Eelco has made several early contributions to NixOS including writing the samba module among other things, but is more or less inactive these days. By my brief inspection, he has not committed to the nixos/ tree since releasing Nix 2.13 in early 2023 and merging a PR to networking tests slightly before that. A lot of these tests/modules are actually unmaintained in practice, so we should update the code to reflect the practical reality so someone can consider picking them up.
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# This test runs rabbitmq and checks if rabbitmq is up and running.
import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ... }:
# in real life, you would keep this out of your repo and deploy it to a safe
# location using safe means.
configKeyPath = pkgs.writeText "fake-config-key" "hOjWzSEn2Z7cHzKOcf6i183O2NdjurSuoMDIIv01";
name = "rabbitmq";
meta = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; {
maintainers = [ offline ];
nodes.machine = {
services.rabbitmq = {
enable = true;
managementPlugin.enable = true;
# To encrypt:
# rabbitmqctl --quiet encode --cipher blowfish_cfb64 --hash sha256 \
# --iterations 10000 '<<"dJT8isYu6t0Xb6u56rPglSj1vK51SlNVlXfwsRxw">>' \
# "hOjWzSEn2Z7cHzKOcf6i183O2NdjurSuoMDIIv01" ;
config = ''
[ { rabbit
, [ {default_user, <<"alice">>}
, { default_pass
, {encrypted,<<"oKKxyTze9PYmsEfl6FG1MxIUhxY7WPQL7HBoMPRC/1ZOdOZbtr9+DxjWW3e1D5SL48n3D9QOsGD0cOgYG7Qdvb7Txrepw8w=">>}
, {config_entry_decoder
, [ {passphrase, {file, <<"${configKeyPath}">>}}
, {cipher, blowfish_cfb64}
, {hash, sha256}
, {iterations, 10000}
% , {rabbitmq_management, [{path_prefix, "/_queues"}]}
# Ensure there is sufficient extra disk space for rabbitmq to be happy
virtualisation.diskSize = 1024;
testScript = ''
'su -s ${pkgs.runtimeShell} rabbitmq -c "rabbitmqctl status"'
# The password is the plaintext that was encrypted with rabbitmqctl encode above.
'${pkgs.rabbitmq-java-client}/bin/PerfTest --time 10 --uri amqp://alice:dJT8isYu6t0Xb6u56rPglSj1vK51SlNVlXfwsRxw@localhost'