We are running over 6000 tests by now and they take around 5 minutes on faster machines and tests alot of components that endusers will not actually be using. It is sufficient if we run them on package upgrades and in the passthrough test.
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import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ... }:
configDir = "/var/lib/foobar";
mqttUsername = "homeassistant";
mqttPassword = "secret";
in {
name = "home-assistant";
meta = with pkgs.lib; {
maintainers = with maintainers; [ dotlambda ];
nodes.hass = { pkgs, ... }: {
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ mosquitto ];
services.mosquitto = {
enable = true;
users = {
"${mqttUsername}" = {
acl = [ "pattern readwrite #" ];
password = mqttPassword;
services.home-assistant = {
inherit configDir;
enable = true;
# includes the package with all tests enabled
package = pkgs.home-assistant;
config = {
homeassistant = {
name = "Home";
time_zone = "UTC";
latitude = "0.0";
longitude = "0.0";
elevation = 0;
frontend = {};
mqtt = {
broker = "";
username = mqttUsername;
password = mqttPassword;
binary_sensor = [{
platform = "mqtt";
state_topic = "home-assistant/test";
payload_on = "let_there_be_light";
payload_off = "off";
logger = {
default = "info";
logs."homeassistant.components.mqtt" = "debug";
lovelaceConfig = {
title = "My Awesome Home";
views = [{
title = "Example";
cards = [{
type = "markdown";
title = "Lovelace";
content = "Welcome to your **Lovelace UI**.";
lovelaceConfigWritable = true;
testScript = ''
with subtest("Check that YAML configuration file is in place"):
hass.succeed("test -L ${configDir}/configuration.yaml")
with subtest("lovelace config is copied because lovelaceConfigWritable = true"):
hass.succeed("test -f ${configDir}/ui-lovelace.yaml")
with subtest("Check that Home Assistant's web interface and API can be reached"):
hass.succeed("curl --fail http://localhost:8123/lovelace")
with subtest("Toggle a binary sensor using MQTT"):
# wait for broker to become available
"mosquitto_sub -V mqttv311 -t home-assistant/test -u ${mqttUsername} -P '${mqttPassword}' -W 1 -t '*'"
"mosquitto_pub -V mqttv311 -t home-assistant/test -u ${mqttUsername} -P '${mqttPassword}' -m let_there_be_light"
with subtest("Print log to ease debugging"):
output_log = hass.succeed("cat ${configDir}/home-assistant.log")
print("\n### home-assistant.log ###\n")
print(output_log + "\n")
with subtest("Check that no errors were logged"):
assert "ERROR" not in output_log
# example line: 2020-06-20 10:01:32 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Received message on home-assistant/test: b'let_there_be_light'
with subtest("Check we received the mosquitto message"):
assert "let_there_be_light" in output_log