
sigtool -h
rm true
# The grep will return a nonzero exit code if there is no match, and we want to assert that we have
# an SSL-capable curl
curl --version | grep SSL
# This approximates a bootstrap version of libSystem can that be
# assembled via fetchurl. Adapted from main libSystem expression.
mkdir libSystem-boot
cp -vr \
${stdenv.cc.libc_dev}/lib/libSystem.B.tbd \
${stdenv.cc.libc_dev}/lib/system \
sed -i "s|/usr/lib/system/|$PWD/libSystem-boot/system/|g" libSystem-boot/libSystem.B.tbd
ln -s libSystem.B.tbd libSystem-boot/libSystem.tbd
# End of bootstrap libSystem
export flags="-idirafter $tools/include-Libsystem --sysroot=$tools -L$tools/lib -L$PWD/libSystem-boot"
export CPP="clang -E $flags"
export CC="clang $flags"
export CXX="clang++ $flags --stdlib=libc++ -isystem$tools/include/c++/v1"
# NOTE: These tests do a separate 'install' step (using cp), because
# having clang write directly to the final location apparently will make
# running the executable fail signature verification. (SIGKILL'd)
# Suspect this is creating a corrupt entry in the kernel cache, but it is
# unique to cctools ld. (The problem goes away with `-fuse-ld=lld`.)
echo '#include <stdio.h>' >> hello1.c
echo '#include <float.h>' >> hello1.c
echo '#include <limits.h>' >> hello1.c
echo 'int main() { printf("Hello World\n"); return 0; }' >> hello1.c
$CC -o hello1 hello1.c
cp hello1 $out/bin/
echo '#include <iostream>' >> hello3.cc
echo 'int main() { std::cout << "Hello World\n"; }' >> hello3.cc
$CXX -v -o hello3 hello3.cc
cp hello3 $out/bin/
# test that libc++.dylib rpaths are correct so it can reference libc++abi.dylib when linked.
# using -Wl,-flat_namespace is required to generate an error
mkdir libtest/
ln -s $tools/lib/libc++.dylib libtest/
clang++ -Wl,-flat_namespace -idirafter $tools/include-Libsystem -isystem$tools/include/c++/v1 \
--sysroot=$tools -L./libtest -L$PWD/libSystem-boot hello3.cc
tar xvf ${hello.src}
cd hello-*
# hello configure detects -liconv is needed but doesn't add to the link step
LDFLAGS=-liconv ./configure --prefix=$out
make install
# The ultimate test: bootstrap a whole stdenv from the tools specified above and get a package set out of it
# eg: nix-build -A freshBootstrapTools.test-pkgs.stdenv
test-pkgs = import test-pkgspath {
# if the bootstrap tools are for another platform, we should be testing
# that platform.
localSystem = if crossSystem != null then crossSystem else localSystem;
stdenvStages = args: let
args' = args // { inherit bootstrapFiles; };
in (import (test-pkgspath + "/pkgs/stdenv/darwin") args');