Eelco Dolstra a323d146b7 Add user attribute isNormalUser
This is shorthand for setting group, createHome, home, useDefaultShell
and isSystemUser.
2014-08-15 02:16:04 +02:00

505 lines
14 KiB
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#! @perl@
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use File::Spec;
use File::Path;
use File::Basename;
use File::Slurp;
use File::stat;
sub uniq {
my %seen;
my @res = ();
foreach my $s (@_) {
if (!defined $seen{$s}) {
$seen{$s} = 1;
push @res, $s;
return @res;
# Process the command line.
my $outDir = "/etc/nixos";
my $rootDir = ""; # = /
my $force = 0;
my $noFilesystems = 0;
my $showHardwareConfig = 0;
for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar @ARGV; $n++) {
my $arg = $ARGV[$n];
if ($arg eq "--help") {
exec "man nixos-generate-config" or die;
elsif ($arg eq "--dir") {
$outDir = $ARGV[$n];
die "$0: --dir requires an argument\n" unless defined $outDir;
elsif ($arg eq "--root") {
$rootDir = $ARGV[$n];
die "$0: --root requires an argument\n" unless defined $rootDir;
$rootDir =~ s/\/*$//; # remove trailing slashes
elsif ($arg eq "--force") {
$force = 1;
elsif ($arg eq "--no-filesystems") {
$noFilesystems = 1;
elsif ($arg eq "--show-hardware-config") {
$showHardwareConfig = 1;
else {
die "$0: unrecognized argument $arg\n";
my @attrs = ();
my @kernelModules = ();
my @initrdKernelModules = ();
my @modulePackages = ();
my @imports = ("<nixpkgs/nixos/modules/installer/scan/not-detected.nix>");
sub debug {
return unless defined $ENV{"DEBUG"};
print STDERR @_;
my $cpuinfo = read_file "/proc/cpuinfo";
sub hasCPUFeature {
my $feature = shift;
return $cpuinfo =~ /^flags\s*:.* $feature( |$)/m;
# Detect the number of CPU cores.
my $cpus = scalar (grep {/^processor\s*:/} (split '\n', $cpuinfo));
# Virtualization support?
push @kernelModules, "kvm-intel" if hasCPUFeature "vmx";
push @kernelModules, "kvm-amd" if hasCPUFeature "svm";
# Look at the PCI devices and add necessary modules. Note that most
# modules are auto-detected so we don't need to list them here.
# However, some are needed in the initrd to boot the system.
my $videoDriver;
sub pciCheck {
my $path = shift;
my $vendor = read_file "$path/vendor"; chomp $vendor;
my $device = read_file "$path/device"; chomp $device;
my $class = read_file "$path/class"; chomp $class;
my $module;
if (-e "$path/driver/module") {
$module = basename `readlink -f $path/driver/module`;
chomp $module;
debug "$path: $vendor $device $class";
debug " $module" if defined $module;
debug "\n";
if (defined $module) {
# See the bottom of for
# device classes.
if (# Mass-storage controller. Definitely important.
$class =~ /^0x01/ ||
# Firewire controller. A disk might be attached.
$class =~ /^0x0c00/ ||
# USB controller. Needed if we want to use the
# keyboard when things go wrong in the initrd.
$class =~ /^0x0c03/
push @initrdAvailableKernelModules, $module;
# broadcom STA driver (wl.ko)
# list taken from
if ($vendor eq "0x14e4" &&
($device eq "0x4311" || $device eq "0x4312" || $device eq "0x4313" ||
$device eq "0x4315" || $device eq "0x4327" || $device eq "0x4328" ||
$device eq "0x4329" || $device eq "0x432a" || $device eq "0x432b" ||
$device eq "0x432c" || $device eq "0x432d" || $device eq "0x4353" ||
$device eq "0x4357" || $device eq "0x4358" || $device eq "0x4359" ||
$device eq "0x4331" || $device eq "0x43a0" || $device eq "0x43b1"
) )
push @modulePackages, "config.boot.kernelPackages.broadcom_sta";
push @kernelModules, "wl";
# Can't rely on $module here, since the module may not be loaded
# due to missing firmware. Ideally we would check modules.pcimap
# here.
push @attrs, "networking.enableIntel2200BGFirmware = true;" if
$vendor eq "0x8086" &&
($device eq "0x1043" || $device eq "0x104f" || $device eq "0x4220" ||
$device eq "0x4221" || $device eq "0x4223" || $device eq "0x4224");
push @attrs, "networking.enableIntel3945ABGFirmware = true;" if
$vendor eq "0x8086" &&
($device eq "0x4229" || $device eq "0x4230" ||
$device eq "0x4222" || $device eq "0x4227");
# Assume that all NVIDIA cards are supported by the NVIDIA driver.
# There may be exceptions (e.g. old cards).
# FIXME: do we want to enable an unfree driver here?
#$videoDriver = "nvidia" if $vendor eq "0x10de" && $class =~ /^0x03/;
foreach my $path (glob "/sys/bus/pci/devices/*") {
pciCheck $path;
push @attrs, "services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ \"$videoDriver\" ];" if $videoDriver;
# Idem for USB devices.
sub usbCheck {
my $path = shift;
my $class = read_file "$path/bInterfaceClass"; chomp $class;
my $subclass = read_file "$path/bInterfaceSubClass"; chomp $subclass;
my $protocol = read_file "$path/bInterfaceProtocol"; chomp $protocol;
my $module;
if (-e "$path/driver/module") {
$module = basename `readlink -f $path/driver/module`;
chomp $module;
debug "$path: $class $subclass $protocol";
debug " $module" if defined $module;
debug "\n";
if (defined $module) {
if (# Mass-storage controller. Definitely important.
$class eq "08" ||
# Keyboard. Needed if we want to use the
# keyboard when things go wrong in the initrd.
($class eq "03" && $protocol eq "01")
push @initrdAvailableKernelModules, $module;
foreach my $path (glob "/sys/bus/usb/devices/*") {
if (-e "$path/bInterfaceClass") {
usbCheck $path;
# Add the modules for all block devices.
foreach my $path (glob "/sys/class/block/*") {
my $module;
if (-e "$path/device/driver/module") {
$module = basename `readlink -f $path/device/driver/module`;
chomp $module;
push @initrdAvailableKernelModules, $module;
my $virt = `systemd-detect-virt`;
chomp $virt;
# Check if we're a VirtualBox guest. If so, enable the guest
# additions.
if ($virt eq "oracle") {
push @attrs, "services.virtualbox.enable = true;"
# Likewise for QEMU.
if ($virt eq "qemu" || $virt eq "kvm" || $virt eq "bochs") {
push @imports, "<nixpkgs/nixos/modules/profiles/qemu-guest.nix>";
# For a device name like /dev/sda1, find a more stable path like
# /dev/disk/by-uuid/X or /dev/disk/by-label/Y.
sub findStableDevPath {
my ($dev) = @_;
return $dev if substr($dev, 0, 1) ne "/";
return $dev unless -e $dev;
my $st = stat($dev) or return $dev;
foreach my $dev2 (glob("/dev/disk/by-uuid/*"), glob("/dev/mapper/*"), glob("/dev/disk/by-label/*")) {
my $st2 = stat($dev2) or next;
return $dev2 if $st->rdev == $st2->rdev;
return $dev;
# Generate the swapDevices option from the currently activated swap
# devices.
my @swaps = read_file("/proc/swaps");
shift @swaps;
my @swapDevices;
foreach my $swap (@swaps) {
$swap =~ /^(\S+)\s/;
next unless -e $1;
my $dev = findStableDevPath $1;
push @swapDevices, "{ device = \"$dev\"; }";
# Generate the fileSystems option from the currently mounted
# filesystems.
sub in {
my ($d1, $d2) = @_;
return $d1 eq $d2 || substr($d1, 0, length($d2) + 1) eq "$d2/";
my $fileSystems;
my %fsByDev;
foreach my $fs (read_file("/proc/self/mountinfo")) {
chomp $fs;
my @fields = split / /, $fs;
my $mountPoint = $fields[4];
next unless -d $mountPoint;
my @mountOptions = split /,/, $fields[5];
next if !in($mountPoint, $rootDir);
$mountPoint = substr($mountPoint, length($rootDir)); # strip the root directory (e.g. /mnt)
$mountPoint = "/" if $mountPoint eq "";
# Skip special filesystems.
next if in($mountPoint, "/proc") || in($mountPoint, "/dev") || in($mountPoint, "/sys") || in($mountPoint, "/run") || $mountPoint eq "/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs";
next if $mountPoint eq "/var/setuid-wrappers";
# Skip the optional fields.
my $n = 6; $n++ while $fields[$n] ne "-"; $n++;
my $fsType = $fields[$n];
my $device = $fields[$n + 1];
my @superOptions = split /,/, $fields[$n + 2];
# Skip the read-only bind-mount on /nix/store.
next if $mountPoint eq "/nix/store" && (grep { $_ eq "rw" } @superOptions) && (grep { $_ eq "ro" } @mountOptions);
# Maybe this is a bind-mount of a filesystem we saw earlier?
if (defined $fsByDev{$fields[2]}) {
my $path = $fields[3]; $path = "" if $path eq "/";
my $base = $fsByDev{$fields[2]};
$base = "" if $base eq "/";
$fileSystems .= <<EOF;
fileSystems.\"$mountPoint\" =
{ device = \"$base$path\";
fsType = \"none\";
options = \"bind\";
$fsByDev{$fields[2]} = $mountPoint;
# We don't know how to handle FUSE filesystems.
if ($fsType eq "fuseblk" || $fsType eq "fuse") {
print STDERR "warning: don't know how to emit fileSystem option for FUSE filesystem $mountPoint\n";
# Is this a mount of a loopback device?
my @extraOptions;
if ($device =~ /\/dev\/loop(\d+)/) {
my $loopnr = $1;
my $backer = read_file "/sys/block/loop$loopnr/loop/backing_file";
if (defined $backer) {
chomp $backer;
$device = $backer;
push @extraOptions, "loop";
# Emit the filesystem.
$fileSystems .= <<EOF;
fileSystems.\"$mountPoint\" =
{ device = \"${\(findStableDevPath $device)}\";
fsType = \"$fsType\";
if (scalar @extraOptions > 0) {
$fileSystems .= <<EOF;
options = \"${\join ",", uniq(@extraOptions)}\";
$fileSystems .= <<EOF;
# Generate the hardware configuration file.
sub toNixExpr {
my $res = "";
foreach my $s (@_) {
$res .= " \"$s\"";
return $res;
sub multiLineList {
my $indent = shift;
return " [ ]" if !@_;
$res = "\n${indent}[ ";
my $first = 1;
foreach my $s (@_) {
$res .= "$indent " if !$first;
$first = 0;
$res .= "$s\n";
$res .= "$indent]";
return $res;
my $initrdAvailableKernelModules = toNixExpr(uniq @initrdAvailableKernelModules);
my $kernelModules = toNixExpr(uniq @kernelModules);
my $modulePackages = toNixExpr(uniq @modulePackages);
my $fsAndSwap = "";
if (!$noFilesystems) {
$fsAndSwap = "\n${fileSystems} ";
$fsAndSwap .= "swapDevices =" . multiLineList(" ", @swapDevices) . ";\n";
my $hwConfig = <<EOF;
# Do not modify this file! It was generated by nixos-generate-config
# and may be overwritten by future invocations. Please make changes
# to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix instead.
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
imports =${\multiLineList(" ", @imports)};
boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [$initrdAvailableKernelModules ];
boot.kernelModules = [$kernelModules ];
boot.extraModulePackages = [$modulePackages ];
nix.maxJobs = $cpus;
${\join "", (map { " $_\n" } (uniq @attrs))}}
if ($showHardwareConfig) {
print STDOUT $hwConfig;
} else {
$outDir = "$rootDir$outDir";
my $fn = "$outDir/hardware-configuration.nix";
print STDERR "writing $fn...\n";
mkpath($outDir, 0, 0755);
write_file($fn, $hwConfig);
# Generate a basic configuration.nix, unless one already exists.
$fn = "$outDir/configuration.nix";
if ($force || ! -e $fn) {
print STDERR "writing $fn...\n";
my $bootloaderConfig;
if (-e "/sys/firmware/efi/efivars") {
$bootLoaderConfig = <<EOF;
# Use the gummiboot efi boot loader.
boot.loader.gummiboot.enable = true;
boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;
} else {
$bootLoaderConfig = <<EOF;
# Use the GRUB 2 boot loader.
boot.loader.grub.enable = true;
boot.loader.grub.version = 2;
# Define on which hard drive you want to install Grub.
# boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/sda";
write_file($fn, <<EOF);
# Edit this configuration file to define what should be installed on
# your system. Help is available in the configuration.nix(5) man page
# and in the NixOS manual (accessible by running nixos-help).
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
imports =
[ # Include the results of the hardware scan.
# networking.hostName = "nixos"; # Define your hostname.
# networking.wireless.enable = true; # Enables wireless.
# Select internationalisation properties.
# i18n = {
# consoleFont = "lat9w-16";
# consoleKeyMap = "us";
# defaultLocale = "en_US.UTF-8";
# };
# List packages installed in system profile. To search by name, run:
# \$ nix-env -qaP | grep wget
# environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
# wget
# ];
# List services that you want to enable:
# Enable the OpenSSH daemon.
# services.openssh.enable = true;
# Enable CUPS to print documents.
# services.printing.enable = true;
# Enable the X11 windowing system.
# services.xserver.enable = true;
# services.xserver.layout = "us";
# services.xserver.xkbOptions = "eurosign:e";
# Enable the KDE Desktop Environment.
# services.xserver.displayManager.kdm.enable = true;
# services.xserver.desktopManager.kde4.enable = true;
# Define a user account. Don't forget to set a password with passwd.
# users.extraUsers.guest = {
# isNormalUser = true;
# uid = 1000;
# };
} else {
print STDERR "warning: not overwriting existing $fn\n";
# workaround for a bug in substituteAll