This replaces the krb5 module's options with RFC 42-style krb5.settings option, while greatly simplifying the code and fixing a few bugs, namely: - #243068 krb5: Configuration silently gets ignored when set by multiple modules - not being able to use mkIf etc. inside subattributes of krb5.libdefaults, e.g. krb5.libdefaults.default_realm = mkIf ... See #144575. Closes #243068. Co-authored-by: h7x4 <h7x4@nani.wtf>
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import ../make-test-python.nix ({pkgs, ...}: {
name = "kerberos_server-mit";
nodes.machine = { config, libs, pkgs, ...}:
{ services.kerberos_server =
{ enable = true;
realms = {
"FOO.BAR".acl = [{principal = "admin"; access = ["add" "cpw"];}];
krb5 = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.krb5;
settings = {
libdefaults = {
default_realm = "FOO.BAR";
realms = {
"FOO.BAR" = {
admin_server = "machine";
kdc = "machine";
users.extraUsers.alice = { isNormalUser = true; };
testScript = ''
"kdb5_util create -s -r FOO.BAR -P master_key",
"systemctl restart kadmind.service kdc.service",
for unit in ["kadmind", "kdc"]:
"kadmin.local add_principal -pw admin_pw admin",
"kadmin -p admin -w admin_pw addprinc -pw alice_pw alice",
"echo alice_pw | sudo -u alice kinit",