Since we now have a versioned configuration-ghc-*.nix file for GHC HEAD, we don't need to add a super special case to the package set logic in test-configurations.nix anymore. We can just create a versioned attribute for the ghcHEAD package set (which is not exposed) and keep using the normal discovery logic. The only tricky bit is that GHC HEAD's configuration file is named after the GHC release that will be branched off from it, so a little bit of arithmetic is involved.
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159 lines
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/* Nix expression to test for regressions in the Haskell configuration overlays.
test-configurations.nix determines all attributes touched by given Haskell
configuration overlays (i. e. pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-*.nix)
and builds all derivations (or at least a reasonable subset) affected by
these overrides.
By default, it checks `configuration-{common,nix,ghc-8.10.x}.nix`. You can
invoke it like this:
nix-build maintainers/scripts/haskell/test-configurations.nix --keep-going
It is possible to specify other configurations:
nix-build maintainers/scripts/haskell/test-configurations.nix \
--arg files '[ "configuration-ghc-9.0.x.nix" "configuration-ghc-9.2.x.nix" ]' \
You can also just supply a single string:
nix-build maintainers/scripts/haskell/test-configurations.nix \
--argstr files "configuration-arm.nix" --keep-going
You can even supply full paths which is handy, as it allows for tab-completing
the configurations:
nix-build maintainers/scripts/haskell/test-configurations.nix \
--argstr files pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-arm.nix \
By default, derivation that fail to evaluate are skipped, unless they are
“just” marked as broken. You can check for other eval errors like this:
nix-build maintainers/scripts/haskell/test-configurations.nix \
--arg skipEvalErrors false --keep-going
You can also disable checking broken packages by passing a nixpkgs config:
nix-build maintainers/scripts/haskell/test-configurations.nix \
--arg config '{ allowBroken = false; }' --keep-going
By default the haskell.packages.ghc*Binary sets used for bootstrapping GHC
are _not_ tested. You can change this using:
nix-build maintainers/scripts/haskell/test-configurations.nix \
--arg skipBinaryGHCs false --keep-going
{ files ? [
, nixpkgsPath ? ../../..
, config ? { allowBroken = true; }
, skipEvalErrors ? true
, skipBinaryGHCs ? true
pkgs = import nixpkgsPath { inherit config; };
inherit (pkgs) lib;
# see usage explanation for the input format `files` allows
files' = builtins.map builtins.baseNameOf (
if !builtins.isList files then [ files ] else files
packageSetsWithVersionedHead = pkgs.haskell.packages // (
headSet = pkgs.haskell.packages.ghcHEAD;
# Determine the next GHC release version following GHC HEAD.
# GHC HEAD always has an uneven, tentative version number, e.g. 9.7.
# GHC releases always have even numbers, i.e. GHC 9.8 is branched off from
# GHC HEAD 9.7. Since we use the to be release number for GHC HEAD's
# configuration file, we need to calculate this here.
headVersion = lib.pipe headSet.ghc.version [
(lib.take 2)
(builtins.add 1)
"ghc${headVersion}" = headSet;
setsForFile = fileName:
# extract the unique part of the config's file name
configName = builtins.head (
builtins.match "configuration-(.+).nix" fileName
# match the major and minor version of the GHC the config is intended for, if any
configVersion = lib.concatStrings (
builtins.match "ghc-([0-9]+).([0-9]+).x" configName
# return all package sets under haskell.packages matching the version components
setsForVersion = builtins.map (name: packageSetsWithVersionedHead.${name}) (
builtins.filter (setName:
lib.hasPrefix "ghc${configVersion}" setName
&& (skipBinaryGHCs -> !(lib.hasInfix "Binary" setName))
) (
builtins.attrNames packageSetsWithVersionedHead
defaultSets = [ pkgs.haskellPackages ];
in {
# use plain haskellPackages for the version-agnostic files
# TODO(@sternenseemann): also consider currently selected versioned sets
"common" = defaultSets;
"nix" = defaultSets;
"arm" = defaultSets;
"darwin" = defaultSets;
}.${configName} or setsForVersion;
# attribute set that has all the attributes of haskellPackages set to null
availableHaskellPackages = builtins.listToAttrs (
builtins.map (attr: lib.nameValuePair attr null) (
builtins.attrNames pkgs.haskellPackages
# evaluate a configuration and only return the attributes changed by it,
# pass availableHaskellPackages as super in case intersectAttrs is used
overriddenAttrs = fileName: builtins.attrNames (
lib.fix (self:
import (nixpkgsPath + "/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/${fileName}") {
haskellLib = pkgs.haskell.lib.compose;
inherit pkgs;
} self availableHaskellPackages
# list of derivations that are affected by overrides in the given configuration
# overlays. For common, nix, darwin etc. only the derivation from the default
# package set will be emitted.
packages = builtins.filter (v:
lib.warnIf (v.meta.broken or false) "${v.pname} is marked as broken" (
v != null
&& (skipEvalErrors -> (builtins.tryEval (v.outPath or v)).success)
) (
lib.concatMap (fileName:
sets = setsForFile fileName;
attrs = overriddenAttrs fileName;
lib.concatMap (set: builtins.map (attr: set.${attr}) attrs) sets
) files'