this commit removes the static assignments for the ntfy-sh user and group. furthermore, it removes some tmpfiles.d rules which where initially put in place by https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/234811. these are however not required, as ntfy-sh will automatically create the required files and systemd automatically handles the migration process. A nixosTest is added to demonstrate that the migration is working reliably. This also fixes an issue with where systemd would sometimes not start ntfy-sh. The tmpfiles rules in combination with impermanence caused `/ var/lib/ntfy-sh` to be a directory when it should have been a symlink.
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# the ntfy-sh module was switching to DynamicUser=true. this test assures that
# the migration does not break existing setups.
# this test works doing a migration and asserting ntfy-sh runs properly. first,
# ntfy-sh is configured to use a static user and group. then ntfy-sh is
# started and tested. after that, ntfy-sh is shut down and a systemd drop
# in configuration file is used to upate the service configuration to use
# DynamicUser=true. then the ntfy-sh is started again and tested.
import ./make-test-python.nix {
name = "ntfy-sh";
nodes.machine = {
}: {
environment.etc."ntfy-sh-dynamic-user.conf".text = ''
services.ntfy-sh.enable = true;
services.ntfy-sh.settings.base-url = "http://localhost:2586";
systemd.services.ntfy-sh.serviceConfig = {
DynamicUser = lib.mkForce false;
ExecStartPre = [
"${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/ls -lahd /var/lib/ntfy-sh/"
"${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/ls -lah /var/lib/ntfy-sh/"
Group = lib.mkForce "old-ntfy-sh";
User = lib.mkForce "old-ntfy-sh";
users.users.old-ntfy-sh = {
isSystemUser = true;
group = "old-ntfy-sh";
users.groups.old-ntfy-sh = {};
testScript = ''
import json
msg = "Test notification"
def test_ntfysh():
machine.succeed(f"curl -d '{msg}' localhost:2586/test")
text = machine.succeed("curl -s localhost:2586/test/json?poll=1")
for line in text.splitlines():
notif = json.loads(line)
assert msg == notif["message"], "Wrong message"
machine.succeed("ntfy user list")
machine.succeed("systemctl stop ntfy-sh.service")
machine.succeed("mkdir -p /run/systemd/system/ntfy-sh.service.d")
machine.succeed("cp /etc/ntfy-sh-dynamic-user.conf /run/systemd/system/ntfy-sh.service.d/dynamic-user.conf")
machine.succeed("systemctl daemon-reload")
machine.succeed("systemctl start ntfy-sh.service")