- ocamlPackages.tls*: 0.15.2 -> 0.15.3 - ocamlPackages.bistro: unstable-2021-11-13 -> unstable-2022-05-07 - ocamlPackages.phylogenetics: 0.1.0 -> unstable-2022-05-06
14 lines
805 B
14 lines
805 B
diff --git a/web_ui/element_size_hooks/visibility_tracker.ml b/web_ui/element_size_hooks/visibility_tracker.ml
index 2e5dbe0..61df433 100644
--- a/web_ui/element_size_hooks/visibility_tracker.ml
+++ b/web_ui/element_size_hooks/visibility_tracker.ml
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ let get_conservative_vis_bounds (element : Dom_html.element Js.t) : Bounds.t opt
and client_height = client_bounds##.height
and window_height = Dom_html.window##.innerHeight
and window_width = Dom_html.window##.innerWidth in
- let%bind.Option window_height = Js.Optdef.to_option window_height in
- let%bind.Option window_width = Js.Optdef.to_option window_width in
let window_height = Float.of_int window_height
and window_width = Float.of_int window_width
and client_width = Js.Optdef.get client_width (Fn.const 0.0)