This removes 'ldgallery' from nixpkgs. It remains available through the Nix Flake provided by ldgallery. The package of its "compiler" part was already marked as broken due to dependencies having gone out of sync with the rest of the Haskell packages. The package of its "viewer" part also got out of sync due to changes in JS dependency manager.
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# This file should only contain packages that are not in ./hackage-packages.nix.
# Attributes in this set should be nothing more than a callPackage call.
# Overrides to these packages should go to either configuration-nix.nix,
# configuration-common.nix or to one of the compiler specific configuration
# files.
self: super: {
dconf2nix = self.callPackage ../tools/haskell/dconf2nix/dconf2nix.nix { };
# Used by maintainers/scripts/regenerate-hackage-packages.sh, and generated
# from the latest master instead of the current version on Hackage.
cabal2nix-unstable = self.callPackage ./cabal2nix-unstable.nix { };
# https://github.com/channable/vaultenv/issues/1
vaultenv = self.callPackage ../tools/haskell/vaultenv { };
# spago is not released to Hackage.
# https://github.com/spacchetti/spago/issues/512
spago = self.callPackage ../tools/purescript/spago/spago.nix { };
nix-linter = self.callPackage ../../development/tools/analysis/nix-linter { };
# hasura graphql-engine is not released to hackage.
# https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/issues/7391
ci-info = self.callPackage ../misc/haskell/hasura/ci-info.nix {};
pg-client = self.callPackage ../misc/haskell/hasura/pg-client.nix {};
graphql-parser = self.callPackage ../misc/haskell/hasura/graphql-parser.nix {};
graphql-engine = self.callPackage ../misc/haskell/hasura/graphql-engine.nix {};
kriti-lang = self.callPackage ../misc/haskell/hasura/kriti-lang.nix {};
hasura-resource-pool = self.callPackage ../misc/haskell/hasura/pool.nix {};
hasura-ekg-core = self.callPackage ../misc/haskell/hasura/ekg-core.nix {};
hasura-ekg-json = self.callPackage ../misc/haskell/hasura/ekg-json.nix {};
# Unofficial fork until PRs are merged https://github.com/pcapriotti/optparse-applicative/pulls/roberth
# cabal2nix --maintainer roberth https://github.com/hercules-ci/optparse-applicative.git > pkgs/development/misc/haskell/hercules-ci-optparse-applicative.nix
hercules-ci-optparse-applicative = self.callPackage ../misc/haskell/hercules-ci-optparse-applicative.nix {};