Usually, attributes passed explicitly to elaborate take precedence
over the elaborated ones, but since we also elaborate the nested
"rust" attrset, we need to push that one level down, so the rest of
"rust" is still filled in if you just pass
{ rust = { config = ... } }.
I've had to drop the assertion that checked that at most one of "rust"
and "rustc" was part of the un-elaborated system, because doing this
broke passing an elaborated system in, which should be idempotent.
For the same reason, I've also had to make it possible for
rust.rustcTargetSpec to be passed in. Otherwise, on the second call,
since platform was filled in by the first, the custom target file
would be constructed. The only other way to avoid this would be to
compare the platform attrs to all built in Rust targets to check it
wasn't one of those, and that isn't feasible.
Fixes: e3e57b8f18
("lib.systems: elaborate Rust metadata")
370 lines
16 KiB
370 lines
16 KiB
{ lib }:
let inherit (lib.attrsets) mapAttrs; in
rec {
doubles = import ./doubles.nix { inherit lib; };
parse = import ./parse.nix { inherit lib; };
inspect = import ./inspect.nix { inherit lib; };
platforms = import ./platforms.nix { inherit lib; };
examples = import ./examples.nix { inherit lib; };
architectures = import ./architectures.nix { inherit lib; };
Elaborated systems contain functions, which means that they don't satisfy
`==` for a lack of reflexivity.
They might *appear* to satisfy `==` reflexivity when the same exact value is
compared to itself, because object identity is used as an "optimization";
compare the value with a reconstruction of itself, e.g. with `f == a: f a`,
or perhaps calling `elaborate` twice, and one will see reflexivity fail as described.
Hence a custom equality test.
Note that this does not canonicalize the systems, so you'll want to make sure
both arguments have been `elaborate`-d.
equals =
let removeFunctions = a: lib.filterAttrs (_: v: !builtins.isFunction v) a;
in a: b: removeFunctions a == removeFunctions b;
/* List of all Nix system doubles the nixpkgs flake will expose the package set
for. All systems listed here must be supported by nixpkgs as `localSystem`.
**Warning**: This attribute is considered experimental and is subject to change.
flakeExposed = import ./flake-systems.nix { };
# Elaborate a `localSystem` or `crossSystem` so that it contains everything
# necessary.
# `parsed` is inferred from args, both because there are two options with one
# clearly preferred, and to prevent cycles. A simpler fixed point where the RHS
# always just used `final.*` would fail on both counts.
elaborate = args': let
args = if lib.isString args' then { system = args'; }
else args';
# TODO: deprecate args.rustc in favour of args.rust after 23.05 is EOL.
rust = args.rust or args.rustc or {};
final = {
# Prefer to parse `config` as it is strictly more informative.
parsed = parse.mkSystemFromString (if args ? config then args.config else args.system);
# Either of these can be losslessly-extracted from `parsed` iff parsing succeeds.
system = parse.doubleFromSystem final.parsed;
config = parse.tripleFromSystem final.parsed;
# Determine whether we can execute binaries built for the provided platform.
canExecute = platform:
final.isAndroid == platform.isAndroid &&
parse.isCompatible final.parsed.cpu platform.parsed.cpu
&& final.parsed.kernel == platform.parsed.kernel;
isCompatible = _: throw "2022-05-23: isCompatible has been removed in favor of canExecute, refer to the 22.11 changelog for details";
# Derived meta-data
libc =
/**/ if final.isDarwin then "libSystem"
else if final.isMinGW then "msvcrt"
else if final.isWasi then "wasilibc"
else if final.isRedox then "relibc"
else if final.isMusl then "musl"
else if final.isUClibc then "uclibc"
else if final.isAndroid then "bionic"
else if final.isLinux /* default */ then "glibc"
else if final.isFreeBSD then "fblibc"
else if final.isNetBSD then "nblibc"
else if final.isAvr then "avrlibc"
else if final.isGhcjs then null
else if final.isNone then "newlib"
# TODO(@Ericson2314) think more about other operating systems
else "native/impure";
# Choose what linker we wish to use by default. Someday we might also
# choose the C compiler, runtime library, C++ standard library, etc. in
# this way, nice and orthogonally, and deprecate `useLLVM`. But due to
# the monolithic GCC build we cannot actually make those choices
# independently, so we are just doing `linker` and keeping `useLLVM` for
# now.
linker =
/**/ if final.useLLVM or false then "lld"
else if final.isDarwin then "cctools"
# "bfd" and "gold" both come from GNU binutils. The existence of Gold
# is why we use the more obscure "bfd" and not "binutils" for this
# choice.
else "bfd";
extensions = lib.optionalAttrs final.hasSharedLibraries {
sharedLibrary =
if final.isDarwin then ".dylib"
else if final.isWindows then ".dll"
else ".so";
} // {
staticLibrary =
/**/ if final.isWindows then ".lib"
else ".a";
library =
/**/ if final.isStatic then final.extensions.staticLibrary
else final.extensions.sharedLibrary;
executable =
/**/ if final.isWindows then ".exe"
else "";
# Misc boolean options
useAndroidPrebuilt = false;
useiOSPrebuilt = false;
# Output from uname
uname = {
# uname -s
system = {
linux = "Linux";
windows = "Windows";
darwin = "Darwin";
netbsd = "NetBSD";
freebsd = "FreeBSD";
openbsd = "OpenBSD";
wasi = "Wasi";
redox = "Redox";
genode = "Genode";
}.${final.parsed.kernel.name} or null;
# uname -m
processor =
if final.isPower64
then "ppc64${lib.optionalString final.isLittleEndian "le"}"
else if final.isPower
then "ppc${lib.optionalString final.isLittleEndian "le"}"
else if final.isMips64
then "mips64" # endianness is *not* included on mips64
else final.parsed.cpu.name;
# uname -r
release = null;
# It is important that hasSharedLibraries==false when the platform has no
# dynamic library loader. Various tools (including the gcc build system)
# have knowledge of which platforms are incapable of dynamic linking, and
# will still build on/for those platforms with --enable-shared, but simply
# omit any `.so` build products such as libgcc_s.so. When that happens,
# it causes hard-to-troubleshoot build failures.
hasSharedLibraries = with final;
(isAndroid || isGnu || isMusl # Linux (allows multiple libcs)
|| isDarwin || isSunOS || isOpenBSD || isFreeBSD || isNetBSD # BSDs
|| isCygwin || isMinGW # Windows
) && !isStatic;
# The difference between `isStatic` and `hasSharedLibraries` is mainly the
# addition of the `staticMarker` (see make-derivation.nix). Some
# platforms, like embedded machines without a libc (e.g. arm-none-eabi)
# don't support dynamic linking, but don't get the `staticMarker`.
# `pkgsStatic` sets `isStatic=true`, so `pkgsStatic.hostPlatform` always
# has the `staticMarker`.
isStatic = final.isWasm || final.isRedox;
# Just a guess, based on `system`
linux-kernel = args.linux-kernel or {};
gcc = args.gcc or {};
} // platforms.select final)
linux-kernel gcc;
# TODO: remove after 23.05 is EOL, with an error pointing to the rust.* attrs.
rustc = args.rustc or {};
linuxArch =
if final.isAarch32 then "arm"
else if final.isAarch64 then "arm64"
else if final.isx86_32 then "i386"
else if final.isx86_64 then "x86_64"
# linux kernel does not distinguish microblaze/microblazeel
else if final.isMicroBlaze then "microblaze"
else if final.isMips32 then "mips"
else if final.isMips64 then "mips" # linux kernel does not distinguish mips32/mips64
else if final.isPower then "powerpc"
else if final.isRiscV then "riscv"
else if final.isS390 then "s390"
else if final.isLoongArch64 then "loongarch"
else final.parsed.cpu.name;
# https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot/-/blob/9bfb567e5f1bfe7de8eb41f8c6d00f49d2b9a426/common/image.c#L81-106
ubootArch =
if final.isx86_32 then "x86" # not i386
else if final.isMips64 then "mips64" # uboot *does* distinguish between mips32/mips64
else final.linuxArch; # other cases appear to agree with linuxArch
qemuArch =
if final.isAarch32 then "arm"
else if final.isS390 && !final.isS390x then null
else if final.isx86_64 then "x86_64"
else if final.isx86 then "i386"
else if final.isMips64n32 then "mipsn32${lib.optionalString final.isLittleEndian "el"}"
else if final.isMips64 then "mips64${lib.optionalString final.isLittleEndian "el"}"
else final.uname.processor;
# Name used by UEFI for architectures.
efiArch =
if final.isx86_32 then "ia32"
else if final.isx86_64 then "x64"
else if final.isAarch32 then "arm"
else if final.isAarch64 then "aa64"
else final.parsed.cpu.name;
darwinArch = {
armv7a = "armv7";
aarch64 = "arm64";
}.${final.parsed.cpu.name} or final.parsed.cpu.name;
darwinPlatform =
if final.isMacOS then "macos"
else if final.isiOS then "ios"
else null;
# The canonical name for this attribute is darwinSdkVersion, but some
# platforms define the old name "sdkVer".
darwinSdkVersion = final.sdkVer or (if final.isAarch64 then "11.0" else "10.12");
darwinMinVersion = final.darwinSdkVersion;
darwinMinVersionVariable =
else if final.isiOS then "IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"
else null;
} // (
selectEmulator = pkgs:
qemu-user = pkgs.qemu.override {
smartcardSupport = false;
spiceSupport = false;
openGLSupport = false;
virglSupport = false;
vncSupport = false;
gtkSupport = false;
sdlSupport = false;
pulseSupport = false;
pipewireSupport = false;
smbdSupport = false;
seccompSupport = false;
enableDocs = false;
hostCpuTargets = [ "${final.qemuArch}-linux-user" ];
wine = (pkgs.winePackagesFor "wine${toString final.parsed.cpu.bits}").minimal;
if pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.canExecute final
then "${pkgs.runtimeShell} -c '\"$@\"' --"
else if final.isWindows
then "${wine}/bin/wine${lib.optionalString (final.parsed.cpu.bits == 64) "64"}"
else if final.isLinux && pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux && final.qemuArch != null
then "${qemu-user}/bin/qemu-${final.qemuArch}"
else if final.isWasi
then "${pkgs.wasmtime}/bin/wasmtime"
else if final.isMmix
then "${pkgs.mmixware}/bin/mmix"
else null;
in {
emulatorAvailable = pkgs: (selectEmulator pkgs) != null;
emulator = pkgs:
if (final.emulatorAvailable pkgs)
then selectEmulator pkgs
else throw "Don't know how to run ${final.config} executables.";
}) // mapAttrs (n: v: v final.parsed) inspect.predicates
// mapAttrs (n: v: v final.gcc.arch or "default") architectures.predicates
// args // {
rust = rust // {
# Once args.rustc.platform.target-family is deprecated and
# removed, there will no longer be any need to modify any
# values from args.rust.platform, so we can drop all the
# "args ? rust" etc. checks, and merge args.rust.platform in
# /after/.
platform = rust.platform or {} // {
# https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/conditional-compilation.html#target_arch
arch =
/**/ if rust ? platform then rust.platform.arch
else if final.isAarch32 then "arm"
else if final.isMips64 then "mips64" # never add "el" suffix
else if final.isPower64 then "powerpc64" # never add "le" suffix
else final.parsed.cpu.name;
# https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/conditional-compilation.html#target_os
os =
/**/ if rust ? platform then rust.platform.os or "none"
else if final.isDarwin then "macos"
else final.parsed.kernel.name;
# https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/conditional-compilation.html#target_family
target-family =
/**/ if args ? rust.platform.target-family then args.rust.platform.target-family
else if args ? rustc.platform.target-family
# Since https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/84072
# `target-family` is a list instead of single value.
f = args.rustc.platform.target-family;
if builtins.isList f then f else [ f ]
else lib.optional final.isUnix "unix"
++ lib.optional final.isWindows "windows";
# https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/conditional-compilation.html#target_vendor
vendor = let
inherit (final.parsed) vendor;
in rust.platform.vendor or {
"w64" = "pc";
}.${vendor.name} or vendor.name;
# The name of the rust target, even if it is custom. Adjustments are
# because rust has slightly different naming conventions than we do.
rustcTarget = let
inherit (final.parsed) cpu kernel abi;
cpu_ = rust.platform.arch or {
"armv7a" = "armv7";
"armv7l" = "armv7";
"armv6l" = "arm";
"armv5tel" = "armv5te";
"riscv64" = "riscv64gc";
}.${cpu.name} or cpu.name;
vendor_ = final.rust.platform.vendor;
in rust.config
or "${cpu_}-${vendor_}-${kernel.name}${lib.optionalString (abi.name != "unknown") "-${abi.name}"}";
# The name of the rust target if it is standard, or the json file
# containing the custom target spec.
rustcTargetSpec = rust.rustcTargetSpec or (
/**/ if rust ? platform
then builtins.toFile (final.rust.rustcTarget + ".json") (builtins.toJSON rust.platform)
else final.rust.rustcTarget);
# The name of the rust target if it is standard, or the
# basename of the file containing the custom target spec,
# without the .json extension.
# This is the name used by Cargo for target subdirectories.
cargoShortTarget =
lib.removeSuffix ".json" (baseNameOf "${final.rust.rustcTargetSpec}");
# When used as part of an environment variable name, triples are
# uppercased and have all hyphens replaced by underscores:
# https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/9169
# https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/8285#issuecomment-634202431
cargoEnvVarTarget =
lib.strings.replaceStrings ["-"] ["_"]
(lib.strings.toUpper final.rust.cargoShortTarget);
# True if the target is no_std
# https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/2e44c17c12cec45b6a682b1e53a04ac5b5fcc9d2/src/bootstrap/config.rs#L415-L421
isNoStdTarget =
builtins.any (t: lib.hasInfix t final.rust.rustcTarget) ["-none" "nvptx" "switch" "-uefi"];
in assert final.useAndroidPrebuilt -> final.isAndroid;
assert lib.foldl
(pass: { assertion, message }:
if assertion final
then pass
else throw message)
(final.parsed.abi.assertions or []);