When a system has a wrong date and time timesyncd is unable to synchronize it because DNSSEC doesn't work. In order to break this chicken and egg problem systemd-timesync disables DNSSEC validation by setting SYSTEMD_NSS_RESOLVE_VALIDATE=0 in the unit file. However, it doesn't work in NixOS because it uses NSCD. This patch disables NSCD in systemd-timesyncd when SYSTEMD_NSS_RESOLVE_VALIDATE is set to 0 so that it uses NSS libraries directly. In order for it to be able to find the libnss_resolve.so.2 library this patch adds the systemd directory in the nix store to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
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# This test verifies that systemd-timesyncd can resolve the NTP server hostname when DNSSEC validation
# fails even though it is enforced in the systemd-resolved settings. It is required in order to solve
# the chicken-and-egg problem when DNSSEC validation needs the correct time to work, but to set the
# correct time, we need to connect to an NTP server, which usually requires resolving its hostname.
# This test does the following:
# - Sets up a DNS server (tinydns) listening on the eth1 ip addess, serving .ntp and fake.ntp records.
# - Configures that DNS server as a resolver and enables DNSSEC in systemd-resolved settings.
# - Configures systemd-timesyncd to use fake.ntp hostname as an NTP server.
# - Performs a regular DNS lookup, to ensure it fails due to broken DNSSEC.
# - Waits until systemd-timesyncd resolves fake.ntp by checking its debug output.
# Here, we don't expect systemd-timesyncd to connect and synchronize time because there is no NTP
# server running. For this test to succeed, we only need to ensure that systemd-timesyncd
# resolves the IP address of the fake.ntp host.
import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ... }:
ntpHostname = "fake.ntp";
ntpIP = "";
name = "systemd-timesyncd";
nodes.machine = { pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
eth1IP = (lib.head config.networking.interfaces.eth1.ipv4.addresses).address;
# Setup a local DNS server for the NTP domain on the eth1 IP address
services.tinydns = {
enable = true;
ip = eth1IP;
data = ''
# Enable systemd-resolved with DNSSEC and use the local DNS as a name server
services.resolved.enable = true;
services.resolved.dnssec = "true";
networking.nameservers = [ eth1IP ];
# Configure systemd-timesyncd to use our NTP hostname
services.timesyncd.enable = lib.mkForce true;
services.timesyncd.servers = [ ntpHostname ];
services.timesyncd.extraConfig = ''
# The debug output is necessary to determine whether systemd-timesyncd successfully resolves our NTP hostname or not
systemd.services.systemd-timesyncd.environment.SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL = "debug";
testScript = ''
machine.fail("resolvectl query ${ntpHostname}")
machine.wait_until_succeeds("journalctl -u systemd-timesyncd.service --grep='Resolved address ${ntpIP}:123 for ${ntpHostname}'")