{ lib , buildNpmPackage , fetchFromGitHub , fetchPypi , nodejs , python3 , gettext , nixosTests , plugins ? [ ] }: let python = python3.override { self = python; packageOverrides = self: super: { bleach = super.bleach.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { version = "5.0.1"; src = fetchPypi { pname = "bleach"; inherit version; hash = "sha256-DQMlXEfrm9Lyaqm7fyEHcy5+j+GVyi9kcJ/POwpKCFw="; }; }); django = super.django_4; django-oauth-toolkit = super.django-oauth-toolkit.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: { version = "2.3.0"; src = fetchFromGitHub { inherit (oldAttrs.src) owner repo; rev = "refs/tags/v${version}"; hash = "sha256-oGg5MD9p4PSUVkt5pGLwjAF4SHHf4Aqr+/3FsuFaybY="; }; }); stripe = super.stripe.overridePythonAttrs rec { version = "7.9.0"; src = fetchPypi { pname = "stripe"; inherit version; hash = "sha256-hOXkMINaSwzU/SpXzjhTJp0ds0OREc2mtu11LjSc9KE="; }; }; pretix-plugin-build = self.callPackage ./plugin-build.nix { }; sentry-sdk = super.sentry-sdk_2; }; }; pname = "pretix"; version = "2024.10.0"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "pretix"; repo = "pretix"; rev = "refs/tags/v${version}"; hash = "sha256-MCiCr00N7894DjckAw3vpxdiNtlgzqivlbSY4A/327E="; }; npmDeps = buildNpmPackage { pname = "pretix-node-modules"; inherit version src; sourceRoot = "${src.name}/src/pretix/static/npm_dir"; npmDepsHash = "sha256-PPcA6TBsU/gGk4wII+w7VZOm65nS7qGjZ/UoQs31s9M="; dontBuild = true; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall mkdir $out cp -R node_modules $out/ runHook postInstall ''; }; in python.pkgs.buildPythonApplication rec { inherit pname version src; pyproject = true; patches = [ # Discover pretix.plugin entrypoints during build and add them into # INSTALLED_APPS, so that their static files are collected. ./plugin-build.patch ]; pythonRelaxDeps = [ "django-phonenumber-field" "dnspython" "importlib-metadata" "kombu" "markdown" "pillow" "protobuf" "pycryptodome" "pyjwt" "python-bidi" "qrcode" "redis" "requests" "sentry-sdk" ]; pythonRemoveDeps = [ "vat-moss-forked" # we provide a patched vat-moss package ]; postPatch = '' NODE_PREFIX=src/pretix/static.dist/node_prefix mkdir -p $NODE_PREFIX cp -R ${npmDeps}/node_modules $NODE_PREFIX/ chmod -R u+w $NODE_PREFIX/ # unused sed -i "/setuptools-rust/d" pyproject.toml substituteInPlace pyproject.toml \ --replace-fail '"backend"' '"setuptools.build_meta"' \ --replace-fail 'backend-path = ["_build"]' "" ''; build-system = with python.pkgs; [ gettext nodejs setuptools tomli ]; dependencies = with python.pkgs; [ arabic-reshaper babel beautifulsoup4 bleach celery chardet cryptography css-inline defusedcsv django django-bootstrap3 django-compressor django-countries django-filter django-formset-js-improved django-formtools django-hierarkey django-hijack django-i18nfield django-libsass django-localflavor django-markup django-oauth-toolkit django-otp django-phonenumber-field django-redis django-scopes django-statici18n djangorestframework dnspython drf-ujson2 geoip2 importlib-metadata isoweek jsonschema kombu libsass lxml markdown mt-940 oauthlib openpyxl packaging paypalrestsdk paypal-checkout-serversdk pyjwt phonenumberslite pillow pretix-plugin-build protobuf psycopg2-binary pycountry pycparser pycryptodome pypdf python-bidi python-dateutil pytz pytz-deprecation-shim pyuca qrcode redis reportlab requests sentry-sdk sepaxml slimit stripe text-unidecode tlds tqdm ua-parser vat-moss vobject webauthn zeep ] ++ django.optional-dependencies.argon2 ++ plugins; optional-dependencies = with python.pkgs; { memcached = [ pylibmc ]; }; postInstall = '' mkdir -p $out/bin cp ./src/manage.py $out/bin/pretix-manage # Trim packages size rm -rfv $out/${python.sitePackages}/pretix/static.dist/node_prefix ''; dontStrip = true; # no binaries nativeCheckInputs = with python.pkgs; [ pytestCheckHook pytest-xdist pytest-mock pytest-django pytest-asyncio pytest-rerunfailures freezegun fakeredis responses ] ++ lib.flatten (lib.attrValues optional-dependencies); pytestFlagsArray = [ "--reruns" "3" ]; disabledTests = [ # unreliable around day changes "test_order_create_invoice" # outdated translation files # https://github.com/pretix/pretix/commit/c4db2a48b6ac81763fa67475d8182aee41c31376 "test_different_dates_spanish" "test_same_day_spanish" "test_same_month_spanish" "test_same_year_spanish" ]; preCheck = '' export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/src:$PYTHONPATH export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=tests.settings ''; passthru = { inherit npmDeps python ; plugins = lib.recurseIntoAttrs (python.pkgs.callPackage ./plugins { inherit (python.pkgs) callPackage; } ); tests = { inherit (nixosTests) pretix; }; }; meta = with lib; { description = "Ticketing software that cares about your event—all the way"; homepage = "https://github.com/pretix/pretix"; license = with licenses; [ agpl3Only # 3rd party components below src/pretix/static bsd2 isc mit ofl # fontawesome unlicense # all other files below src/pretix/static and src/pretix/locale and aux scripts asl20 ]; maintainers = with maintainers; [ hexa ]; mainProgram = "pretix-manage"; platforms = platforms.linux; }; }