183 lines
5.2 KiB
183 lines
5.2 KiB
{ stdenv
, lib
, buildEnv
, substituteAll
, runCommand
, coreutils
, gawk
, dwarf-fortress
, dwarf-therapist
, enableDFHack ? false
, dfhack
, enableSoundSense ? false
, soundSense
, jdk
, enableStoneSense ? false
, enableTWBT ? false
, twbt
, themes ? { }
, theme ? null
, extraPackages ? [ ]
# General config options:
, enableIntro ? true
, enableTruetype ? null # defaults to 24, see init.txt
, enableFPS ? false
, enableTextMode ? false
, enableSound ? true
# An attribute set of settings to override in data/init/*.txt.
# For example, `init.FOO = true;` is translated to `[FOO:YES]` in init.txt
, settings ? { }
# TODO world-gen.txt, interface.txt require special logic
dfhack_ = dfhack.override {
inherit enableStoneSense;
ptheme =
if builtins.isString theme
then builtins.getAttr theme themes
else theme;
baseEnv = buildEnv {
name = "dwarf-fortress-base-env-${dwarf-fortress.dfVersion}";
# These are in inverse order for first packages to override the next ones.
paths = extraPackages
++ lib.optional (theme != null) ptheme
++ lib.optional enableDFHack dfhack_
++ lib.optional enableSoundSense soundSense
++ lib.optionals enableTWBT [ twbt.lib twbt.art ]
++ [ dwarf-fortress ];
ignoreCollisions = true;
settings_ = lib.recursiveUpdate {
init = {
if enableTextMode then "TEXT"
else if enableTWBT then "TWBT"
else if stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin then "STANDARD" # https://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt/view.php?id=11680
else null;
INTRO = enableIntro;
TRUETYPE = enableTruetype;
FPS = enableFPS;
SOUND = enableSound;
} settings;
forEach = attrs: f: lib.concatStrings (lib.mapAttrsToList f attrs);
toTxt = v:
if lib.isBool v then if v then "YES" else "NO"
else if lib.isInt v then toString v
else if lib.isString v then v
else throw "dwarf-fortress: unsupported configuration value ${toString v}";
config = runCommand "dwarf-fortress-config" {
nativeBuildInputs = [ gawk ];
} (''
mkdir -p $out/data/init
edit_setting() {
if ! gawk -i inplace -v RS='\r?\n' '
{ n += sub("\\[" ENVIRON["k"] ":[^]]*\\]", "[" ENVIRON["k"] ":" ENVIRON["v"] "]"); print }
END { exit(!n) }
' "$out/$file"; then
echo "error: no setting named '$k' in $file" >&2
exit 1
'' + forEach settings_ (file: kv: ''
file=data/init/${lib.escapeShellArg file}.txt
cp ${baseEnv}/"$file" "$out/$file"
'' + forEach kv (k: v: lib.optionalString (v != null) ''
export k=${lib.escapeShellArg k} v=${lib.escapeShellArg (toTxt v)}
'')) + lib.optionalString enableDFHack ''
mkdir -p $out/hack
# Patch the MD5
orig_md5=$(< "${dwarf-fortress}/hash.md5.orig")
patched_md5=$(< "${dwarf-fortress}/hash.md5")
echo "[DFHack Wrapper] Fixing Dwarf Fortress MD5:"
echo " Input: $input_file"
echo " Search: $orig_md5"
echo " Output: $output_file"
echo " Replace: $patched_md5"
substitute "$input_file" "$output_file" --replace "$orig_md5" "$patched_md5"
# This is a separate environment because the config files to modify may come
# from any of the paths in baseEnv.
env = buildEnv {
name = "dwarf-fortress-env-${dwarf-fortress.dfVersion}";
paths = [ config baseEnv ];
ignoreCollisions = true;
lib.throwIf (enableTWBT && !enableDFHack) "dwarf-fortress: TWBT requires DFHack to be enabled"
lib.throwIf (enableStoneSense && !enableDFHack) "dwarf-fortress: StoneSense requires DFHack to be enabled"
lib.throwIf (enableTextMode && enableTWBT) "dwarf-fortress: text mode and TWBT are mutually exclusive"
stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = "dwarf-fortress";
version = dwarf-fortress.dfVersion;
dfInit = substituteAll {
name = "dwarf-fortress-init";
src = ./dwarf-fortress-init.in;
inherit env;
exe =
if stdenv.isLinux then "libs/Dwarf_Fortress"
else "dwarfort.exe";
stdenv_shell = "${stdenv.shell}";
cp = "${coreutils}/bin/cp";
rm = "${coreutils}/bin/rm";
ln = "${coreutils}/bin/ln";
cat = "${coreutils}/bin/cat";
mkdir = "${coreutils}/bin/mkdir";
runDF = ./dwarf-fortress.in;
runDFHack = ./dfhack.in;
runSoundSense = ./soundSense.in;
passthru = {
inherit dwarf-fortress dwarf-therapist twbt env;
dfhack = dfhack_;
buildCommand = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
substitute $runDF $out/bin/dwarf-fortress \
--subst-var-by stdenv_shell ${stdenv.shell} \
--subst-var dfInit
chmod 755 $out/bin/dwarf-fortress
'' + lib.optionalString enableDFHack ''
substitute $runDFHack $out/bin/dfhack \
--subst-var-by stdenv_shell ${stdenv.shell} \
--subst-var dfInit
chmod 755 $out/bin/dfhack
'' + lib.optionalString enableSoundSense ''
substitute $runSoundSense $out/bin/soundsense \
--subst-var-by stdenv_shell ${stdenv.shell} \
--subst-var-by jre ${jdk.jre} \
--subst-var dfInit
chmod 755 $out/bin/soundsense
preferLocalBuild = true;
inherit (dwarf-fortress) meta;