Consider ZFS filesystems meant to be mounted with zfs.mount(8), e.g.
config.fileSystems."/media".options = [ "zfsutil" ];
config.fileSystems."/nix".options = [ "zfsutil" ];
`zfsutil` uses dataset properties as mount options such that zfsprops(7)
do not have to be duplicated in fstab(5) entries or manual mount(8)
Given the example configuation above, /media is correctly mounted with
`setuid=off` translated into `nosuid`:
$ zfs get -Ho value setuid /media
$ findmnt -t zfs -no options /media
/nix however was mounted with default mount(8) options:
$ zfs get -Ho value setuid /nix
$ findmnt -t zfs -no options /nix
This holds true for all other ZFS properties/mount options, including
`exec/[no]exec`, `devices/[no]dev`, `atime/[no]atime`, etc.
/nix is mounted using BusyBox's `mount` during stage 1 init while /media
is mounted later using proper systemd and/or util-linux's `mount`.
Tracing stage 1 init showed that BusyBox never tried to execute
mount.zfs(8) as intended by `zfsutil`.
Replacing it with util-linux's `mount` and adding the mount helper
showed attempts to execute mount.zfs(8).
Ensure ZFS filesystems are mounted with correct options iff `zfsutil` is