99 lines
3.0 KiB
99 lines
3.0 KiB
# This is a app can only be used in a browser and starts a web server only accessible at
# localhost/ from the local computer at the given port.
defaultHostname ? "",
defaultPort ? 3000,
# Where to find the Ollama service; this url gets baked into the Nix package
ollamaUrl ? "",
version = "1.1.0";
buildNpmPackage {
pname = "nextjs-ollama-llm-ui";
inherit version;
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "jakobhoeg";
repo = "nextjs-ollama-llm-ui";
rev = "v${version}";
hash = "sha256-IA7g96u5QY8cOuTbJEWw7+U+hSFBzIQVk4Kv3qHKAdM=";
npmDepsHash = "sha256-3M0BZ9KZZ0ONwvTLycfMR8skMQf8mzjeqYCwJY4l040=";
patches = [
# nextjs tries to download google fonts from the internet during buildPhase and fails in Nix sandbox.
# We patch the code to expect a local font from src/app/Inter.ttf that we load from Nixpkgs in preBuild phase.
# Adjust buildNpmPackage phases with nextjs quirk workarounds.
# These are adapted from
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/485125d667747f971cfcd1a1cfb4b2213a700c79/pkgs/servers/homepage-dashboard/default.nix
preBuild = ''
# We have to pass and bake in the Ollama URL into the package
echo "NEXT_PUBLIC_OLLAMA_URL=${ollamaUrl}" > .env
# Replace the googleapis.com Inter font with a local copy from nixpkgs
cp "${inter}/share/fonts/truetype/InterVariable.ttf" src/app/Inter.ttf
postBuild = ''
# Add a shebang to the server js file, then patch the shebang to use a nixpkgs nodejs binary.
sed -i '1s|^|#!/usr/bin/env node\n|' .next/standalone/server.js
patchShebangs .next/standalone/server.js
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p $out/{share,bin}
cp -r .next/standalone $out/share/homepage/
cp -r .env $out/share/homepage/
cp -r public $out/share/homepage/public
mkdir -p $out/share/homepage/.next
cp -r .next/static $out/share/homepage/.next/static
# https://github.com/vercel/next.js/discussions/58864
ln -s /var/cache/nextjs-ollama-llm-ui $out/share/homepage/.next/cache
chmod +x $out/share/homepage/server.js
# we set a default port to support "nix run ..."
makeWrapper $out/share/homepage/server.js $out/bin/nextjs-ollama-llm-ui \
--set-default PORT ${toString defaultPort} \
--set-default HOSTNAME ${defaultHostname}
runHook postInstall
doDist = false;
passthru = {
tests = {
inherit (nixosTests) nextjs-ollama-llm-ui;
meta = {
description = "Simple chat web interface for Ollama LLMs";
changelog = "https://github.com/jakobhoeg/nextjs-ollama-llm-ui/releases/tag/v${version}";
mainProgram = "nextjs-ollama-llm-ui";
homepage = "https://github.com/jakobhoeg/nextjs-ollama-llm-ui";
license = lib.licenses.mit;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ malteneuss ];
platforms = lib.platforms.all;