Increase the timout for the import of container images in the `airgap-images` test from 60s to 120s to counter flaky tests.
43 lines
1.4 KiB
43 lines
1.4 KiB
# A test that imports k3s airgapped images and verifies that all expected images are present
import ../make-test-python.nix (
{ lib, k3s, ... }:
name = "${k3s.name}-airgap-images";
meta.maintainers = lib.teams.k3s.members;
nodes.machine = _: {
# k3s uses enough resources the default vm fails.
virtualisation.memorySize = 1536;
virtualisation.diskSize = 4096;
services.k3s = {
enable = true;
role = "server";
package = k3s;
# Slightly reduce resource usage
extraFlags = [
"--disable coredns"
"--disable local-storage"
"--disable metrics-server"
"--disable servicelb"
"--disable traefik"
images = [ k3s.airgapImages ];
testScript = ''
import json
machine.wait_until_succeeds("journalctl -r --no-pager -u k3s | grep \"Imported images from /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/images/\"", timeout=120)
images = json.loads(machine.succeed("crictl img -o json"))
image_names = [i["repoTags"][0] for i in images["images"]]
with open("${k3s.imagesList}") as expected_images:
for line in expected_images:
assert line.rstrip() in image_names, f"The image {line.rstrip()} is not present in the airgap images archive"