Switching from submodule notation from ({name, ...}: {}) to (submob: {}) seems to require a different accessing scheme.
211 lines
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211 lines
6.8 KiB
import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, lib, ...}:
name = "wpa_supplicant";
meta = with lib.maintainers; {
maintainers = [ oddlama rnhmjoj ];
nodes = let
machineWithHostapd = extraConfigModule: { ... }: {
imports = [
# add a virtual wlan interface
boot.kernelModules = [ "mac80211_hwsim" ];
# wireless access point
services.hostapd = {
enable = true;
radios.wlan0 = {
band = "2g";
countryCode = "US";
networks = {
wlan0 = {
ssid = "nixos-test-sae";
authentication = {
mode = "wpa3-sae";
saePasswords = [ { password = "reproducibility"; } ];
bssid = "02:00:00:00:00:00";
wlan0-1 = {
ssid = "nixos-test-mixed";
authentication = {
mode = "wpa3-sae-transition";
saeAddToMacAllow = true;
saePasswordsFile = pkgs.writeText "password" "reproducibility";
wpaPasswordFile = pkgs.writeText "password" "reproducibility";
bssid = "02:00:00:00:00:01";
wlan0-2 = {
ssid = "nixos-test-wpa2";
authentication = {
mode = "wpa2-sha256";
wpaPassword = "reproducibility";
bssid = "02:00:00:00:00:02";
# wireless client
networking.wireless = {
# the override is needed because the wifi is
# disabled with mkVMOverride in qemu-vm.nix.
enable = lib.mkOverride 0 true;
userControlled.enable = true;
interfaces = [ "wlan1" ];
fallbackToWPA2 = lib.mkDefault true;
# networks will be added on-demand below for the specific
# network that should be tested
# secrets
environmentFile = pkgs.writeText "wpa-secrets" ''
in {
basic = { ... }: {
imports = [ ../modules/profiles/minimal.nix ];
# add a virtual wlan interface
boot.kernelModules = [ "mac80211_hwsim" ];
# wireless client
networking.wireless = {
# the override is needed because the wifi is
# disabled with mkVMOverride in qemu-vm.nix.
enable = lib.mkOverride 0 true;
userControlled.enable = true;
interfaces = [ "wlan1" ];
fallbackToWPA2 = true;
networks = {
# test WPA2 fallback
mixed-wpa = {
psk = "password";
authProtocols = [ "WPA-PSK" "SAE" ];
sae-only = {
psk = "password";
authProtocols = [ "SAE" ];
# secrets substitution test cases
test1.psk = "@PSK_VALID@"; # should be replaced
test2.psk = "@PSK_SPECIAL@"; # should be replaced
test3.psk = "@PSK_MISSING@"; # should not be replaced
test4.psk = "P@ssowrdWithSome@tSymbol"; # should not be replaced
# secrets
environmentFile = pkgs.writeText "wpa-secrets" ''
# taken from https://github.com/minimaxir/big-list-of-naughty-strings
PSK_SPECIAL=",./;'[]\-= <>?:\"{}|_+ !@#$%^\&*()`~";
# Test connecting to the SAE-only hotspot using SAE
machineSae = machineWithHostapd {
networking.wireless = {
fallbackToWPA2 = false;
networks.nixos-test-sae = {
psk = "@PSK_NIXOS_TEST@";
authProtocols = [ "SAE" ];
# Test connecting to the SAE and WPA2 mixed hotspot using SAE
machineMixedUsingSae = machineWithHostapd {
networking.wireless = {
fallbackToWPA2 = false;
networks.nixos-test-mixed = {
psk = "@PSK_NIXOS_TEST@";
authProtocols = [ "SAE" ];
# Test connecting to the SAE and WPA2 mixed hotspot using WPA2
machineMixedUsingWpa2 = machineWithHostapd {
networking.wireless = {
fallbackToWPA2 = true;
networks.nixos-test-mixed = {
psk = "@PSK_NIXOS_TEST@";
authProtocols = [ "WPA-PSK-SHA256" ];
# Test connecting to the WPA2 legacy hotspot using WPA2
machineWpa2 = machineWithHostapd {
networking.wireless = {
fallbackToWPA2 = true;
networks.nixos-test-wpa2 = {
psk = "@PSK_NIXOS_TEST@";
authProtocols = [ "WPA-PSK-SHA256" ];
testScript =
config_file = "/run/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf"
with subtest("Configuration file is inaccessible to other users"):
basic.fail(f"sudo -u nobody ls {config_file}")
with subtest("Secrets variables have been substituted"):
basic.fail(f"grep -q @PSK_VALID@ {config_file}")
basic.fail(f"grep -q @PSK_SPECIAL@ {config_file}")
basic.succeed(f"grep -q @PSK_MISSING@ {config_file}")
basic.succeed(f"grep -q P@ssowrdWithSome@tSymbol {config_file}")
with subtest("WPA2 fallbacks have been generated"):
assert int(basic.succeed(f"grep -c sae-only {config_file}")) == 1
assert int(basic.succeed(f"grep -c mixed-wpa {config_file}")) == 2
# save file for manual inspection
with subtest("Daemon is running and accepting connections"):
status = basic.succeed("wpa_cli -i wlan1 status")
assert "Failed to connect" not in status, \
"Failed to connect to the daemon"
with subtest("Daemon can connect to the SAE access point using SAE"):
"wpa_cli -i wlan1 status | grep -q wpa_state=COMPLETED"
with subtest("Daemon can connect to the SAE and WPA2 mixed access point using SAE"):
"wpa_cli -i wlan1 status | grep -q wpa_state=COMPLETED"
with subtest("Daemon can connect to the SAE and WPA2 mixed access point using WPA2"):
"wpa_cli -i wlan1 status | grep -q wpa_state=COMPLETED"
with subtest("Daemon can connect to the WPA2 access point using WPA2"):
"wpa_cli -i wlan1 status | grep -q wpa_state=COMPLETED"