In preparation for the deprecation of `stdenv.isX`. These shorthands are not conducive to cross-compilation because they hide the platforms. Darwin might get cross-compilation for which the continued usage of `stdenv.isDarwin` will get in the way One example of why this is bad and especially affects compiler packages https://www.github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/343059 There are too many files to go through manually but a treewide should get users thinking when they see a `hostPlatform.isX` in a place where it doesn't make sense. ``` fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "stdenv.is" "stdenv.hostPlatform.is" fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "stdenv'.is" "stdenv'.hostPlatform.is" fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "clangStdenv.is" "clangStdenv.hostPlatform.is" fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "gccStdenv.is" "gccStdenv.hostPlatform.is" fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "stdenvNoCC.is" "stdenvNoCC.hostPlatform.is" fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "inherit (stdenv) is" "inherit (stdenv.hostPlatform) is" fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "buildStdenv.is" "buildStdenv.hostPlatform.is" fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "effectiveStdenv.is" "effectiveStdenv.hostPlatform.is" fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "originalStdenv.is" "originalStdenv.hostPlatform.is" ```
189 lines
7.0 KiB
189 lines
7.0 KiB
{ pkgs, callPackage }:
with pkgs;
cc-wrapper = with builtins; let
pkgNames = (attrNames pkgs);
llvmTests = let
pkgSets = lib.pipe pkgNames [
(filter (lib.hasPrefix "llvmPackages"))
(filter (n: n != "rocmPackages.llvm"))
# Are throw aliases.
(filter (n: n != "llvmPackages_rocm"))
(filter (n: n != "llvmPackages_latest"))
(filter (n: n != "llvmPackages_6"))
(filter (n: n != "llvmPackages_7"))
(filter (n: n != "llvmPackages_8"))
(filter (n: n != "llvmPackages_9"))
(filter (n: n != "llvmPackages_10"))
(filter (n: n != "llvmPackages_11"))
tests = lib.genAttrs pkgSets (name: recurseIntoAttrs {
clang = callPackage ./cc-wrapper { stdenv = pkgs.${name}.stdenv; };
libcxx = callPackage ./cc-wrapper { stdenv = pkgs.${name}.libcxxStdenv; };
gccTests = let
pkgSets = lib.pipe (attrNames pkgs) ([
(filter (lib.hasPrefix "gcc"))
(filter (lib.hasSuffix "Stdenv"))
(filter (n: n != "gccCrossLibcStdenv"))
] ++ lib.optionals (!(
(stdenv.buildPlatform.isLinux && stdenv.buildPlatform.isx86_64) &&
(stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux && stdenv.hostPlatform.isx86_64)
)) [
(filter (n: !lib.hasSuffix "MultiStdenv" n))
in lib.genAttrs pkgSets (name: callPackage ./cc-wrapper { stdenv = pkgs.${name}; });
in recurseIntoAttrs {
default = callPackage ./cc-wrapper { };
supported = stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "cc-wrapper-supported";
builtGCC =
inherit (lib) filterAttrs;
sets = lib.pipe gccTests ([
(filterAttrs (_: v: lib.meta.availableOn stdenv.hostPlatform v.stdenv.cc))
# Broken
(filterAttrs (n: _: n != "gccMultiStdenv"))
] ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin && stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64) [
# fails with things like
# ld: warning: ld: warning: object file (trunctfsf2_s.o) was built for newer macOS version (11.0) than being linked (10.5)
# ld: warning: ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for ___fixunstfdi: register 20 saved somewhere other than in frame
(filterAttrs (n: _: n != "gcc11Stdenv"))
toJSON sets;
builtLLVM =
inherit (lib) filterAttrs;
sets = lib.pipe llvmTests ([
(filterAttrs (_: v: lib.meta.availableOn stdenv.hostPlatform v.clang.stdenv.cc))
(filterAttrs (_: v: lib.meta.availableOn stdenv.hostPlatform v.libcxx.stdenv.cc))
# libcxxStdenv broken
# fix in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/216273
] ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin && stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64) [
(filterAttrs (n: _: n != "llvmPackages_9"))
toJSON sets;
buildCommand = ''
touch $out
llvmTests = recurseIntoAttrs llvmTests;
inherit gccTests;
devShellTools = callPackage ../build-support/dev-shell-tools/tests { };
stdenv-inputs = callPackage ./stdenv-inputs { };
stdenv = callPackage ./stdenv { };
hardeningFlags = recurseIntoAttrs (callPackage ./cc-wrapper/hardening.nix {});
hardeningFlags-gcc = recurseIntoAttrs (callPackage ./cc-wrapper/hardening.nix {
stdenv = gccStdenv;
hardeningFlags-clang = recurseIntoAttrs (callPackage ./cc-wrapper/hardening.nix {
stdenv = llvmPackages.stdenv;
config = callPackage ./config.nix { };
top-level = callPackage ./top-level { };
haskell = callPackage ./haskell { };
hooks = callPackage ./hooks { };
cc-multilib-gcc = callPackage ./cc-wrapper/multilib.nix { stdenv = gccMultiStdenv; };
cc-multilib-clang = callPackage ./cc-wrapper/multilib.nix { stdenv = clangMultiStdenv; };
compress-drv = callPackage ../build-support/compress-drv/test.nix { };
fetchurl = callPackages ../build-support/fetchurl/tests.nix { };
fetchtorrent = callPackages ../build-support/fetchtorrent/tests.nix { };
fetchpatch = callPackages ../build-support/fetchpatch/tests.nix { };
fetchpatch2 = callPackages ../build-support/fetchpatch/tests.nix { fetchpatch = fetchpatch2; };
fetchDebianPatch = callPackages ../build-support/fetchdebianpatch/tests.nix { };
fetchzip = callPackages ../build-support/fetchzip/tests.nix { };
fetchgit = callPackages ../build-support/fetchgit/tests.nix { };
fetchFirefoxAddon = callPackages ../build-support/fetchfirefoxaddon/tests.nix { };
fetchPypiLegacy = callPackages ../build-support/fetchpypilegacy/tests.nix { };
install-shell-files = callPackage ./install-shell-files {};
checkpointBuildTools = callPackage ./checkpointBuild {};
kernel-config = callPackage ./kernel.nix {};
ld-library-path = callPackage ./ld-library-path {};
macOSSierraShared = callPackage ./macos-sierra-shared {};
cross = callPackage ./cross {} // { __attrsFailEvaluation = true; };
php = recurseIntoAttrs (callPackages ./php {});
pkg-config = recurseIntoAttrs (callPackage ../top-level/pkg-config/tests.nix { }) // { __recurseIntoDerivationForReleaseJobs = true; };
buildRustCrate = callPackage ../build-support/rust/build-rust-crate/test { };
importCargoLock = callPackage ../build-support/rust/test/import-cargo-lock { };
vim = callPackage ./vim {};
nixos-functions = callPackage ./nixos-functions {};
overriding = callPackage ./overriding.nix { };
texlive = callPackage ./texlive {};
cuda = callPackage ./cuda { };
trivial-builders = callPackage ../build-support/trivial-builders/test/default.nix {};
writers = callPackage ../build-support/writers/test.nix {};
testers = callPackage ../build-support/testers/test/default.nix {};
dhall = callPackage ./dhall { };
cue-validation = callPackage ./cue {};
coq = callPackage ./coq {};
dotnet = recurseIntoAttrs (callPackages ./dotnet { });
makeHardcodeGsettingsPatch = callPackage ./make-hardcode-gsettings-patch { };
makeWrapper = callPackage ./make-wrapper { };
makeBinaryWrapper = callPackage ./make-binary-wrapper {
makeBinaryWrapper = pkgs.makeBinaryWrapper.override {
# Enable sanitizers in the tests only, to avoid the performance cost in regular usage.
# The sanitizers cause errors on aarch64-darwin, see https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/150079#issuecomment-994132734
sanitizers = pkgs.lib.optionals (! (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin && pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64))
[ "undefined" "address" ];
pkgs-lib = recurseIntoAttrs (import ../pkgs-lib/tests { inherit pkgs; });
buildFHSEnv = recurseIntoAttrs (callPackages ./buildFHSEnv { });
nixpkgs-check-by-name = throw "tests.nixpkgs-check-by-name is now specified in a separate repository: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-check-by-name";
auto-patchelf-hook = callPackage ./auto-patchelf-hook { };
systemd = callPackage ./systemd { };
replaceVars = recurseIntoAttrs (callPackage ./replace-vars { });
substitute = recurseIntoAttrs (callPackage ./substitute { });