import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, lib, ... }: {
  name = "containers-hosts";
  meta = {
    maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ montag451 ];

  nodes.machine =
    { lib, ... }:
      virtualisation.vlans = [];

      networking.bridges.br0.interfaces = [];
      networking.interfaces.br0.ipv4.addresses = [
        { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; }

      # Force /etc/hosts to be the only source for host name resolution
      environment.etc."nsswitch.conf".text = lib.mkForce ''
        hosts: files

      containers.simple = {
        autoStart = true;
        privateNetwork = true;
        localAddress = "";
        hostAddress = "";

        config = {};

      containers.netmask = {
        autoStart = true;
        privateNetwork = true;
        hostBridge = "br0";
        localAddress = "";

        config = {};

  testScript = ''

    with subtest("Ping the containers using the entries added in /etc/hosts"):
        for host in "simple.containers", "netmask.containers":
            machine.succeed(f"ping -n -c 1 {host}")