Improve beam docs: * correct spelling * update per pandoc changes * capitalize titles * capitalize BEAM throughout and use "the BEAM" when referring to the virtual machine. * tweak grammar and phrasing * reformat build-tools-rebar3 section * add more links * re-wrap <para>s Also update <programlisting>s * normalize whitespace * don't double quote homepage * use $ in all shell snippets
114 lines
3.4 KiB
114 lines
3.4 KiB
pkgs = import ./.. { };
lib = pkgs.lib;
sources = lib.sourceFilesBySuffices ./. [".xml"];
sources-langs = ./languages-frameworks;
pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "nixpkgs-manual";
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extraHeader = ''xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" '';
in ''
pandoc '${inputFile}' -w docbook ${lib.optionalString useChapters "--top-level-division=chapter"} \
--smart \
| sed -e 's|<ulink url=|<link xlink:href=|' \
-e 's|</ulink>|</link>|' \
-e 's|<sect. id=|<section xml:id=|' \
-e 's|</sect[0-9]>|</section>|' \
-e '1s| id=| xml:id=|' \
-e '1s|\(<[^ ]* \)|\1${extraHeader}|'
} > '${outputFile}'
ln -s '${sources}/'*.xml .
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+ toDocbook {
inputFile = ./introduction.md;
outputFile = "introduction.xml";
useChapters = true;
+ toDocbook {
inputFile = ./languages-frameworks/python.md;
outputFile = "./languages-frameworks/python.xml";
+ toDocbook {
inputFile = ./languages-frameworks/haskell.md;
outputFile = "./languages-frameworks/haskell.xml";
+ toDocbook {
inputFile = ../pkgs/development/idris-modules/README.md;
outputFile = "languages-frameworks/idris.xml";
+ toDocbook {
inputFile = ../pkgs/development/node-packages/README.md;
outputFile = "languages-frameworks/node.xml";
+ toDocbook {
inputFile = ../pkgs/development/r-modules/README.md;
outputFile = "languages-frameworks/r.xml";
+ toDocbook {
inputFile = ./languages-frameworks/rust.md;
outputFile = "./languages-frameworks/rust.xml";
+ toDocbook {
inputFile = ./languages-frameworks/vim.md;
outputFile = "./languages-frameworks/vim.xml";
+ ''
echo ${lib.nixpkgsVersion} > .version
# validate against relaxng schema
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${pkgs.jing}/bin/jing ${pkgs.docbook5}/xml/rng/docbook/docbook.rng manual-full.xml
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--output $dst/manual.html \
${pkgs.docbook5_xsl}/xml/xsl/docbook/xhtml/docbook.xsl \
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echo "doc manual $dst manual.html" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
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--output $dst/epub/ \
${pkgs.docbook5_xsl}/xml/xsl/docbook/epub/docbook.xsl \
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