
3937 lines
144 KiB

{ config
, lib
, fetchurl
, callPackage
, vscode-utils
, asciidoctor
, nodePackages
, python3Packages
, jdk
, llvmPackages_8
, llvmPackages_14
, nixpkgs-fmt
, protobuf
, jq
, shellcheck
, moreutils
, racket
, clojure-lsp
, alejandra
, millet
, shfmt
, typst-lsp
, autoPatchelfHook
, zlib
, stdenv
inherit (vscode-utils) buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension;
# Unless there is a good reason not to, we attempt to use the lowercase
# version of the extension's unique identifier. The unique identifier can be
# found on the marketplace extension page, and is the name under which the
# extension is installed by VSCode under `~/.vscode`.
# This means an extension should be located at
# ${lib.strings.toLower mktplcRef.publisher}.${lib.string.toLower}
baseExtensions = self: lib.mapAttrs (_n: lib.recurseIntoAttrs)
"1Password".op-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "1Password";
name = "op-vscode";
version = "1.0.4";
sha256 = "sha256-s6acue8kgFLf5fs4A7l+IYfhibdY76cLcIwHl+54WVk=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "A VSCode extension that integrates your development workflow with 1Password service";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers._2gn ];
"2gua".rainbow-brackets = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "2gua";
name = "rainbow-brackets";
version = "0.0.6";
sha256 = "TVBvF/5KQVvWX1uHwZDlmvwGjOO5/lXbgVzB26U8rNQ=";
meta = {
description = "A Visual Studio Code extension providing rainbow brackets";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.CompEng0001 ];
"4ops".terraform = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "4ops";
name = "terraform";
version = "0.2.5";
sha256 = "sha256-y5LljxK8V9Fir9EoG8g9N735gISrlMg3czN21qF/KjI=";
meta = {
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kamadorueda ];
a5huynh.vscode-ron = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-ron";
publisher = "a5huynh";
version = "0.10.0";
sha256 = "sha256-DmyYE7RHOX/RrbIPYCq/x0l081SzmyBAd7yHSUOPkOA=";
meta = {
license =;
adpyke.codesnap = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "codesnap";
publisher = "adpyke";
version = "1.3.4";
sha256 = "sha256-dR6qODSTK377OJpmUqG9R85l1sf9fvJJACjrYhSRWgQ=";
meta = {
license =;
alanz.vscode-hie-server = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-hie-server";
publisher = "alanz";
version = "0.0.27"; # see the note above
sha256 = "1mz0h5zd295i73hbji9ivla8hx02i4yhqcv6l4r23w3f07ql3i8h";
meta = {
license =;
alefragnani.bookmarks = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "bookmarks";
publisher = "alefragnani";
version = "13.3.1";
sha256 = "sha256-CZSFprI8HMQvc8P9ZH+m0j9J6kqmSJM1/Ik24ghif2A=";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.gpl3;
alefragnani.project-manager = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "project-manager";
publisher = "alefragnani";
version = "12.7.0";
sha256 = "sha256-rBMwvm7qUI6zBrXdYntQlY8WvH2fDBhEuQ1pHDl9fQg=";
meta = {
license =;
alexdima.copy-relative-path = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "copy-relative-path";
publisher = "alexdima";
version = "0.0.2";
sha256 = "06g601n9d6wyyiz659w60phgm011gn9jj5fy0gf5wpi2bljk3vcn";
meta = {
license =;
alygin.vscode-tlaplus = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-tlaplus";
publisher = "alygin";
version = "1.5.4";
sha256 = "0mf98244z6wzb0vj6qdm3idgr2sr5086x7ss2khaxlrziif395dx";
meta = {
license =;
}; = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "ng-template";
publisher = "Angular";
version = "15.2.0";
sha256 = "sha256-ho3DtXAAafY/mpUcea2OPhy8tpX+blJMyVxbFVUsspk=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Editor services for Angular templates";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ratsclub ];
antfu.icons-carbon = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "icons-carbon";
publisher = "antfu";
version = "0.2.6";
sha256 = "sha256-R8eHLuebfgHaKtHPKBaaYybotluuH9WrUBpgyuIVOxc=";
meta = {
license =;
antfu.slidev = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "antfu";
name = "slidev";
version = "0.4.1";
sha256 = "sha256-MNQMOT9LaEVZqelvikBTpUPTsSIA2z5qvLxw51aJw1w=";
meta = {
license =;
antyos.openscad = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "openscad";
publisher = "Antyos";
version = "1.1.1";
sha256 = "1adcw9jj3npk3l6lnlfgji2l529c4s5xp9jl748r9naiy3w3dpjv";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "OpenSCAD highlighting, snippets, and more for VSCode";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.gpl3;
apollographql.vscode-apollo = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-apollo";
publisher = "apollographql";
version = "1.19.11";
sha256 = "sha256-EixefDuJiw/p5yAR/UQLK1a1RXJLXlTmOlD34qpAN+U=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Rich editor support for GraphQL client and server development that seamlessly integrates with the Apollo platform";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.datafoo ];
arcticicestudio.nord-visual-studio-code = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "nord-visual-studio-code";
publisher = "arcticicestudio";
version = "0.19.0";
sha256 = "sha256-awbqFv6YuYI0tzM/QbHRTUl4B2vNUdy52F4nPmv+dRU=";
meta = {
description = "An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Visual Studio Code theme.";
downloadPage =
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.imgabe ];
arjun.swagger-viewer = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "Arjun";
name = "swagger-viewer";
version = "3.1.2";
sha256 = "1cjvc99x1q5w3i2vnbxrsl5a1dr9gb3s6s9lnwn6mq5db6iz1nlm";
meta = {
license =;
arrterian.nix-env-selector = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "nix-env-selector";
publisher = "arrterian";
version = "1.0.9";
sha256 = "sha256-TkxqWZ8X+PAonzeXQ+sI9WI+XlqUHll7YyM7N9uErk0=";
meta = {
license =;
asciidoctor.asciidoctor-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "asciidoctor-vscode";
publisher = "asciidoctor";
version = "2.8.9";
sha256 = "1xkxx5i3nhd0dzqhhdmx0li5jifsgfhv0p5h7xwsscz3gzgsdcyb";
postPatch = ''
substituteInPlace dist/src/text-parser.js \
--replace "get('asciidoctor_command', 'asciidoctor')" \
"get('asciidoctor_command', '${asciidoctor}/bin/asciidoctor')"
substituteInPlace dist/src/commands/exportAsPDF.js \
--replace "get('asciidoctorpdf_command', 'asciidoctor-pdf')" \
"get('asciidoctorpdf_command', '${asciidoctor}/bin/asciidoctor-pdf')"
meta = {
license =;
asdine.cue = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "cue";
publisher = "asdine";
version = "0.3.2";
sha256 = "sha256-jMXqhgjRdM3UG/9NtiwWAg61mBW8OYVAKDWgb4hzhA4=";
meta = {
description = "Cue language support for Visual Studio Code";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
changelog = "";
license =;
maintainers = [lib.maintainers.matthewpi];
astro-build.astro-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "astro-vscode";
publisher = "astro-build";
version = "2.1.1";
sha256 = "sha256-UVZOpkOHbLiwA4VfTgXxuIU8EtJLnqRa5zUVha6xQJY=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Astro language support for VSCode";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.wackbyte ];
asvetliakov.vscode-neovim = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-neovim";
publisher = "asvetliakov";
version = "0.0.97";
sha256 = "sha256-rNGW8WB3jBSjThiB0j4/ORKMRAaxFiMiBfaa+dbGu/w=";
meta = {
license =;
attilabuti.brainfuck-syntax = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "brainfuck-syntax";
publisher = "attilabuti";
version = "0.0.1";
sha256 = "sha256-ZcZlHoa2aoCeruMWbUUgfFHsPqyWmd2xFY6AKxJysYE=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "VSCode extension providing syntax highlighting support for Brainfuck";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ ];
azdavis.millet = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "Millet";
publisher = "azdavis";
version = "0.12.5";
sha256 = "sha256-gJIxCdoxWGThalY+qJ930UtRLFkvr34LfaSioAZH9TQ=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ jq moreutils ];
postInstall = ''
cd "$out/$installPrefix"
jq '"millet.server.path".default = "${millet}/bin/millet-ls"' package.json | sponge package.json
meta = {
description = "Standard ML support for VS Code";
downloadPage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.smasher164 ];
b4dm4n.vscode-nixpkgs-fmt = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "nixpkgs-fmt";
publisher = "B4dM4n";
version = "0.0.1";
sha256 = "sha256-vz2kU36B1xkLci2QwLpl/SBEhfSWltIDJ1r7SorHcr8=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ jq moreutils ];
postInstall = ''
cd "$out/$installPrefix"
jq '"nixpkgs-fmt.path".default = "${nixpkgs-fmt}/bin/nixpkgs-fmt"' package.json | sponge package.json
meta = {
license =;
baccata.scaladex-search = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "scaladex-search";
publisher = "baccata";
version = "0.3.3";
sha256 = "sha256-+793uA+cSBHV6t4wAM4j4GeWggLJTl2GENkn8RFIwr0=";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.asl20;
badochov.ocaml-formatter = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "ocaml-formatter";
publisher = "badochov";
version = "2.0.5";
sha256 = "sha256-D04EJButnam/l4aAv1yNbHlTKMb3x1yrS47+9XjpCLI=";
meta = {
description = "VSCode Extension Formatter for OCaml language";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ ];
ban.spellright = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "ban";
name = "spellright";
version = "3.0.112";
sha256 = "sha256-79Yg4I0OkfG7PaDYnTA8HK8jrSxre4FGriq0Baiq7wA=";
meta = {
description = "A Visual Studio Code extension for Spellchecker";
changelog = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ onedragon ];
batisteo.vscode-django = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "batisteo";
name = "vscode-django";
version = "1.10.0";
sha256 = "sha256-vTaE3KhG5i2jGc5o33u76RUUFYaW4s4muHvph48HeQ4=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Django extension for Visual Studio Code";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ azd325 ];
bbenoist.nix = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "Nix";
publisher = "bbenoist";
version = "1.0.1";
sha256 = "0zd0n9f5z1f0ckzfjr38xw2zzmcxg1gjrava7yahg5cvdcw6l35b";
meta = {
license =;
benfradet.vscode-unison = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-unison";
publisher = "benfradet";
version = "0.4.0";
sha256 = "sha256-IDM9v+LWckf20xnRTj+ThAFSzVxxDVQaJkwO37UIIhs=";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.asl20;
betterthantomorrow.calva = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "calva";
publisher = "betterthantomorrow";
version = "2.0.374";
sha256 = "sha256-VwdHOkduSSIrcOvrcVf7K8DSp3N1u9fvbaCVDCxp+bk=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ jq moreutils ];
postInstall = ''
cd "$out/$installPrefix"
jq '.contributes.configuration[0].properties."calva.clojureLspPath".default = "${clojure-lsp}/bin/clojure-lsp"' package.json | sponge package.json
meta = {
license =;
}; = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "docs-view";
publisher = "bierner";
version = "0.0.11";
sha256 = "sha256-3njIL2SWGFp87cvQEemABJk2nXzwI1Il/WG3E0ZYZxw=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "A VSCode extension that displays documentation in the sidebar or panel";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
bierner.emojisense = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "emojisense";
publisher = "bierner";
version = "0.9.1";
sha256 = "sha256-bfhImi2qMHWkgKqkoStS0NtbXTfj6GpcLkI0PSMjuvg=";
meta = {
license =;
bierner.markdown-checkbox = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "markdown-checkbox";
publisher = "bierner";
version = "0.4.0";
sha256 = "sha256-AoPcdN/67WOzarnF+GIx/nans38Jan8Z5D0StBWIbkk=";
meta = {
license =;
bierner.markdown-emoji = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "markdown-emoji";
publisher = "bierner";
version = "0.3.0";
sha256 = "sha256-rw8/HeDA8kQuiPVDpeOGw1Mscd6vn4utw1Qznsd8lVI=";
meta = {
license =;
bierner.markdown-mermaid = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "markdown-mermaid";
publisher = "bierner";
version = "1.17.7";
sha256 = "sha256-WKe7XxBeYyzmjf/gnPH+5xNOHNhMPAKjtLorYyvT76U=";
meta = {
license =;
bmalehorn.vscode-fish = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-fish";
publisher = "bmalehorn";
version = "1.0.35";
sha256 = "sha256-V51Qe6M1CMm9fLOSFEwqeZiC8tWCbVH0AzkLe7kR2vY=";
meta.license =;
bmewburn.vscode-intelephense-client = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-intelephense-client";
publisher = "bmewburn";
version = "1.9.5";
sha256 = "sha256-KqWSQ+p5KqRVULwjoWuNE+lIEYkaUVkeOwMpXUxccqw=";
meta = {
description = "PHP code intelligence for Visual Studio Code";
license =;
downloadPage = "";
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
bodil.file-browser = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "file-browser";
publisher = "bodil";
version = "0.2.11";
sha256 = "sha256-yPVhhsAUZxnlhj58fXkk+yhxop2q7YJ6X4W9dXGKJfo=";
meta = {
license =;
bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-tailwindcss";
publisher = "bradlc";
version = "0.9.9";
sha256 = "sha256-QyB6DtKe9KH2UizLZQfP4YlHz2yF8H9Ehj+M+OdIYe4=";
meta = {
license =;
brandonkirbyson.solarized-palenight = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "solarized-palenight";
publisher = "BrandonKirbyson";
version = "1.0.1";
sha256 = "sha256-vVbaHSaBX6QzpnYMQlpPsJU1TQYJEBe8jq95muzwN0o=";
meta = {
description = " A solarized-palenight theme for vscode";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.sebtm ];
brettm12345.nixfmt-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "nixfmt-vscode";
publisher = "brettm12345";
version = "0.0.1";
sha256 = "07w35c69vk1l6vipnq3qfack36qcszqxn8j3v332bl0w6m02aa7k";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mpl20;
bungcip.better-toml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "better-toml";
publisher = "bungcip";
version = "0.3.2";
sha256 = "sha256-g+LfgjAnSuSj/nSmlPdB0t29kqTmegZB5B1cYzP8kCI=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Better TOML Language support";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.datafoo ];
catppuccin = {
catppuccin-vsc = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "catppuccin-vsc";
publisher = "catppuccin";
version = "2.6.1";
sha256 = "sha256-B56b7PeuVnkxEqvd4vL9TYO7s8fuA+LOCTbJQD9e7wY=";
meta = {
description = "Soothing pastel theme for VSCode";
license =;
downloadPage = "";
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.nullx76 ];
catppuccin-vsc-icons = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "catppuccin-vsc-icons";
publisher = "catppuccin";
version = "0.12.0";
sha256 = "sha256-i47tY6DSVtV8Yf6AgZ6njqfhaUFGEpgbRcBF70l2Xe0=";
meta = {
description = "Soothing pastel icon theme for VSCode";
license =;
downloadPage = "";
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.laurent-f1z1 ];
charliermarsh.ruff = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "ruff";
publisher = "charliermarsh";
version = "2023.38.0";
sha256 = "sha256-Gcw+X8e8MrTflotHUwkrdP/DD/6AX/kEgtRiqvqyqRM=";
meta = {
license =;
changelog = "";
description = "Ruff extension for Visual Studio Code";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.azd325 ];
chenglou92.rescript-vscode = callPackage ./chenglou92.rescript-vscode { };
chris-hayes.chatgpt-reborn = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "A Visual Studio Code extension to support ChatGPT, GPT-3 and Codex conversations";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.isc;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
mktplcRef = {
name = "chatgpt-reborn";
publisher = "chris-hayes";
version = "3.16.3";
sha256 = "wkitG5gmYKYKXRw/zVW04HN1dePiTjbnynFOY/bwxfI=";
christian-kohler.path-intellisense = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "path-intellisense";
publisher = "christian-kohler";
version = "2.8.4";
sha256 = "sha256-FEBYcjJHOwmxVHhhyxqOpk/V6hvtMkhkvLVpmJCMSZw=";
meta = {
description = "Visual Studio Code plugin that autocompletes filenames";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.imgabe ];
cmschuetz12.wal = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "wal";
publisher = "cmschuetz12";
version = "0.1.0";
sha256 = "0q089jnzqzhjfnv0vlb5kf747s3mgz64r7q3zscl66zb2pz5q4zd";
meta = {
license =;
coder.coder-remote = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "coder-remote";
publisher = "coder";
version = "0.1.18";
sha256 = "soNGZuyvG5+haWRcwYmYB+0OcyDAm4UQ419UnEd8waA=";
meta = {
description = "An extension for Visual Studio Code to open any Coder workspace in VS Code with a single click.";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
codezombiech.gitignore = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "gitignore";
publisher = "codezombiech";
version = "0.9.0";
sha256 = "sha256-IHoF+c8Rsi6WnXoCX7x3wKyuMwLh14nbL9sNVJHogHM=";
meta = {
license =;
w88975.code-translate = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "code-translate";
publisher = "w88975";
version = "1.0.20";
sha256 = "sha256-blqLK7S+RmEoyr9zktS5/SNC0GeSXnNpbhltyajoAfw=";
meta = {
description = "A Visual Studio Code extension to provide purely hover translation";
longDescription = ''
Code Translate is a purely hover translation extension
- Non-intrusive display of translation results: perfectly integrated with VS Code code analysis.
- Powerful word splitting capabilities: supports various forms of word splitting such as camel case and underscore.
- Rich local vocabulary: includes 3.4+ million offline words, supporting various rare words.
- Based on a rich local vocabulary: Code Translate has super-fast query speed, with each word typically queried in less than 10ms.
- Multi-platform support: supports both the desktop version and online version of VS Code, and the plugin can be used on both versions.
homepage = "";
changelog = "";
license =;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ onedragon ];
colejcummins.llvm-syntax-highlighting = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "llvm-syntax-highlighting";
publisher = "colejcummins";
version = "0.0.3";
sha256 = "sha256-D5zLp3ruq0F9UFT9emgOBDLr1tya2Vw52VvCc40TtV0=";
meta = {
description = "Lightweight syntax highlighting for LLVM IR";
homepage = "";
downloadPage = "";
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.inclyc ];
license =;
contextmapper.context-mapper-vscode-extension = callPackage ./contextmapper.context-mapper-vscode-extension { };
coolbear.systemd-unit-file = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "coolbear";
name = "systemd-unit-file";
version = "1.0.6";
sha256 = "0sc0zsdnxi4wfdlmaqwb6k2qc21dgwx6ipvri36x7agk7m8m4736";
meta = {
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kamadorueda ];
cweijan.vscode-database-client2 = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-database-client2";
publisher = "cweijan";
version = "6.3.0";
sha256 = "sha256-BFTY3NZQd6XTE3UNO1bWo/LiM4sHujFGOSufDLD4mzM=";
meta = {
description = "Database Client For Visual Studio Code";
homepage = "";
license =;
daohong-emilio.yash = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "daohong-emilio";
name = "yash";
version = "0.2.9";
sha256 = "sha256-5JX6Z7xVPoqGjD1/ySc9ObD14O1sWDpvBj9VbtGO1Cg=";
meta = {
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kamadorueda ];
dart-code.dart-code = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "dart-code";
publisher = "dart-code";
version = "3.61.20230324";
sha256 = "sha256-VVQ32heyzLjM5HdeNAK5PwqB1NsSQ9iQJBwJiJXlu+g=";
meta.license =;
dart-code.flutter = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "flutter";
publisher = "dart-code";
version = "3.61.20230301";
sha256 = "sha256-t4AfFgxVCl15YOz7NTULvNUcyuiQilEP6jPK4zMAAmc=";
meta.license =;
davidanson.vscode-markdownlint = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-markdownlint";
publisher = "DavidAnson";
version = "0.51.0";
sha256 = "sha256-Xtr8cqcPrcrKpJBxQcY1j9Gl4CC6U3ZazS4bdBtdzUk=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Markdown linting and style checking for Visual Studio Code";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.datafoo ];
davidlday.languagetool-linter = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "languagetool-linter";
publisher = "davidlday";
version = "0.19.0";
sha256 = "sha256-crq6CTXpzwHJL8FPIBneAGjDgUUNdpBt6rIaMCr1F1U=";
meta = {
description = "LanguageTool integration for VS Code";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.asl20;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ebbertd ];
dbaeumer.vscode-eslint = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-eslint";
publisher = "dbaeumer";
version = "2.4.2";
sha256 = "sha256-eIjaiVQ7PNJUtOiZlM+lw6VmW07FbMWPtY7UoedWtbw=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Integrates ESLint JavaScript into VS Code.";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.datafoo ];
denoland.vscode-deno = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-deno";
publisher = "denoland";
version = "3.17.0";
sha256 = "sha256-ETwpUrYbPXHSkEBq2oM1aCBwt9ItLcXMYc3YWjHLiJE=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "A language server client for Deno";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ratsclub ];
devsense.composer-php-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "composer-php-vscode";
publisher = "devsense";
version = "1.36.13428";
sha256 = "sha256-dzRuD0XBWU+xUtr86eN8zbZ6bVIq1BP0/EqgQG4JbvY=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "A visual studio code extension for full development integration for Composer, the PHP package manager.";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.asl20;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
devsense.phptools-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = let
sources = {
"x86_64-linux" = {
arch = "linux-x64";
sha256 = "sha256-x4Vsr/79vZuNPGQqwOVdIMi2Ba9DfnKM1AjxCZbzJms=";
"x86_64-darwin" = {
arch = "darwin-x64";
sha256 = "0c9jcjavkjiv92cd4wrvgcv70igghi5ha96hg7h63cgmxg7b87gk";
"aarch64-linux" = {
arch = "linux-arm64";
sha256 = "0b3w3ssxymf9p1h4amnqimbsjf1wpxsi55b05wgqwh2w2zfxd91l";
"aarch64-darwin" = {
arch = "darwin-arm64";
sha256 = "0mdqa9w1p6cmli6976v4wi0sw9r4p5prkj7lzfd1877wk11c9c73";
in {
name = "phptools-vscode";
publisher = "devsense";
version = "1.36.13428";
} // sources.${stdenv.system};
nativeBuildInputs = [
buildInputs = [
postInstall = ''
chmod +x $out/share/vscode/extensions/devsense.phptools-vscode/out/server/
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "A visual studio code extension for full development integration for the PHP language.";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.asl20;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-darwin" "aarch64-linux" ];
devsense.profiler-php-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "profiler-php-vscode";
publisher = "devsense";
version = "1.36.13428";
sha256 = "sha256-/CT83LdQkEvsWrQX30bgnklgGKduYC0LqZ8gaexqu60=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "A visual studio code extension for PHP and XDebug profiling and inspecting.";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.asl20;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
dhall.dhall-lang = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "dhall-lang";
publisher = "dhall";
version = "0.0.4";
sha256 = "0sa04srhqmngmw71slnrapi2xay0arj42j4gkan8i11n7bfi1xpf";
meta = { license =; };
dhall.vscode-dhall-lsp-server = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-dhall-lsp-server";
publisher = "dhall";
version = "0.0.4";
sha256 = "1zin7s827bpf9yvzpxpr5n6mv0b5rhh3civsqzmj52mdq365d2js";
meta = { license =; };
disneystreaming.smithy = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "disneystreaming";
name = "smithy";
version = "0.0.8";
sha256 = "sha256-BQPiSxiPPjdNPtIJI8L+558DVKxngPAI9sscpcJSJUI=";
meta = { license = lib.licenses.asl20; };
divyanshuagrawal.competitive-programming-helper = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "competitive-programming-helper";
publisher = "DivyanshuAgrawal";
version = "5.10.0";
sha256 = "sha256-KALTldVaptKt8k2Y6PMqhJEMrayB4yn86x2CxHn6Ba0=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Makes judging, compiling, and downloading problems for competitve programming easy. Also supports auto-submit for a few sites.";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.gpl3;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.arcticlimer ];
donjayamanne.githistory = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "View git log, file history, compare branches or commits";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ ];
mktplcRef = {
name = "githistory";
publisher = "donjayamanne";
version = "0.6.20";
sha256 = "sha256-nEdYS9/cMS4dcbFje23a47QBZr9eDK3dvtkFWqA+OHU=";
dotenv.dotenv-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "dotenv-vscode";
publisher = "dotenv";
version = "0.28.0";
sha256 = "sha256-KiQgFvbfLsA/ADROoG6y6c/i0XHuTNH2AN+6mWEm0P8=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Official Dotenv extension for VSCode. Offers syntax highlighting, auto-cloaking, auto-completion, in-code secret peeking, and optionally dotenv-vault";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
dotjoshjohnson.xml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "xml";
publisher = "dotjoshjohnson";
version = "2.5.1";
sha256 = "1v4x6yhzny1f8f4jzm4g7vqmqg5bqchyx4n25mkgvw2xp6yls037";
meta = {
description = "XML Tools";
homepage = "";
license =;
dracula-theme.theme-dracula = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "theme-dracula";
publisher = "dracula-theme";
version = "2.24.2";
sha256 = "sha256-YNqWEIvlEI29mfPxOQVdd4db9G2qNodhz8B0MCAAWK8=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Dark theme for many editors, shells, and more";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
eamodio.gitlens = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "gitlens";
publisher = "eamodio";
# Stable versions are listed on the GitHub releases page and use a
# semver scheme, contrary to preview versions which are listed on
# the VSCode Marketplace and use a calver scheme. We should avoid
# using preview versions, because they expire after two weeks.
version = "14.1.1";
sha256 = "sha256-eSN48IudpHYzT4u+S4b2I2pyEPyOwBCSL49awT/mzEE=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "GitLens supercharges the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code.";
longDescription = ''
Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git
blame annotations and code lens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain valuable insights via
powerful comparison commands, and so much more
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ratsclub ];
editorconfig.editorconfig = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "EditorConfig";
publisher = "EditorConfig";
version = "0.16.4";
sha256 = "0fa4h9hk1xq6j3zfxvf483sbb4bd17fjl5cdm3rll7z9kaigdqwg";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "EditorConfig Support for Visual Studio Code";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.dbirks ];
edonet.vscode-command-runner = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-command-runner";
publisher = "edonet";
version = "0.0.123";
sha256 = "sha256-Fq0KgW5N6urj8hMUs6Spidy47jwIkpkmBUlpXMVnq7s=";
meta = {
license =;
eg2.vscode-npm-script = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-npm-script";
publisher = "eg2";
version = "0.3.29";
sha256 = "sha256-k6DtmhYBj7mg8SUU3pg+ezRzWvhiECqYQVj9LDhhV4I=";
meta = {
license =;
elixir-lsp.vscode-elixir-ls = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "elixir-ls";
publisher = "JakeBecker";
version = "0.16.0";
sha256 = "sha256-PZUyOZ/U6OkGid+PYY2G/pAe5R5eumUibKNel9HBI+s=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Elixir support with debugger, autocomplete, and more. Powered by ElixirLS.";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.datafoo ];
elmtooling.elm-ls-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "elm-ls-vscode";
publisher = "Elmtooling";
version = "2.6.0";
sha256 = "sha256-iNFc7YJFl3d4/BJE9TPJfL0iqEkUtyEyVt4v1J2bXts=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Elm language server";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.mcwitt ];
emmanuelbeziat.vscode-great-icons = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-great-icons";
publisher = "emmanuelbeziat";
version = "2.1.92";
sha256 = "sha256-cywFx33oTQZxFUxL9qCpV12pV2tP0ujR4osCdtSOOTc=";
meta = {
license =;
emroussel.atomize-atom-one-dark-theme = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "atomize-atom-one-dark-theme";
publisher = "emroussel";
version = "2.0.2";
sha256 = "sha256-GwuFtBVj0Z2rHryst/7cegskvZIMPsrAH12+K942+JA=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "A detailed and accurate Atom One Dark theme for VSCode";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
}; = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "tokyo-night";
publisher = "enkia";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "sha256-/fM+aUDUzVJ6P38i+GrxhLv2eLJNa8OFkKsM4yPBy4c=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "A clean Visual Studio Code theme that celebrates the lights of Downtown Tokyo at night";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
equinusocio.vsc-material-theme = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vsc-material-theme";
publisher = "Equinusocio";
version = "33.8.0";
sha256 = "sha256-+I4AUwsrElT62XNvmuAC2iBfHfjNYY0bmAqzQvfwUYM=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "The most epic theme now for Visual Studio Code";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.asl20;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.stunkymonkey ];
esbenp.prettier-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "prettier-vscode";
publisher = "esbenp";
version = "10.1.0";
sha256 = "sha256-SQuf15Jq84MKBVqK6UviK04uo7gQw9yuw/WEBEXcQAc=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Code formatter using prettier";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.datafoo ];
ethansk.restore-terminals = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "restore-terminals";
publisher = "ethansk";
version = "1.1.8";
sha256 = "sha256-pZK/QNomQoFRsL6LRIKvWQj8/SYo2ZdVU47Gsmb9MXo=";
eugleo.magic-racket = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "magic-racket";
publisher = "evzen-wybitul";
version = "0.6.4";
sha256 = "sha256-Hxa4VPm3QvJICzpDyfk94fGHu1hr+YN9szVBwDB8X4U=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ jq moreutils ];
postInstall = ''
cd "$out/$installPrefix"
jq '"magicRacket.general.racketPath".default = "${racket}/bin/racket"' package.json | sponge package.json
jq '"magicRacket.general.racoPath".default = "${racket}/bin/raco"' package.json | sponge package.json
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "The best coding experience for Racket in VS Code";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.agpl3Only;
ExiaHuang.dictionary = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "ExiaHuang";
name = "dictionary";
version = "0.0.2";
sha256 = "sha256-caNcbDTB/F2mdlGpfIfJv13lzY5Wwj7p7r8dAte9+3A=";
meta = {
description = "A Visual Studio Code extension of using chinese-english dictonary in right-click menu";
homepage = "";
changelog = "";
license = lib.licenses.gpl3Only;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ onedragon ];
file-icons.file-icons = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "File-specific icons in VSCode for improved visual grepping.";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ ];
mktplcRef = {
name = "file-icons";
publisher = "file-icons";
version = "1.0.29";
sha256 = "05x45f9yaivsz8a1ahlv5m8gy2kkz71850dhdvwmgii0vljc8jc6";
firefox-devtools.vscode-firefox-debug = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-firefox-debug";
publisher = "firefox-devtools";
version = "2.9.8";
sha256 = "sha256-MCL562FPgEfhUM1KH5LMl7BblbjIkQ4UEwB67RlO5Mk=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "A Visual Studio Code extension for debugging web applications and browser extensions in Firefox";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.felschr ];
foam.foam-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "foam-vscode";
publisher = "foam";
version = "0.21.1";
sha256 = "sha256-Ff1g+Qu4nUGR3g5PqOwP7W6S+3jje9gz1HK8J0+B65w=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode ";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ratsclub ];
}; = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "auto-close-tag";
publisher = "formulahendry";
version = "0.5.14";
sha256 = "sha256-XYYHS2QTy8WYjtUYYWsIESzmH4dRQLlXQpJq78BolMw=";
meta = {
license =;
}; = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "auto-rename-tag";
publisher = "formulahendry";
version = "0.1.10";
sha256 = "sha256-uXqWebxnDwaUVLFG6MUh4bZ7jw5d2rTHRm5NoR2n0Vs=";
meta = {
license =;
formulahendry.code-runner = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "code-runner";
publisher = "formulahendry";
version = "0.12.0";
sha256 = "sha256-Q2gcuclG7NLR81HjKj/0RF0jM5Eqe2vZMbpoabp/osg=";
meta = {
license =;
}; = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "shell-format";
publisher = "foxundermoon";
version = "7.1.0";
sha256 = "09z72mdr5bfdcb67xyzlv7lb9vyjlc3k9ackj4jgixfk40c68cnj";
nativeBuildInputs = [ jq moreutils ];
postInstall = ''
cd "$out/$installPrefix"
jq '"shellformat.path".default = "${shfmt}/bin/shfmt"' package.json | sponge package.json
meta = {
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.dbirks ];
freebroccolo.reasonml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Reason support for Visual Studio Code";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.asl20;
maintainers = [ ];
mktplcRef = {
name = "reasonml";
publisher = "freebroccolo";
version = "1.0.38";
sha256 = "1nay6qs9vcxd85ra4bv93gg3aqg3r2wmcnqmcsy9n8pg1ds1vngd";
funkyremi.vscode-google-translate = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "funkyremi";
name = "vscode-google-translate";
version = "1.4.13";
sha256 = "sha256-9Vo6lwqD1eE3zY0Gi9ME/6lPwmwuJ3Iq9StHPvncnM4=";
meta = {
description = "A Visual Studio Code extension using google translation to helping you quickly translate text right in your code rocket";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
changelog = "";
license =;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ onedragon ];
gencer.html-slim-scss-css-class-completion = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "html-slim-scss-css-class-completion";
publisher = "gencer";
version = "1.7.8";
sha256 = "18qws35qvnl0ahk5sxh4mzkw0ib788y1l97ijmpjszs0cd4bfsa6";
meta = {
description = "VSCode extension for SCSS";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ ];
genieai.chatgpt-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "A Visual Studio Code extension to support ChatGPT, GPT-3 and Codex conversations";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.isc;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
mktplcRef = {
name = "chatgpt-vscode";
publisher = "genieai";
version = "0.0.8";
sha256 = "RKvmZkegFs4y+sEVaamPRO1F1E+k4jJyI0Q9XqKowrQ=";
github.codespaces = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "github";
name = "codespaces";
version = "1.14.8";
sha256 = "sha256-kCgnOODT1KDi9PMWs3CATXESWoHnDRhCIZhEUSkm14o=";
meta = { license = lib.licenses.unfree; };
github.copilot = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "github";
name = "copilot";
version = "1.89.156";
sha256 = "sha256-BJnYd9D3bWrZI8UETnAua8ngVjZJ7EXB1UrZAjVnx1E=";
meta = {
description = "GitHub Copilot uses OpenAI Codex to suggest code and entire functions in real-time right from your editor.";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.unfree;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.Zimmi48 ];
github.copilot-chat = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "github";
name = "copilot-chat";
version = "0.3.2023061502";
sha256 = "sha256-sUoKwlPDMz+iQbmIsD2JhyDwmUQzOyCHXaXCUaizQ7k=";
meta = {
description = "GitHub Copilot Chat is a companion extension to GitHub Copilot that houses experimental chat features";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.unfree;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.laurent-f1z1 ];
github.github-vscode-theme = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "github-vscode-theme";
publisher = "github";
version = "6.3.4";
sha256 = "sha256-JbI0B7jxt/2pNg/hMjAE5pBBa3LbUdi+GF0iEZUDUDM=";
meta = {
description = "GitHub theme for VS Code";
downloadPage =
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.hugolgst ];
github.vscode-github-actions = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-github-actions";
publisher = "github";
version = "0.25.6";
sha256 = "sha256-HRj/AQI9E6HDkZ2ok/h/+c9HHq1wVXQPAt5mb/Ij+BI=";
meta = {
description = "A Visual Studio Code extension for GitHub Actions workflows and runs for hosted repositories";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
github.vscode-pull-request-github = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-pull-request-github";
publisher = "github";
# Stable versions are listed on the GitHub releases page and use a
# semver scheme, contrary to preview versions which are listed on
# the VSCode Marketplace and use a calver scheme. We should avoid
# using preview versions, because they can require insider versions
# of VS Code
version = "0.68.1";
sha256 = "sha256-d60ZxWQLZa2skOB3Iv9K04aGNZA1d1A82N7zRaxAzlI=";
meta = { license =; };
gitlab.gitlab-workflow = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "gitlab-workflow";
publisher = "gitlab";
version = "3.60.0";
sha256 = "sha256-rH0+6sQfBfI8SrKY9GGtTOONdzKus6Z62E8Qv5xY7Fw=";
meta = {
description = "GitLab extension for Visual Studio Code";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ ];
gleam.gleam = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "gleam";
publisher = "gleam";
version = "2.3.0";
sha256 = "sha256-dhRS8fLKY0plRwnrAUWT4g/LfH6IpODTNhT79g4Nm+0=";
meta = {
description = "Support for the Gleam programming language";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.asl20;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.msfjarvis ];
golang.go = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "Go";
publisher = "golang";
version = "0.38.0";
sha256 = "sha256-wOWouVz4mE4BzmgQOLQyVWsMadMqeUkFWHnruxStU0Q=";
meta = {
license =;
grapecity.gc-excelviewer = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "gc-excelviewer";
publisher = "grapecity";
version = "4.2.56";
sha256 = "sha256-lrKkxaqPDouWzDP1uUE4Rgt9mI61jUOi/xZ85A0mnrk=";
meta = {
description = "Edit Excel spreadsheets and CSV files in Visual Studio Code and VS Code for the Web";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kamadorueda ];
graphql.vscode-graphql = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-graphql";
publisher = "GraphQL";
version = "0.8.7";
sha256 = "sha256-u3VcpgLKiEeUr1I6w71wleKyaO6v0gmHiw5Ama6fv88=";
meta = {
description = "GraphQL extension for VSCode built with the aim to tightly integrate the GraphQL Ecosystem with VSCode for an awesome developer experience.";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.Enzime ];
graphql.vscode-graphql-syntax = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-graphql-syntax";
publisher = "GraphQL";
version = "1.1.0";
sha256 = "sha256-qazU0UyZ9de6Huj2AYZqqBo4jVW/ZQmFJhV7XXAblxo=";
meta = {
description = "Adds full GraphQL syntax highlighting and language support such as bracket matching.";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.Enzime ];
gruntfuggly.todo-tree = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "todo-tree";
publisher = "Gruntfuggly";
version = "0.0.226";
sha256 = "sha256-Fj9cw+VJ2jkTGUclB1TLvURhzQsaryFQs/+f2RZOLHs=";
meta = {
license =;
hashicorp.terraform = callPackage ./hashicorp.terraform { };
haskell.haskell = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "haskell";
publisher = "haskell";
version = "2.2.2";
sha256 = "sha256-zWdIVdz+kZg7KZQ7LeBCB4aB9wg8dUbkWfzGlM0Fq7Q=";
meta = {
license =;
hookyqr.beautify = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "beautify";
publisher = "HookyQR";
version = "1.5.0";
sha256 = "1c0kfavdwgwham92xrh0gnyxkrl9qlkpv39l1yhrldn8vd10fj5i";
meta = {
license =;
}; = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "humao";
name = "rest-client";
version = "0.25.1";
sha256 = "sha256-DSzZ9wGB0IVK8gYOzLLbT03WX3xSmR/IUVZkDzcczKc=";
meta = {
license =;
ibm.output-colorizer = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "output-colorizer";
publisher = "IBM";
version = "0.1.2";
sha256 = "0i9kpnlk3naycc7k8gmcxas3s06d67wxr3nnyv5hxmsnsx5sfvb7";
meta = {
license =;
iciclesoft.workspacesort = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "workspacesort";
publisher = "iciclesoft";
version = "1.6.2";
sha256 = "sha256-ZsjBgoTr4LGQW0kn+CtbdLwpPHmlYl5LKhwXIzcPe2o=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Sort workspace-folders alphabetically rather than in chronological order";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.dbirks ];
influxdata.flux = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "influxdata";
name = "flux";
version = "1.0.4";
sha256 = "sha256-KIKROyfkosBS1Resgl+s3VENVg4ibaeIgKjermXESoA=";
meta = {
license =;
intellsmi.comment-translate = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "intellsmi";
name = "comment-translate";
version = "2.2.4";
sha256 = "sha256-g6mlScxv8opZuqgWtTJ3k0Yo7W7WzIkwB+8lWf6cMiU=";
meta = {
description = "A Visual Studio Code extension to translate the comments for computer language";
longDescription = ''
This plugin uses the Google Translate API to translate comments for the VSCode programming language.
homepage = "";
downloadPage = "";
changelog = "";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ onedragon ];
license =;
ionide.ionide-fsharp = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "Ionide-fsharp";
publisher = "Ionide";
version = "7.5.4";
sha256 = "sha256-cM3ssUzQnqt5WL8UaLYkrmfHscVa2sGa7/UWLXMIHGg=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Enhanced F# Language Features for Visual Studio Code";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ratsclub ];
irongeek.vscode-env = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-env";
publisher = "irongeek";
version = "0.1.0";
sha256 = "sha256-URq90lOFtPCNfSIl2NUwihwRQyqgDysGmBc3NG7o7vk=";
meta = {
description = "Adds formatting and syntax highlighting support for env files (.env) to Visual Studio Code";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ ];
james-yu.latex-workshop = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "latex-workshop";
publisher = "James-Yu";
version = "9.10.0";
sha256 = "s0+8952svPSA69M4H29zuIxUWV6xNRpIqLNd8pzGJhY=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "LaTeX Workshop Extension";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ ];
janet-lang.vscode-janet = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-janet";
publisher = "janet-lang";
version = "0.0.2";
sha256 = "sha256-oj0e++z2BtadIXOnTlocIIHliYweZ1iyrV08DwatfLI=";
meta = {
description = "Janet language support for Visual Studio Code";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.wackbyte ];
jdinhlife.gruvbox = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "gruvbox";
publisher = "jdinhlife";
version = "1.8.0";
sha256 = "sha256-P4FbbcRcKWbnC86TSnzQaGn2gHWkDM9I4hj4GiHNPS4=";
meta = {
description = "Gruvbox Theme";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.imgabe ];
jebbs.plantuml = callPackage ./jebbs.plantuml { };
jellyedwards.gitsweep = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "jellyedwards";
name = "gitsweep";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "sha256-XBD8rN6E/0GjZ3zXgR45MN9v4PYrEXBSzN7+CcLrRsg=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "VS Code extension which allows you to easily exclude modified or new files so they don't get committed accidentally";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.MatthieuBarthel ];
jkillian.custom-local-formatters = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "jkillian";
name = "custom-local-formatters";
version = "0.0.6";
sha256 = "sha256-FYDkOuoiF/N24BFG9GOqtTDwq84txmaa1acdzfskf/c=";
meta = {
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kamadorueda ];
jnoortheen.nix-ide = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "nix-ide";
publisher = "jnoortheen";
version = "0.2.2";
sha256 = "sha256-jwOM+6LnHyCkvhOTVSTUZvgx77jAg6hFCCpBqY8AxIg=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Nix language support with formatting and error report";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ ];
jock.svg = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "svg";
publisher = "jock";
version = "1.5.2";
sha256 = "sha256-Ii2e65BJU+Vw3i8917dgZtGsiSn6qConu8SJ+IqF82U=";
meta = {
license =;
johnpapa.vscode-peacock = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-peacock";
publisher = "johnpapa";
version = "4.2.2";
sha256 = "1z9crpz025ha9hgc9mxxg3vyrsfpf9d16zm1vrf4q592j9156d2m";
meta = {
license =;
justusadam.language-haskell = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "language-haskell";
publisher = "justusadam";
version = "3.6.0";
sha256 = "sha256-rZXRzPmu7IYmyRWANtpJp3wp0r/RwB7eGHEJa7hBvoQ=";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.bsd3;
kahole.magit = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "magit";
publisher = "kahole";
version = "0.6.43";
sha256 = "sha256-DPLlQ2IliyvzW8JvgVlGKNd2JjD/RbclNXU3gEFVhOE=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Magit for VSCode";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.azd325 ];
kalebpace.balena-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "balena-vscode";
publisher = "kalebpace";
version = "0.1.3";
sha256 = "sha256-CecEv19nEtnMe0KlCMNBM9ZAjbAVgPNUcZ6cBxHw44M=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "VS Code extension for integration with Balena";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kalebpace ];
kamadorueda.alejandra = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "alejandra";
publisher = "kamadorueda";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "sha256-COlEjKhm8tK5XfOjrpVUDQ7x3JaOLiYoZ4MdwTL8ktk=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ jq moreutils ];
postInstall = ''
cd "$out/$installPrefix"
jq -e '"alejandra.program".default =
"${alejandra}/bin/alejandra" |
.contributes.configurationDefaults."alejandra.program" =
' \
< package.json \
| sponge package.json
meta = {
description = "The Uncompromising Nix Code Formatter";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.unlicense;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kamadorueda ];
kamikillerto.vscode-colorize = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-colorize";
publisher = "kamikillerto";
version = "0.11.1";
sha256 = "1h82b1jz86k2qznprng5066afinkrd7j3738a56idqr3vvvqnbsm";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.asl20;
kddejong.vscode-cfn-lint =
inherit (python3Packages) cfn-lint;
buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-cfn-lint";
publisher = "kddejong";
version = "0.21.0";
sha256 = "sha256-IueXiN+077tiecAsVCzgYksWYTs00mZv6XJVMtRJ/PQ=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ jq moreutils ];
buildInputs = [ cfn-lint ];
postInstall = ''
cd "$out/$installPrefix"
jq '"cfnLint.path".default = "${cfn-lint}/bin/cfn-lint"' package.json | sponge package.json
meta = {
description = "CloudFormation Linter IDE integration, autocompletion, and documentation";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.asl20;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.wolfangaukang ];
kubukoz.nickel-syntax = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "nickel-syntax";
publisher = "kubukoz";
version = "0.0.2";
sha256 = "sha256-ffPZd717Y2OF4d9MWE6zKwcsGWS90ZJvhWkqP831tVM=";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.asl20;
llvm-org.lldb-vscode = llvmPackages_8.lldb;
llvm-vs-code-extensions.vscode-clangd = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-clangd";
publisher = "llvm-vs-code-extensions";
version = "0.1.24";
sha256 = "sha256-yOpsYjjwHRXxbiHDPgrtswUtgbQAo+3RgN2s6UYe9mg=";
meta = {
description = "C/C++ completion, navigation, and insights";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
changelog = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.wackbyte ];
lokalise.i18n-ally = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "i18n-ally";
publisher = "Lokalise";
version = "2.8.1";
sha256 = "sha256-oDW7ijcObfOP7ZNggSHX0aiI5FkoJ/iQD92bRV0eWVQ=";
meta = {
license =;
lucperkins.vrl-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "lucperkins";
name = "vrl-vscode";
version = "0.1.4";
sha256 = "sha256-xcGa43iPwUR6spOJGTmmWA1dOMNMQEdiuhMZPYZ+dTU=";
meta = {
description = "VS Code extension for Vector Remap Language (VRL)";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.mpl20;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.lucperkins ];
mads-hartmann.bash-ide-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "mads-hartmann";
name = "bash-ide-vscode";
version = "1.36.0";
sha256 = "sha256-DqY2PS4JSjb6VMO1b0Hi/7JOKSTUk5VSxJiCrUKBfLk=";
meta = {
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kamadorueda ];
marp-team.marp-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "marp-vscode";
publisher = "marp-team";
version = "2.5.0";
sha256 = "sha256-I8UevZs04tUj/jaHrU7LiMF40ElMqtniU1h/9LNLdac=";
meta = {
license =;
matangover.mypy = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "mypy";
publisher = "matangover";
version = "0.2.3";
sha256 = "sha256-m/8j89M340fiMF7Mi7FT2+Xag3fbMGWf8Gt9T8hLdmo=";
meta.license =;
matthewpi.caddyfile-support = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "caddyfile-support";
publisher = "matthewpi";
version = "0.3.0";
sha256 = "sha256-1yiOnvC2w33kiPRdQYskee38Cid/GOj9becLadP1fUY=";
meta = {
description = "Rich Caddyfile support for Visual Studio Code";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
changelog = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.matthewpi ];
mattn.lisp = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "lisp";
publisher = "mattn";
version = "0.1.12";
sha256 = "sha256-x6aFrcX0YElEFEr0qA669/LPlab15npmXd5Q585pIEw=";
meta = {
description = "Lisp syntax for vscode";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
changelog = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kamadorueda ];
maximedenes.vscoq = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "maximedenes";
name = "vscoq";
version = "0.3.8";
sha256 = "sha256-0FX5KBsvUmI+JMGBnaI3kJmmD+Y6XFl7LRHU0ADbHos=";
meta = {
description = "VsCoq is an extension for Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and VSCodium with support for the Coq Proof Assistant.";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.Zimmi48 ];
mechatroner.rainbow-csv = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "rainbow-csv";
publisher = "mechatroner";
version = "3.6.0";
sha256 = "sha256-bvxMnT6oSjflAwWQZkNnEoEsVlVg86T0TMYi8tNsbdQ=";
meta = {
license =;
mgt19937.typst-preview = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef =
sources = {
"x86_64-linux" = {
arch = "linux-x64";
sha256 = "sha256-O8sFv23tlhJS6N8LRKkHcTJTupZejCLDRdVVCdDlWbA=";
"x86_64-darwin" = {
arch = "darwin-x64";
sha256 = "1npzjch67agswh3nm14dbbsx777daq2rdw1yny10jf3858z2qynr";
"aarch64-linux" = {
arch = "linux-arm64";
sha256 = "1vv1jfgnyjbmshh4w6rf496d9dpdsk3f0049ii4d9vi23igk4xpk";
"aarch64-darwin" = {
arch = "darwin-arm64";
sha256 = "0dfchzqm61kddq20zvp1pcpk1625b9wgj32ymc08piq06pbadk29";
name = "typst-preview";
publisher = "mgt19937";
version = "0.6.1";
} // sources.${stdenv.system};
nativeBuildInputs = lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux [ autoPatchelfHook ];
buildInputs = lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux [ ];
meta = {
description = "Typst Preview is an extension for previewing your Typst files in vscode instantly";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
mhutchie.git-graph = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "git-graph";
publisher = "mhutchie";
version = "1.30.0";
sha256 = "sha256-sHeaMMr5hmQ0kAFZxxMiRk6f0mfjkg2XMnA4Gf+DHwA=";
meta = {
license =;
mikestead.dotenv = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "dotenv";
publisher = "mikestead";
version = "1.0.1";
sha256 = "sha256-dieCzNOIcZiTGu4Mv5zYlG7jLhaEsJR05qbzzzQ7RWc=";
meta = {
license =;
mishkinf.goto-next-previous-member = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "goto-next-previous-member";
publisher = "mishkinf";
version = "0.0.6";
sha256 = "07rpnbkb51835gflf4fpr0v7fhj8hgbhsgcz2wpag8wdzdxc3025";
meta = {
license =;
mkhl.direnv = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "direnv";
publisher = "mkhl";
version = "0.14.0";
sha256 = "sha256-T+bt6ku+zkqzP1gXNLcpjtFAevDRiSKnZaE7sM4pUOs=";
meta = {
description = "direnv support for Visual Studio Code";
license = lib.licenses.bsd0;
downloadPage = "";
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.nullx76 ];
ms-azuretools.vscode-docker = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-docker";
publisher = "ms-azuretools";
version = "1.24.0";
sha256 = "sha256-zZ34KQrRPqVbfGdpYACuLMiMj4ZIWSnJIPac1yXD87k=";
meta = {
license =;
ms-ceintl = callPackage ./language-packs.nix { }; # non-English language packs
ms-dotnettools.csharp = callPackage ./ms-dotnettools.csharp { };
ms-kubernetes-tools.vscode-kubernetes-tools = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-kubernetes-tools";
publisher = "ms-kubernetes-tools";
version = "1.3.11";
sha256 = "sha256-I2ud9d4VtgiiIT0MeoaMThgjLYtSuftFVZHVJTMlJ8s=";
meta = {
license =;
ms-pyright.pyright = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "pyright";
publisher = "ms-pyright";
version = "1.1.300";
sha256 = "sha256-GzRJeV4qfgM2kBv6U3MH7lMWl3CL6LWPI/9GaVWZL+o=";
meta = {
description = "VS Code static type checking for Python";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
changelog = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ratsclub ];
}; = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "black-formatter";
publisher = "ms-python";
version = "2023.4.1";
sha256 = "sha256-IJaLke0WF1rlKTiuwJHAXDQB1SS39AoQhc4iyqqlTyY=";
meta = with lib; {
description = "Formatter extension for Visual Studio Code using black";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ sikmir ];
ms-python.isort = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "isort";
publisher = "ms-python";
version = "2023.10.1";
sha256 = "sha256-NRsS+mp0pIhGZiqxAMXNZ7SwLno9Q8pj+RS1WB92HzU=";
meta = with lib; {
description = "Import sorting extension for Visual Studio Code using isort";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ sikmir ];
ms-python.python = callPackage ./ms-python.python { };
ms-python.vscode-pylance = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-pylance";
publisher = "MS-python";
version = "2022.7.11";
sha256 = "sha256-JatjLZXO7iwpBwjL1hrNafBiF81CaozWWANyRm8A36Y=";
buildInputs = [ nodePackages.pyright ];
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "A performant, feature-rich language server for Python in VS Code";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.unfree;
ms-toolsai.jupyter = callPackage ./ms-toolsai.jupyter { };
ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "jupyter-keymap";
publisher = "ms-toolsai";
version = "1.1.0";
sha256 = "sha256-krDtR+ZJiJf1Kxcu5mdXOaSAiJb2bXC1H0XWWviWeMQ=";
meta = {
license =;
ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "jupyter-renderers";
publisher = "ms-toolsai";
version = "1.0.15";
sha256 = "sha256-JR6PunvRRTsSqjSGGAn/1t1B+Ia6X0MgqahehcuSNYA=";
meta = {
license =;
ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-cell-tags = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-jupyter-cell-tags";
publisher = "ms-toolsai";
version = "0.1.8";
sha256 = "sha256-0oPyptnUWL1h/H13SdR+FdgGzVwEpTaK9SCE7BvI/5M=";
meta = {
license =;
ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-slideshow = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-jupyter-slideshow";
publisher = "ms-toolsai";
version = "0.1.5";
sha256 = "1p6r5vkzvwvxif3wxqi9599vplabzig27fzzz0bx9z0awfglzyi7";
meta = {
license =;
ms-vscode.anycode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "anycode";
publisher = "ms-vscode";
version = "0.0.70";
sha256 = "sha256-POxgwvKF4A+DxKVIOte4I8REhAbO1U9Gu6r/S41/MmA=";
meta = {
license =;
ms-vscode.cmake-tools = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "cmake-tools";
publisher = "ms-vscode";
version = "1.14.20";
sha256 = "sha256-j67Z65N9YW8wY4zIWWCtPIKgW9GYoUntBoGVBLR/H2o=";
meta.license =;
ms-vscode.cpptools = callPackage ./ms-vscode.cpptools { };
ms-vscode.hexeditor = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "hexeditor";
publisher = "ms-vscode";
version = "1.9.11";
sha256 = "sha256-w1R8z7Q/JRAsqJ1mgcvlHJ6tywfgKtS6A6zOY2p01io=";
meta = {
license =;
}; = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "live-server";
publisher = "ms-vscode";
version = "0.4.8";
sha256 = "sha256-/IrLq+nNxwQB1S1NIGYkv24DOY7Mc25eQ+orUfh42pg=";
meta = {
description = "Launch a development local Server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
ms-vscode.makefile-tools = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "makefile-tools";
publisher = "ms-vscode";
version = "0.6.0";
sha256 = "07zagq5ib9hd3w67yk2g728vypr4qazw0g9dyd5bax21shnmppa9";
meta = {
license =;
ms-vscode.powershell = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "PowerShell";
publisher = "ms-vscode";
version = "2023.3.1";
sha256 = "sha256-FJolnWU0DbuQYvMuGL3mytf0h39SH9rUPCl2ahLXLuY=";
meta = {
description = "A Visual Studio Code extension for PowerShell language support";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.rhoriguchi ];
ms-vscode.theme-tomorrowkit = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "Theme-TomorrowKit";
publisher = "ms-vscode";
version = "0.1.4";
sha256 = "sha256-qakwJWak+IrIeeVcMDWV/fLPx5M8LQGCyhVt4TS/Lmc=";
meta = {
description = "Additional Tomorrow and Tomorrow Night themes for VS Code. Based on the TextMate themes.";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ratsclub ];
ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "remote-containers";
publisher = "ms-vscode-remote";
version = "0.305.0";
sha256 = "sha256-srSRD/wgDbQo9P1uJk8YtcXPZO62keG5kRnp1TmHqOc=";
meta = {
description = "Open any folder or repository inside a Docker container.";
downloadPage = "Use a container as your development environment";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.unfree;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.anthonyroussel ];
ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh = callPackage ./ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh { };
ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare = callPackage ./ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare { }; = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "one-dark-theme";
publisher = "mskelton";
version = "1.14.2";
sha256 = "sha256-6nIfEPbau5Dy1DGJ0oQ5L2EGn2NDhpd8jSdYujtOU68=";
meta = {
license =;
mskelton.npm-outdated = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "npm-outdated";
publisher = "mskelton";
version = "2.2.0";
sha256 = "sha256-kHItIlTW+PIVXrLgzdGAoPeR6sWKuKl/QyJ5+TIv3/E=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Shows which packages are outdated in an npm project";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.isc;
mvllow.rose-pine = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "mvllow";
name = "rose-pine";
version = "2.7.1";
sha256 = "sha256-QQIkuJAI4apDt8rfhXvMg9bNtGTFeMaEkN/Se12zGpc=";
meta = {
license =;
naumovs.color-highlight = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "color-highlight";
publisher = "naumovs";
version = "2.6.0";
sha256 = "sha256-TcPQOAHCYeFHPdR85GIXsy3fx70p8cLdO2UNO0krUOs=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Highlight web colors in your editor";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.gpl3Only;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.datafoo ];
njpwerner.autodocstring = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "autodocstring";
publisher = "njpwerner";
version = "0.6.1";
sha256 = "sha256-NI0cbjsZPW8n6qRTRKoqznSDhLZRUguP7Sa/d0feeoc=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Generates python docstrings automatically";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kamadorueda ];
nonylene.dark-molokai-theme = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "dark-molokai-theme";
publisher = "nonylene";
version = "1.0.5";
sha256 = "sha256-2qjV6iSz8DDU1yP1II9sxGSgiETmEtotFvfNjm+cTuI=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Theme inspired by VSCode default dark theme, monokai theme and Vim Molokai theme";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.amz-x ];
nvarner.typst-lsp = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "typst-lsp";
publisher = "nvarner";
version = "0.5.0";
sha256 = "sha256-4bZbjbcd/EjSRBMkzMs1pD00qyQb5W6gePh4xfoU6Ug=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ jq moreutils ];
postInstall = ''
cd "$out/$installPrefix"
jq '"typst-lsp.serverPath".default = "${typst-lsp}/bin/typst-lsp"' package.json | sponge package.json
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "A VSCode extension for providing a language server for Typst";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
ocamllabs.ocaml-platform = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Official OCaml Support from OCamlLabs";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.isc;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ratsclub ];
mktplcRef = {
name = "ocaml-platform";
publisher = "ocamllabs";
version = "1.12.2";
sha256 = "sha256-dj8UFbYgAl6dt/1MuIBawTVUbBDTTedZEcHtKZjEcew=";
octref.vetur = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vetur";
publisher = "octref";
version = "0.37.3";
sha256 = "sha256-3hi1LOZto5AYaomB9ihkAt4j/mhkCDJ8Jqa16piwHIQ=";
meta = {
license =;
oderwat.indent-rainbow = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "indent-rainbow";
publisher = "oderwat";
version = "8.3.1";
sha256 = "sha256-dOicya0B2sriTcDSdCyhtp0Mcx5b6TUaFKVb0YU3jUc=";
meta = {
description = "Makes indentation easier to read";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.imgabe ];
phoenixframework.phoenix = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "phoenix";
publisher = "phoenixframework";
version = "0.1.2";
sha256 = "sha256-T+YNRR8jAzNagmoCDzjbytBDFtPhNn289Kywep/w8sw=";
meta = {
description = "Syntax highlighting support for HEEx / Phoenix templates";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ ];
piousdeer.adwaita-theme = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "adwaita-theme";
publisher = "piousdeer";
version = "1.1.0";
sha256 = "sha256-tKpKLUcc33YrgDS95PJu22ngxhwjqeVMC1Mhhy+IPGE=";
meta = {
description = "Theme for the GNOME desktop";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.gpl3;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.wyndon ];
pkief.material-icon-theme = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "material-icon-theme";
publisher = "PKief";
version = "4.29.0";
sha256 = "sha256-YqleqYSpZuhGFGkNo3FRLjiglxX+iUCJl69CRCY/oWM=";
meta = {
license =;
pkief.material-product-icons = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "material-product-icons";
publisher = "PKief";
version = "1.5.0";
sha256 = "sha256-gKU21OS2ZFyzCQVQ1fa3qlahLBAcJaHDEcz7xof3P4A=";
meta = {
license =;
prisma.prisma = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "prisma";
publisher = "Prisma";
version = "4.11.0";
sha256 = "sha256-fHvwv9E/O8ZvhnyY7nNF/SIyl87z8KVEXTbhU/37EP0=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "VSCode extension for syntax highlighting, formatting, auto-completion, jump-to-definition and linting for .prisma files";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.asl20;
maintainers = [ ];
rebornix.ruby = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "ruby";
publisher = "rebornix";
version = "0.28.1";
sha256 = "sha256-HAUdv+2T+neJ5aCGiQ37pCO6x6r57HIUnLm4apg9L50=";
meta.license =;
}; = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "java";
publisher = "redhat";
version = "1.17.2023032504";
sha256 = "sha256-ni1jzCPjwtcdJTEORn0vYzLRbQ/wseTZmrETJ8QPW58=";
buildInputs = [ jdk ];
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.epl20;
broken = lib.versionOlder jdk.version "11";
redhat.vscode-xml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-xml";
publisher = "redhat";
version = "0.25.2023032304";
sha256 = "sha256-3hU/MZU9dP91p2PVycFL6yg/nf4/x8tt76vmlkiHnE8=";
meta.license = lib.licenses.epl20;
redhat.vscode-yaml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-yaml";
publisher = "redhat";
version = "1.12.0";
sha256 = "sha256-r/me14KonxnQeensIYyWU4dQrhomc8h2ntYoiZ+Y7jE=";
meta = {
license =;
richie5um2.snake-trail = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "snake-trail";
publisher = "richie5um2";
version = "0.6.0";
sha256 = "0wkpq9f48hplrgabb0v1ij6fc4sb8h4a93dagw4biprhnnm3qx49";
meta = {
license =;
rioj7.commandonallfiles = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "commandOnAllFiles";
publisher = "rioj7";
version = "0.3.2";
sha256 = "sha256-777jdBpWJ66ASeeETWevWF4mIAj4RWviNSTxzvqwl0U=";
meta = {
license =;
ritwickdey.liveserver = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "liveserver";
publisher = "ritwickdey";
version = "5.7.9";
sha256 = "sha256-w0CYSEOdltwMFzm5ZhOxSrxqQ1y4+gLfB8L+EFFgzDc=";
meta = {
license =;
roman.ayu-next = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "ayu-next";
publisher = "roman";
version = "1.2.15";
sha256 = "sha256-gGEjb9BrvFmKhAxRUmN3YWx7VZqlUp6w7m4r46DPn50=";
meta = {
license =;
RoweWilsonFrederiskHolme.wikitext = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "wikitext";
publisher = "RoweWilsonFrederiskHolme";
version = "3.8.0";
sha256 = "30540a85163e797028eec9bc3db1866bbf473e98615bf6ade6d1d672017ebe52";
meta = {
description = "Extension that helps users view and write MediaWiki's Wikitext files";
longDescription = ''
With this extension, you can more easily discover your grammatical problems
through the marked and styled text. The plugin is based on MediaWiki's
Wikitext standard, but the rules are somewhat stricter, which helps users
write text that is easier to read and maintain.
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.rapiteanu ];
}; = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "gi";
publisher = "rubbersheep";
version = "0.2.11";
sha256 = "0j9k6wm959sziky7fh55awspzidxrrxsdbpz1d79s5lr5r19rs6j";
meta = {
license =;
rubymaniac.vscode-paste-and-indent = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-paste-and-indent";
publisher = "Rubymaniac";
version = "0.0.8";
sha256 = "0fqwcvwq37ndms6vky8jjv0zliy6fpfkh8d9raq8hkinfxq6klgl";
meta = {
license =;
rust-lang.rust-analyzer = callPackage ./rust-lang.rust-analyzer { };
ryu1kn.partial-diff = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "partial-diff";
publisher = "ryu1kn";
version = "1.4.3";
sha256 = "0x3lkvna4dagr7s99yykji3x517cxk5kp7ydmqa6jb4bzzsv1s6h";
meta = {
license =;
sanaajani.taskrunnercode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "taskrunnercode";
publisher = "sanaajani";
version = "0.3.0";
sha256 = "NVGMM9ugmYZNCWhNmclcGuVJPhJ9h4q2G6nNzVUEpes=";
meta = {
description = "Extension to view and run tasks from Explorer pane";
longDescription = ''
This extension adds an additional "Task Runner" view in your Explorer Pane
to visualize and individually run the auto-detected or configured tasks
in your project.
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.pbsds ];
scala-lang.scala = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "scala";
publisher = "scala-lang";
version = "0.5.6";
sha256 = "sha256-eizIPazqEb27aQ+o9nTD1O58zbjkHYHNhGjK0uJgnwA=";
meta = {
license =;
scalameta.metals = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "metals";
publisher = "scalameta";
version = "1.22.3";
sha256 = "sha256-iLLWobQv5CEjJwCdDNdWYQ1ehOiYyNi940b4QmNZFoQ=";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.asl20;
seatonjiang.gitmoji-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "seatonjiang";
name = "gitmoji-vscode";
version = "1.2.2";
sha256 = "sha256-+lwbCLV62y1IHrjCygBphQZJUu+ZApYTwBQld5uu12w=";
meta = {
description = "Gitmoji tool for git commit messages in VSCode";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.laurent-f1z1 ];
serayuzgur.crates = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "crates";
publisher = "serayuzgur";
version = "0.6.0";
sha256 = "080zd103vjrz86vllr1ricq2vi3hawn4534n492m7xdcry9l9dpc";
meta = {
license =;
shardulm94.trailing-spaces = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "shardulm94";
name = "trailing-spaces";
version = "0.4.1";
sha256 = "sha256-pLE1bfLRxjlm/kgU9nmtiPBOnP05giQnWq6bexrrIZY=";
meta = {
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.kamadorueda ];
shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "shd101wyy";
name = "markdown-preview-enhanced";
version = "0.6.10";
sha256 = "sha256-nCsl7ZYwuTvNZSTUMR6jEywClmcPm8xW6ABu9220wJI=";
meta = {
description = "Provides a live preview of markdown using either markdown-it or pandoc";
longDescription = ''
Markdown Preview Enhanced provides you with many useful functionalities
such as automatic scroll sync, math typesetting, mermaid, PlantUML,
pandoc, PDF export, code chunk, presentation writer, etc.
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.ncsa;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.pbsds ];
shyykoserhiy.vscode-spotify = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-spotify";
publisher = "shyykoserhiy";
version = "3.2.1";
sha256 = "14d68rcnjx4a20r0ps9g2aycv5myyhks5lpfz0syr2rxr4kd1vh6";
meta = {
license =;
skellock.just = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "just";
publisher = "skellock";
version = "2.0.0";
sha256 = "sha256-FOp/dcW0+07rADEpUMzx+SGYjhvE4IhcCOqUQ38yCN4=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Provides syntax and recipe launcher for Just scripts";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.maximsmol ];
}; = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "fish-vscode";
publisher = "skyapps";
version = "0.2.1";
sha256 = "0y1ivymn81ranmir25zk83kdjpjwcqpnc9r3jwfykjd9x0jib2hl";
meta = {
license =;
slevesque.vscode-multiclip = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-multiclip";
publisher = "slevesque";
version = "0.1.5";
sha256 = "1cg8dqj7f10fj9i0g6mi3jbyk61rs6rvg9aq28575rr52yfjc9f9";
meta = {
license =;
sonarsource.sonarlint-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "sonarlint-vscode";
publisher = "sonarsource";
version = "3.16.0";
sha256 = "sha256-zWgITdvUS9fq1uT6A4Gs3fSTBwCXoEIQ/tVcC7Eigfs=";
meta.license = lib.licenses.lgpl3Only;
spywhere.guides = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "guides";
publisher = "spywhere";
version = "0.9.3";
sha256 = "1kvsj085w1xax6fg0kvsj1cizqh86i0pkzpwi0sbfvmcq21i6ghn";
meta = {
license =;
stefanjarina.vscode-eex-snippets = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-eex-snippets";
publisher = "stefanjarina";
version = "0.0.8";
sha256 = "0j8pmrs1lk138vhqx594pzxvrma4yl3jh7ihqm2kgh0cwnkbj36m";
meta = {
description = "VSCode extension for Elixir EEx and HTML (EEx) code snippets";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ ];
stephlin.vscode-tmux-keybinding = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-tmux-keybinding";
publisher = "stephlin";
version = "0.0.7";
sha256 = "sha256-MrW0zInweAhU2spkEEiDLyuT6seV3GFFurWTqYMzqgY=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "A simple extension for tmux behavior in vscode terminal.";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.dbirks ];
stkb.rewrap = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "stkb";
name = "rewrap";
version = "17.8.0";
sha256 = "sha256-9t1lpVbpcmhLamN/0ZWNEWD812S6tXG6aK3/ALJCJvg=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Hard word wrapping for comments and other text at a given column.";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.asl20;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.datafoo ];
streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "code-spell-checker";
publisher = "streetsidesoftware";
version = "3.0.1";
sha256 = "sha256-KeYE6/yO2n3RHPjnJOnOyHsz4XW81y9AbkSC/I975kQ=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Spelling checker for source code";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.gpl3Only;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.datafoo ];
styled-components.vscode-styled-components = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-styled-components";
publisher = "styled-components";
version = "1.7.6";
sha256 = "sha256-ZXXXFUriu//2Wmj1N+plj7xzJauGBfj+79SyrkUZAO4=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Syntax highlighting and IntelliSense for styled-components";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
sumneko.lua = callPackage ./sumneko.lua { };
svelte.svelte-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "svelte-vscode";
publisher = "svelte";
version = "107.4.3";
sha256 = "sha256-z1foIJXVKmJ0G4FfO9xsjiQgmq/ZtoB3b6Ch8Nyj1zY=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Svelte language support for VS Code";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.fabianhauser ];
svsool.markdown-memo = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "markdown-memo";
publisher = "svsool";
version = "0.3.19";
sha256 = "sha256-JRM9Tm7yql7dKXOdpTwBVR/gx/nwvM7qqrCNlV2i1uI=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Markdown knowledge base with bidirectional [[link]]s built on top of VSCode";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.ratsclub ];
tabnine.tabnine-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "tabnine-vscode";
publisher = "tabnine";
version = "3.6.43";
sha256 = "sha256-/onQybGMBscD6Rj4PWafetuag1J1cgHTw5NHri082cs=";
meta = {
license =;
tailscale.vscode-tailscale = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-tailscale";
publisher = "tailscale";
version = "0.4.0";
sha256 = "sha256-c/BZHKHs2EKd37148dSxEeP1wBXv75HhDqzegmHPjOs=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "VSCode extension to share a port over the internet with Tailscale Funnel";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.drupol ];
takayama.vscode-qq = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "takayama";
name = "vscode-qq";
version = "1.4.2";
sha256 = "sha256-koeiFXUFI/i8EGCRDTym62m7JER18J9MKZpbAozr0Ng=";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mpl20;
tamasfe.even-better-toml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "even-better-toml";
publisher = "tamasfe";
version = "0.19.2";
sha256 = "sha256-JKj6noi2dTe02PxX/kS117ZhW8u7Bhj4QowZQiJKP2E=";
meta = {
license =;
techtheawesome.rust-yew = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "rust-yew";
publisher = "techtheawesome";
version = "0.2.2";
sha256 = "sha256-t9DYY1fqW7M5F1pbIUtnnodxMzIzURew4RXT78djWMI=";
meta = {
description = "A VSCode extension that provides some language features for Yew's html macro syntax";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.gpl3Only;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.CardboardTurkey ];
theangryepicbanana.language-pascal = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "language-pascal";
publisher = "theangryepicbanana";
version = "0.1.6";
sha256 = "096wwmwpas21f03pbbz40rvc792xzpl5qqddzbry41glxpzywy6b";
meta = {
description = "VSCode extension for high-quality Pascal highlighting";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ ];
thenuprojectcontributors.vscode-nushell-lang = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-nushell-lang";
publisher = "thenuprojectcontributors";
version = "1.1.0";
sha256 = "sha256-7v4q0OEqv7q2ejHp4lph2Dsqg0GWE65pxyz9goQEm8g=";
meta.license =;
tiehuis.zig = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "zig";
publisher = "tiehuis";
version = "0.2.6";
sha256 = "sha256-s0UMY0DzEufEF+pizYeH4MKYOiiJ6z05gYHvfpaS4zA=";
meta = {
license =;
timonwong.shellcheck = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "shellcheck";
publisher = "timonwong";
version = "0.26.3";
sha256 = "GlyOLc2VrRnA50MkaG83qa0yLUyJYwueqEO+ZeAStYs=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ jq moreutils ];
postInstall = ''
cd "$out/$installPrefix"
jq '"shellcheck.executablePath".default = "${shellcheck}/bin/shellcheck"' package.json | sponge package.json
meta = {
license =;
tobiasalthoff.atom-material-theme = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "atom-material-theme";
publisher = "tobiasalthoff";
version = "1.10.9";
sha256 = "sha256-EdU0FMkaQpwhOpPRC+HGIxcrt7kSN+l4+mSgIwogB/I=";
meta = {
license =;
tomoki1207.pdf = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "pdf";
publisher = "tomoki1207";
version = "1.2.2";
sha256 = "sha256-i3Rlizbw4RtPkiEsodRJEB3AUzoqI95ohyqZ0ksROps=";
meta = {
description = "Show PDF preview in VSCode";
homepage = "";
license =;
tuttieee.emacs-mcx = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "emacs-mcx";
publisher = "tuttieee";
version = "0.47.0";
sha256 = "sha256-dGty5+1+JEtJgl/DiyqEB/wuf3K8tCj1qWKua6ongIs=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Awesome Emacs Keymap - VSCode emacs keybinding with multi cursor support";
homepage = "";
license =;
twxs.cmake = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "cmake";
publisher = "twxs";
version = "0.0.17";
sha256 = "11hzjd0gxkq37689rrr2aszxng5l9fwpgs9nnglq3zhfa1msyn08";
meta = {
license =;
tyriar.sort-lines = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "sort-lines";
publisher = "Tyriar";
version = "1.10.2";
sha256 = "sha256-AI16YBmmfZ3k7OyUrh4wujhu7ptqAwfI5jBbAc6MhDk=";
meta = {
license =;
unifiedjs.vscode-mdx = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-mdx";
publisher = "unifiedjs";
version = "1.4.0";
sha256 = "sha256-qqqq0QKTR0ZCLdPltsnQh5eTqGOh9fV1OSOZMjj4xXg=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "VSCode language support for MDX";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
usernamehw.errorlens = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "errorlens";
publisher = "usernamehw";
version = "3.12.0";
sha256 = "sha256-G5+We49/f5UwYqoBovegRK+UOT6KPZo85cvoDjD1Mu4=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Improve highlighting of errors, warnings and other language diagnostics.";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.imgabe ];
vadimcn.vscode-lldb = callPackage ./vadimcn.vscode-lldb { llvmPackages = llvmPackages_14; };
valentjn.vscode-ltex = vscode-utils.buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension rec {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-ltex";
publisher = "valentjn";
version = "13.1.0";
vsix = fetchurl {
name = "${mktplcRef.publisher}-${}.zip";
url = "${mktplcRef.version}/vscode-ltex-${mktplcRef.version}-offline-linux-x64.vsix";
sha256 = "1nlrijjwc35n1xgb5lgnr4yvlgfcxd0vdj93ip8lv2xi8x1ni5f6";
nativeBuildInputs = [ jq moreutils ];
buildInputs = [ jdk ];
postInstall = ''
cd "$out/$installPrefix"
jq '"".default = "${jdk}"' package.json | sponge package.json
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mpl20;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers._0xbe7a ];
viktorqvarfordt.vscode-pitch-black-theme = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-pitch-black-theme";
publisher = "ViktorQvarfordt";
version = "1.3.0";
sha256 = "sha256-1JDm/cWNWwxa1gNsHIM/DIvqjXsO++hAf0mkjvKyi4g=";
meta = {
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.wolfangaukang ];
vincaslt.highlight-matching-tag = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "highlight-matching-tag";
publisher = "vincaslt";
version = "0.11.0";
sha256 = "sha256-PxngjprSpWtD2ZDZfh+gOnZ+fVk5rvgGdZFxqbE21CY=";
meta = {
license =;
vscjava.vscode-gradle = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension rec {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-gradle";
publisher = "vscjava";
version = "3.12.6";
sha256 = "sha256-j4JyhNGsRlJmS8Wj38gLpC1gXVvdPx10cgzP8dXmmNo=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "A Visual Studio Code extension for Gradle build tool";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ rhoriguchi ];
vscjava.vscode-java-debug = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-java-debug";
publisher = "vscjava";
version = "0.49.2023032407";
sha256 = "sha256-ZxJ6BM3rt98HPSyL0hDiyCGIBS7YtF/OuzlTvw7Bp1w=";
meta = {
license =;
vscjava.vscode-java-dependency = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-java-dependency";
publisher = "vscjava";
version = "0.21.2023032400";
sha256 = "sha256-lG04Yu8exMcMvupqasUrbZS4CkSggQeJKtkm9iyKL5U=";
meta = {
license =;
vscjava.vscode-java-test = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-java-test";
publisher = "vscjava";
version = "0.38.2023032402";
sha256 = "sha256-4WKsw+iuONaGQRMNN2TGd3zIYonHgOzvNleVhCyYFes=";
meta = {
license =;
vscjava.vscode-maven = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-maven";
publisher = "vscjava";
version = "0.41.2023032403";
sha256 = "sha256-VeN4q6pEaLPQVYleLCDkDCv2Gr8QdHVPjpwSuo3mBuE=";
meta = {
license =;
vscjava.vscode-spring-initializr = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-spring-initializr";
publisher = "vscjava";
version = "0.11.2023031603";
sha256 = "sha256-MSyVLSjaiH+FaeGn/5Y+IWRJmNpAx3UPGpY4VmsiCD8=";
meta = {
license =;
vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-icons";
publisher = "vscode-icons-team";
version = "12.2.0";
sha256 = "12s5br0s9n99vjn6chivzdsjb71p0lai6vnif7lv13x497dkw4rz";
meta = {
description = "Bring real icons to your Visual Studio Code";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.bastaynav ];
vscodevim.vim = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vim";
publisher = "vscodevim";
version = "1.25.2";
sha256 = "sha256-hy2Ks6oRc9io6vfgql9aFGjUiRzBCS4mGdDO3NqIFEg=";
meta = {
license =;
vspacecode.vspacecode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vspacecode";
publisher = "VSpaceCode";
version = "0.10.14";
sha256 = "sha256-iTFwm/P2wzbNahozyLbdfokcSDHFzLrzVDHI/g2aFm0=";
meta = {
license =;
vspacecode.whichkey = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "whichkey";
publisher = "VSpaceCode";
version = "0.11.3";
sha256 = "sha256-PnaOwOIcSo1Eff1wOtQPhoHYvrHDGTcsRy9mQfdBPX4=";
meta = {
license =;
waderyan.gitblame = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "gitblame";
publisher = "waderyan";
version = "10.1.0";
sha256 = "TTYBaJ4gcMVICz4bGZTvbNRPpWD4tXuAJbI8QcHNDv0=";
meta = {
changelog = "";
description = "Visual Studio Code Extension - See Git Blame info in status bar";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
wakatime.vscode-wakatime = callPackage ./WakaTime.vscode-wakatime { };
wholroyd.jinja = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "jinja";
publisher = "wholroyd";
version = "0.0.8";
sha256 = "1ln9gly5bb7nvbziilnay4q448h9npdh7sd9xy277122h0qawkci";
meta = {
license =;
wingrunr21.vscode-ruby = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-ruby";
publisher = "wingrunr21";
version = "0.28.0";
sha256 = "sha256-H3f1+c31x+lgCzhgTb0uLg9Bdn3pZyJGPPwfpCYrS70=";
meta.license =;
wix.vscode-import-cost = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-import-cost";
publisher = "wix";
version = "3.3.0";
sha256 = "0wl8vl8n0avd6nbfmis0lnlqlyh4yp3cca6kvjzgw5xxdc5bl38r";
meta = {
license =;
wmaurer.change-case = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "change-case";
publisher = "wmaurer";
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "sha256-tN/jlG2PzuiCeERpgQvdqDoa3UgrUaM7fKHv6KFqujc=";
meta = {
description = "A VSCode extension for quickly changing the case (camelCase, CONSTANT_CASE, snake_case, etc) of the current selection or current word";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
xadillax.viml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "viml";
publisher = "xadillax";
version = "2.1.2";
sha256 = "sha256-n91Rj1Rpp7j7gndkt0bV+jT1nRMv7+coVoSL5c7Ii3A=";
meta = {
license =;
xaver.clang-format = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "clang-format";
publisher = "xaver";
version = "1.9.0";
sha256 = "abd0ef9176eff864f278c548c944032b8f4d8ec97d9ac6e7383d60c92e258c2f";
meta = {
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.zeratax ];
xyz.local-history = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "local-history";
publisher = "xyz";
version = "1.8.1";
sha256 = "1mfmnbdv76nvwg4xs3rgsqbxk8hw9zr1b61har9c3pbk9r4cay7v";
meta = {
license =;
yzhang.dictionary-completion = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "yzhang";
name = "dictionary-completion";
version = "1.2.2";
sha256 = "sha256-dpJcJARRKzRNHfXs/qknud8OQ8xIyeaVnt/EcDq0k4E=";
meta = {
description = "A Visual Studio Code extension to help user easyly finish long words ";
longDescription = ''
Dictionary completion allows user to get a list of keywords, based off of the current word at the cursor.
This is useful if you are typing a long word (e.g. acknowledgeable) and don't want to finish typing or don't remember the Spelling
homepage = "";
changelog = "";
downloadPage = "";
license =;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ onedragon ];
yzhang.markdown-all-in-one = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "markdown-all-in-one";
publisher = "yzhang";
version = "3.5.1";
sha256 = "sha256-ZyvkRp0QTjoMEXRGHzp3udGngYcU9EkTCvx8o2CEaBE=";
meta = {
license =;
zhuangtongfa.material-theme = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "material-theme";
publisher = "zhuangtongfa";
version = "3.15.8";
sha256 = "sha256-PwWGs9KRfV3qpYbgdiw8FYvnkaJQ2VW2H6p6+umk7eg=";
meta = {
license =;
zhwu95.riscv = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "riscv";
publisher = "zhwu95";
version = "0.0.8";
sha256 = "sha256-PXaHSEXoN0ZboHIoDg37tZ+Gv6xFXP4wGBS3YS/53TY=";
meta = {
description = "Basic RISC-V colorization and snippets support.";
downloadPage = "";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.CardboardTurkey ];
zxh404.vscode-proto3 = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-proto3";
publisher = "zxh404";
version = "0.5.4";
sha256 = "08dfl5h1k6s542qw5qx2czm1wb37ck9w2vpjz44kp2az352nmksb";
nativeBuildInputs = [ jq moreutils ];
postInstall = ''
cd "$out/$installPrefix"
jq ' = "${protobuf}/bin/protoc"' package.json | sponge package.json
meta = {
license =;
aliases = super: {
_1Password = super."1Password";
_2gua = super."2gua";
_4ops = super."4ops";
Arjun.swagger-viewer = super.arjun.swagger-viewer;
jakebecker.elixir-ls = super.elixir-lsp.vscode-elixir-ls;
jpoissonnier.vscode-styled-components = super.styled-components.vscode-styled-components;
matklad.rust-analyzer = super.rust-lang.rust-analyzer; # Previous publisher
ms-vscode.go = super.golang.go;
ms-vscode.PowerShell =;
rioj7.commandOnAllFiles = super.rioj7.commandonallfiles;
WakaTime.vscode-wakatime = super.wakatime.vscode-wakatime;
# TODO: add overrides overlay, so that we can have a generated.nix
# then apply extension specific modifcations to packages.
# overlays will be applied left to right, overrides should come after aliases.
overlays = lib.optionals config.allowAliases [
(self: super: lib.recursiveUpdate super (aliases super))
toFix = lib.foldl' (lib.flip lib.extends) baseExtensions overlays;
lib.fix toFix