The current authentication code is broken against newer jenkins:
jenkins-job-builder-start[1257]: Asking Jenkins to reload config
jenkins-start[789]: 2022-07-12 14:34:31.148+0000 [id=17] WARNING Found invalid crumb 31e96e52938b51f099a61df9505a4427cb9dca7e35192216755659032a4151df. If you are calling this URL with a script, please use the API Token instead. More information:
jenkins-start[789]: 2022-07-12 14:34:31.160+0000 [id=17] WARNING No valid crumb was included in request for /reload by admin. Returning 403.
jenkins-job-builder-start[1357]: curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 403
Fix it by using `jenkins-cli` instead of messing with `curl`.
This rewrite also prevents leaking the password in process listings. (We
could probably do it without `replace-secret`, assuming `printf` is a
shell built-in, but this implementation should be safe even with shells
not having a built-in `printf`.)