false by default. I noticed checkhealth complaining about it Which made me realize the providers ignored user config and were always using default config, hence the backport.
242 lines
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242 lines
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{ lib
, callPackage
, vimUtils
, nodejs
, neovim-unwrapped
, bundlerEnv
, ruby
, lua
, python3Packages
, writeText
, wrapNeovimUnstable
, runCommand
inherit (vimUtils) toVimPlugin;
/* returns everything needed for the caller to wrap its own neovim:
- the generated content of the future init.vim
- the arguments to wrap neovim with
The caller is responsible for writing the init.vim and adding it to the wrapped
arguments (["-u" writeText "init.vim" GENERATEDRC)]).
This makes it possible to write the config anywhere: on a per-project basis
.nvimrc or in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/init.vim to avoid sideeffects.
Indeed, note that wrapping with `-u init.vim` has sideeffects like .nvimrc wont be loaded
anymore, $MYVIMRC wont be set etc
makeNeovimConfig =
{ withPython3 ? true
/* the function you would have passed to python3.withPackages */
, extraPython3Packages ? (_: [ ])
, withNodeJs ? false
, withRuby ? true
/* the function you would have passed to lua.withPackages */
, extraLuaPackages ? (_: [ ])
# expects a list of plugin configuration
# expects { plugin=far-vim; config = "let g:far#source='rg'"; optional = false; }
, plugins ? []
# custom viml config appended after plugin-specific config
, customRC ? ""
# for forward compability, when adding new environments, haskell etc.
, ...
rubyEnv = bundlerEnv {
name = "neovim-ruby-env";
gemdir = ./ruby_provider;
postBuild = ''
ln -sf ${ruby}/bin/* $out/bin
# transform all plugins into an attrset
# { optional = bool; plugin = package; }
pluginsNormalized = let
defaultPlugin = {
plugin = null;
config = null;
optional = false;
map (x: defaultPlugin // (if (x ? plugin) then x else { plugin = x; })) plugins;
pluginRC = lib.foldl (acc: p: if p.config != null then acc ++ [p.config] else acc) [] pluginsNormalized;
pluginsPartitioned = lib.partition (x: x.optional == true) pluginsNormalized;
requiredPlugins = vimUtils.requiredPluginsForPackage myVimPackage;
getDeps = attrname: map (plugin: plugin.${attrname} or (_: [ ]));
myVimPackage = {
start = map (x: x.plugin) pluginsPartitioned.wrong;
opt = map (x: x.plugin) pluginsPartitioned.right;
pluginPython3Packages = getDeps "python3Dependencies" requiredPlugins;
python3Env = python3Packages.python.withPackages (ps:
[ ps.pynvim ]
++ (extraPython3Packages ps)
++ (lib.concatMap (f: f ps) pluginPython3Packages));
luaEnv = neovim-unwrapped.lua.withPackages(extraLuaPackages);
# as expected by packdir
packpathDirs.myNeovimPackages = myVimPackage;
## Here we calculate all of the arguments to the 1st call of `makeWrapper`
# We start with the executable itself NOTE we call this variable "initial"
# because if configure != {} we need to call makeWrapper twice, in order to
# avoid double wrapping, see comment near finalMakeWrapperArgs
makeWrapperArgs =
binPath = lib.makeBinPath (lib.optionals withRuby [ rubyEnv ] ++ lib.optionals withNodeJs [ nodejs ]);
] ++ lib.optionals withRuby [
"--set" "GEM_HOME" "${rubyEnv}/${rubyEnv.ruby.gemPath}"
] ++ lib.optionals (binPath != "") [
"--suffix" "PATH" ":" binPath
] ++ lib.optionals (luaEnv != null) [
"--prefix" "LUA_PATH" ";" (neovim-unwrapped.lua.pkgs.luaLib.genLuaPathAbsStr luaEnv)
"--prefix" "LUA_CPATH" ";" (neovim-unwrapped.lua.pkgs.luaLib.genLuaCPathAbsStr luaEnv)
manifestRc = vimUtils.vimrcContent ({ customRC = ""; }) ;
# we call vimrcContent without 'packages' to avoid the init.vim generation
neovimRcContent = vimUtils.vimrcContent ({
beforePlugins = "";
customRC = lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (pluginRC ++ [customRC]);
packages = null;
builtins.removeAttrs args ["plugins"] // {
wrapperArgs = makeWrapperArgs;
inherit packpathDirs;
inherit neovimRcContent;
inherit manifestRc;
inherit python3Env;
inherit luaEnv;
inherit withNodeJs;
} // lib.optionalAttrs withRuby {
inherit rubyEnv;
# to keep backwards compatibility for people using neovim.override
legacyWrapper = neovim: {
extraMakeWrapperArgs ? ""
/* the function you would have passed to python.withPackages */
, extraPythonPackages ? (_: [])
/* the function you would have passed to python.withPackages */
, withPython3 ? true, extraPython3Packages ? (_: [])
/* the function you would have passed to lua.withPackages */
, extraLuaPackages ? (_: [])
, withNodeJs ? false
, withRuby ? true
, vimAlias ? false
, viAlias ? false
, configure ? {}
, extraName ? ""
# we convert from the old configure.format to
plugins = if builtins.hasAttr "plug" configure then
throw "The neovim legacy wrapper doesn't support configure.plug anymore, please setup your plugins via 'configure.packages' instead"
lib.flatten (lib.mapAttrsToList genPlugin (configure.packages or {}));
genPlugin = packageName: {start ? [], opt ? []}:
start ++ (map (p: { plugin = p; optional = true; }) opt);
res = makeNeovimConfig {
inherit withPython3;
inherit extraPython3Packages;
inherit extraLuaPackages;
inherit withNodeJs withRuby viAlias vimAlias;
customRC = configure.customRC or "";
inherit plugins;
inherit extraName;
wrapNeovimUnstable neovim (res // {
wrapperArgs = lib.escapeShellArgs res.wrapperArgs + " " + extraMakeWrapperArgs;
wrapRc = (configure != {});
/* Generate vim.g.<LANG>_host_prog lua rc to setup host providers
Mapping a boolean argument to a key that tells us whether to add
Or this:
let g:loaded_${prog}_provider=0
While the latter tells nvim that this provider is not available */
generateProviderRc = {
withPython3 ? true
, withNodeJs ? false
, withRuby ? true
# perl is problematic https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/132368
, withPerl ? false
# so that we can pass the full neovim config while ignoring it
, ...
}: let
hostprog_check_table = {
node = withNodeJs;
python = false;
python3 = withPython3;
ruby = withRuby;
perl = withPerl;
genProviderCommand = prog: withProg:
if withProg then
"vim.g.${prog}_host_prog='${placeholder "out"}/bin/nvim-${prog}'"
hostProviderLua = lib.mapAttrsToList genProviderCommand hostprog_check_table;
lib.concatStringsSep ";" hostProviderLua;
buildNeovimPlugin = callPackage ./build-neovim-plugin.nix {
inherit (vimUtils) toVimPlugin;
inherit lua;
grammarToPlugin = grammar:
name = lib.pipe grammar [
# added in buildGrammar
(lib.removeSuffix "-grammar")
# grammars from tree-sitter.builtGrammars
(lib.removePrefix "tree-sitter-")
(lib.replaceStrings [ "-" ] [ "_" ])
toVimPlugin (runCommand "vimplugin-treesitter-grammar-${name}"
meta = {
platforms = lib.platforms.all;
} // grammar.meta;
mkdir -p $out/parser
ln -s ${grammar}/parser $out/parser/${name}.so
inherit makeNeovimConfig;
inherit generateProviderRc;
inherit legacyWrapper;
inherit grammarToPlugin;
inherit buildNeovimPlugin;
buildNeovimPluginFrom2Nix = lib.warn "buildNeovimPluginFrom2Nix was renamed to buildNeovimPlugin" buildNeovimPlugin;