during docs conversion it can be very useful to know exactly *where* the error the script complained about is. the name of the option should be sufficient since option merging is rather rare, and won't merge doc attributes anyway.
246 lines
9.5 KiB
246 lines
9.5 KiB
import collections
import json
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, List
JSON = Dict[str, Any]
class Key:
def __init__(self, path: List[str]):
self.path = path
def __hash__(self):
result = 0
for id in self.path:
result ^= hash(id)
return result
def __eq__(self, other):
return type(self) is type(other) and self.path == other.path
Option = collections.namedtuple('Option', ['name', 'value'])
# pivot a dict of options keyed by their display name to a dict keyed by their path
def pivot(options: Dict[str, JSON]) -> Dict[Key, Option]:
result: Dict[Key, Option] = dict()
for (name, opt) in options.items():
result[Key(opt['loc'])] = Option(name, opt)
return result
# pivot back to indexed-by-full-name
# like the docbook build we'll just fail if multiple options with differing locs
# render to the same option name.
def unpivot(options: Dict[Key, Option]) -> Dict[str, JSON]:
result: Dict[str, Dict] = dict()
for (key, opt) in options.items():
if opt.name in result:
raise RuntimeError(
'multiple options with colliding ids found',
result[opt.name] = opt.value
return result
# converts in-place!
def convertMD(options: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
import mistune
import re
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, quoteattr
admonitions = {
'.warning': 'warning',
'.important': 'important',
'.note': 'note'
class Renderer(mistune.renderers.BaseRenderer):
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
def _get_method(self, name):
return super(Renderer, self)._get_method(name)
except AttributeError:
def not_supported(*args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError("md node not supported yet", self.path, name, args, **kwargs)
return not_supported
def text(self, text):
return escape(text)
def paragraph(self, text):
return text + "\n\n"
def newline(self):
return "<literallayout>\n</literallayout>"
def codespan(self, text):
return f"<literal>{escape(text)}</literal>"
def block_code(self, text, info=None):
info = f" language={quoteattr(info)}" if info is not None else ""
return f"<programlisting{info}>\n{escape(text)}</programlisting>"
def link(self, link, text=None, title=None):
if link[0:1] == '#':
attr = "linkend"
link = quoteattr(link[1:])
# try to faithfully reproduce links that were of the form <link href="..."/>
# in docbook format
if text == link:
text = ""
attr = "xlink:href"
link = quoteattr(link)
return f"<link {attr}={link}>{text}</link>"
def list(self, text, ordered, level, start=None):
if ordered:
raise NotImplementedError("ordered lists not supported yet")
return f"<itemizedlist>\n{text}\n</itemizedlist>"
def list_item(self, text, level):
return f"<listitem><para>{text}</para></listitem>\n"
def block_text(self, text):
return text
def emphasis(self, text):
return f"<emphasis>{text}</emphasis>"
def strong(self, text):
return f"<emphasis role=\"strong\">{text}</emphasis>"
def admonition(self, text, kind):
if kind not in admonitions:
raise NotImplementedError(f"admonition {kind} not supported yet")
tag = admonitions[kind]
# we don't keep whitespace here because usually we'll contain only
# a single paragraph and the original docbook string is no longer
# available to restore the trailer.
return f"<{tag}><para>{text.rstrip()}</para></{tag}>"
def block_quote(self, text):
return f"<blockquote><para>{text}</para></blockquote>"
def command(self, text):
return f"<command>{escape(text)}</command>"
def option(self, text):
return f"<option>{escape(text)}</option>"
def file(self, text):
return f"<filename>{escape(text)}</filename>"
def manpage(self, page, section):
title = f"<refentrytitle>{escape(page)}</refentrytitle>"
vol = f"<manvolnum>{escape(section)}</manvolnum>"
return f"<citerefentry>{title}{vol}</citerefentry>"
def finalize(self, data):
return "".join(data)
plugins = []
COMMAND_PATTERN = r'\{command\}`(.*?)`'
def command(md):
def parse(self, m, state):
return ('command', m.group(1))
md.inline.register_rule('command', COMMAND_PATTERN, parse)
FILE_PATTERN = r'\{file\}`(.*?)`'
def file(md):
def parse(self, m, state):
return ('file', m.group(1))
md.inline.register_rule('file', FILE_PATTERN, parse)
OPTION_PATTERN = r'\{option\}`(.*?)`'
def option(md):
def parse(self, m, state):
return ('option', m.group(1))
md.inline.register_rule('option', OPTION_PATTERN, parse)
MANPAGE_PATTERN = r'\{manpage\}`(.*?)\((.+?)\)`'
def manpage(md):
def parse(self, m, state):
return ('manpage', m.group(1), m.group(2))
md.inline.register_rule('manpage', MANPAGE_PATTERN, parse)
ADMONITION_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^::: \{([^\n]*?)\}\n(.*?)^:::\n', flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
def admonition(md):
def parse(self, m, state):
return {
'type': 'admonition',
'children': self.parse(m.group(2), state),
'params': [ m.group(1) ],
md.block.register_rule('admonition', ADMONITION_PATTERN, parse)
def convertString(path: str, text: str) -> str:
rendered = mistune.markdown(text, renderer=Renderer(path), plugins=plugins)
# keep trailing spaces so we can diff the generated XML to check for conversion bugs.
return rendered.rstrip() + text[len(text.rstrip()):]
def optionIs(option: Dict[str, Any], key: str, typ: str) -> bool:
if key not in option: return False
if type(option[key]) != dict: return False
if '_type' not in option[key]: return False
return option[key]['_type'] == typ
for (name, option) in options.items():
if optionIs(option, 'description', 'mdDoc'):
option['description'] = convertString(name, option['description']['text'])
if optionIs(option, 'example', 'literalMD'):
docbook = convertString(name, option['example']['text'])
option['example'] = { '_type': 'literalDocBook', 'text': docbook }
if optionIs(option, 'default', 'literalMD'):
docbook = convertString(name, option['default']['text'])
option['default'] = { '_type': 'literalDocBook', 'text': docbook }
return options
warningsAreErrors = sys.argv[1] == "--warnings-are-errors"
optOffset = 1 if warningsAreErrors else 0
options = pivot(json.load(open(sys.argv[1 + optOffset], 'r')))
overrides = pivot(json.load(open(sys.argv[2 + optOffset], 'r')))
# fix up declaration paths in lazy options, since we don't eval them from a full nixpkgs dir
for (k, v) in options.items():
# The _module options are not declared in nixos/modules
if v.value['loc'][0] != "_module":
v.value['declarations'] = list(map(lambda s: f'nixos/modules/{s}' if isinstance(s, str) else s, v.value['declarations']))
# merge both descriptions
for (k, v) in overrides.items():
cur = options.setdefault(k, v).value
for (ok, ov) in v.value.items():
if ok == 'declarations':
decls = cur[ok]
for d in ov:
if d not in decls:
decls += [d]
elif ok == "type":
# ignore types of placeholder options
if ov != "_unspecified" or cur[ok] == "_unspecified":
cur[ok] = ov
elif ov is not None or cur.get(ok, None) is None:
cur[ok] = ov
severity = "error" if warningsAreErrors else "warning"
# check that every option has a description
hasWarnings = False
for (k, v) in options.items():
if v.value.get('description', None) is None:
hasWarnings = True
print(f"\x1b[1;31m{severity}: option {v.name} has no description\x1b[0m", file=sys.stderr)
v.value['description'] = "This option has no description."
if v.value.get('type', "unspecified") == "unspecified":
hasWarnings = True
f"\x1b[1;31m{severity}: option {v.name} has no type. Please specify a valid type, see " +
"https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/index.html#sec-option-types\x1b[0m", file=sys.stderr)
if hasWarnings and warningsAreErrors:
"\x1b[1;31m" +
"Treating warnings as errors. Set documentation.nixos.options.warningsAreErrors " +
"to false to ignore these warnings." +
json.dump(convertMD(unpivot(options)), fp=sys.stdout)