It's time again, I guess :> Main motivation is to stop being pinged about software that I maintained for work now that I'm about to switch jobs. There's no point in pinging me to review/test updates or to debug issues in e.g. the Atlassian stack or on mailman since I use neither personally. But there's also a bunch of other stuff that I stopped using personally. While at it I realized that I'm still maintainer of a few tests & modules related to packages I stopped maintaining in the past already.
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import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, lib, ... }: {
name = "plausible";
meta = with lib.maintainers; {
maintainers = [ ];
nodes.machine = { pkgs, ... }: {
virtualisation.memorySize = 4096;
services.plausible = {
enable = true;
releaseCookiePath = "${pkgs.runCommand "cookie" { } ''
${pkgs.openssl}/bin/openssl rand -base64 64 >"$out"
adminUser = {
email = "admin@example.org";
passwordFile = "${pkgs.writeText "pwd" "foobar"}";
activate = true;
server = {
baseUrl = "http://localhost:8000";
secretKeybaseFile = "${pkgs.writeText "dont-try-this-at-home" "nannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannannan_batman!"}";
testScript = ''
machine.succeed("curl -f localhost:8000 >&2")
machine.succeed("curl -f localhost:8000/js/script.js >&2")
csrf_token = machine.succeed(
"curl -c /tmp/cookies localhost:8000/login | grep '_csrf_token' | sed -E 's,.*value=\"(.*)\".*,\\1,g'"
f"curl -b /tmp/cookies -f -X POST localhost:8000/login -F email=admin@example.org -F password=foobar -F _csrf_token={csrf_token.strip()} -D headers"
# By ensuring that the user is redirected to the dashboard after login, we
# also make sure that the automatic verification of the module works.
"[[ $(grep 'location: ' headers | cut -d: -f2- | xargs echo) == /sites* ]]"