{ config , callPackages , stdenv , lib , addDriverRunpath , fetchFromGitHub , protobuf , protoc-gen-go , protoc-gen-go-grpc , grpc , openssl , llama-cpp # needed for audio-to-text , ffmpeg , cmake , pkg-config , buildGoModule , makeWrapper , ncurses , which , enable_upx ? true , upx # apply feature parameter names according to # https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/pull/169 # CPU extensions , enable_avx ? true , enable_avx2 ? true , enable_avx512 ? stdenv.hostPlatform.avx512Support , enable_f16c ? true , enable_fma ? true , with_openblas ? false , openblas , with_cublas ? config.cudaSupport , cudaPackages , with_clblas ? false , clblast , ocl-icd , opencl-headers , with_tinydream ? false # do not compile with cublas , ncnn , with_stablediffusion ? true , opencv , with_tts ? true , onnxruntime , sonic , spdlog , fmt , espeak-ng , piper-tts }: let BUILD_TYPE = assert (lib.count lib.id [ with_openblas with_cublas with_clblas ]) <= 1; if with_openblas then "openblas" else if with_cublas then "cublas" else if with_clblas then "clblas" else ""; inherit (cudaPackages) libcublas cuda_nvcc cuda_cccl cuda_cudart libcufft; go-llama = effectiveStdenv.mkDerivation { name = "go-llama"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "go-skynet"; repo = "go-llama.cpp"; rev = "2b57a8ae43e4699d3dc5d1496a1ccd42922993be"; hash = "sha256-D6SEg5pPcswGyKAmF4QTJP6/Y1vjRr7m7REguag+too="; fetchSubmodules = true; }; buildFlags = [ "libbinding.a" "BUILD_TYPE=${BUILD_TYPE}" ]; buildInputs = [ ] ++ lib.optionals with_cublas [ cuda_cccl cuda_cudart libcublas ] ++ lib.optionals with_clblas [ clblast ocl-icd opencl-headers ] ++ lib.optionals with_openblas [ openblas.dev ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ] ++ lib.optionals with_cublas [ cuda_nvcc ]; dontUseCmakeConfigure = true; installPhase = '' mkdir $out tar cf - --exclude=build --exclude=CMakeFiles --exclude="*.o" . \ | tar xf - -C $out ''; }; llama-cpp-rpc = (llama-cpp-grpc.overrideAttrs (prev: { name = "llama-cpp-rpc"; cmakeFlags = prev.cmakeFlags ++ [ (lib.cmakeBool "GGML_AVX" false) (lib.cmakeBool "GGML_AVX2" false) (lib.cmakeBool "GGML_AVX512" false) (lib.cmakeBool "GGML_FMA" false) (lib.cmakeBool "GGML_F16C" false) ]; })).override { cudaSupport = false; openclSupport = false; blasSupport = false; rpcSupport = true; }; llama-cpp-grpc = (llama-cpp.overrideAttrs (final: prev: { name = "llama-cpp-grpc"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "ggerganov"; repo = "llama.cpp"; rev = "ed9d2854c9de4ae1f448334294e61167b04bec2a"; hash = "sha256-Xu2h9Zu+Q9utfFFmDWBOEu/EXth4xWRNoTMvPF5Fo/A="; fetchSubmodules = true; }; postPatch = prev.postPatch + '' cd examples cp -r --no-preserve=mode ${src}/backend/cpp/llama grpc-server cp llava/clip.* llava/llava.* grpc-server printf "\nadd_subdirectory(grpc-server)" >> CMakeLists.txt cp ${src}/backend/backend.proto grpc-server sed -i grpc-server/CMakeLists.txt \ -e '/get_filename_component/ s;[.\/]*backend/;;' \ -e '$a\install(TARGETS ''${TARGET} RUNTIME)' cd .. ''; cmakeFlags = prev.cmakeFlags ++ [ (lib.cmakeBool "BUILD_SHARED_LIBS" false) (lib.cmakeBool "GGML_AVX" enable_avx) (lib.cmakeBool "GGML_AVX2" enable_avx2) (lib.cmakeBool "GGML_AVX512" enable_avx512) (lib.cmakeBool "GGML_FMA" enable_fma) (lib.cmakeBool "GGML_F16C" enable_f16c) ]; buildInputs = prev.buildInputs ++ [ protobuf # provides also abseil_cpp as propagated build input grpc openssl ]; })).override { cudaSupport = with_cublas; rocmSupport = false; openclSupport = with_clblas; blasSupport = with_openblas; }; gpt4all = stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "gpt4all"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "nomic-ai"; repo = "gpt4all"; rev = "27a8b020c36b0df8f8b82a252d261cda47cf44b8"; hash = "sha256-djq1eK6ncvhkO3MNDgasDBUY/7WWcmZt/GJsHAulLdI="; fetchSubmodules = true; }; makeFlags = [ "-C gpt4all-bindings/golang" ]; buildFlags = [ "libgpt4all.a" ]; dontUseCmakeConfigure = true; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ]; installPhase = '' mkdir $out tar cf - --exclude=CMakeFiles . \ | tar xf - -C $out ''; }; espeak-ng' = espeak-ng.overrideAttrs (self: { name = "espeak-ng'"; inherit (go-piper) src; sourceRoot = "${go-piper.src.name}/espeak"; patches = [ ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ]; cmakeFlags = (self.cmakeFlags or [ ]) ++ [ (lib.cmakeBool "BUILD_SHARED_LIBS" true) (lib.cmakeBool "USE_ASYNC" false) (lib.cmakeBool "USE_MBROLA" false) (lib.cmakeBool "USE_LIBPCAUDIO" false) (lib.cmakeBool "USE_KLATT" false) (lib.cmakeBool "USE_SPEECHPLAYER" false) (lib.cmakeBool "USE_LIBSONIC" false) (lib.cmakeBool "CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE" true) ]; preConfigure = null; postInstall = null; }); piper-phonemize = stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "piper-phonemize"; inherit (go-piper) src; sourceRoot = "${go-piper.src.name}/piper-phonemize"; buildInputs = [ espeak-ng' onnxruntime ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake pkg-config ]; cmakeFlags = [ (lib.cmakeFeature "ONNXRUNTIME_DIR" "${onnxruntime.dev}") (lib.cmakeFeature "ESPEAK_NG_DIR" "${espeak-ng'}") ]; passthru.espeak-ng = espeak-ng'; }; piper-tts' = (piper-tts.override { inherit piper-phonemize; }).overrideAttrs (self: { name = "piper-tts'"; inherit (go-piper) src; sourceRoot = "${go-piper.src.name}/piper"; installPhase = null; postInstall = '' cp CMakeFiles/piper.dir/src/cpp/piper.cpp.o $out/piper.o cd $out mkdir bin lib mv lib*so* lib/ mv piper piper_phonemize bin/ rm -rf cmake pkgconfig espeak-ng-data *.ort ''; }); go-piper = stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "go-piper"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "mudler"; repo = "go-piper"; rev = "9d0100873a7dbb0824dfea40e8cec70a1b110759"; hash = "sha256-Yv9LQkWwGpYdOS0FvtP0vZ0tRyBAx27sdmziBR4U4n8="; fetchSubmodules = true; }; postUnpack = '' cp -r --no-preserve=mode ${piper-tts'}/* source ''; postPatch = '' sed -i Makefile \ -e '/CXXFLAGS *= / s;$; -DSPDLOG_FMT_EXTERNAL=1;' ''; buildFlags = [ "libpiper_binding.a" ]; buildInputs = [ piper-tts' espeak-ng' piper-phonemize sonic fmt spdlog onnxruntime ]; installPhase = '' cp -r --no-preserve=mode $src $out mkdir -p $out/piper-phonemize/pi cp -r --no-preserve=mode ${piper-phonemize}/share $out/piper-phonemize/pi cp *.a $out ''; }; go-rwkv = stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "go-rwkv"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "donomii"; repo = "go-rwkv.cpp"; rev = "661e7ae26d442f5cfebd2a0881b44e8c55949ec6"; hash = "sha256-byTNZQSnt7qpBMng3ANJmpISh3GJiz+F15UqfXaz6nQ="; fetchSubmodules = true; }; buildFlags = [ "librwkv.a" ]; dontUseCmakeConfigure = true; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ]; installPhase = '' cp -r --no-preserve=mode $src $out cp *.a $out ''; }; # try to merge with openai-whisper-cpp in future whisper-cpp = effectiveStdenv.mkDerivation { name = "whisper-cpp"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "ggerganov"; repo = "whisper.cpp"; rev = "6739eb83c3ca5cf40d24c6fe8442a761a1eb6248"; hash = "sha256-1yDdJVjIwYDJKn93zn4xOJXMoDTqaG2TvakjdHIMCxk="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake pkg-config ] ++ lib.optionals with_cublas [ cuda_nvcc ]; buildInputs = [ ] ++ lib.optionals with_cublas [ cuda_cccl cuda_cudart libcublas libcufft ] ++ lib.optionals with_clblas [ clblast ocl-icd opencl-headers ] ++ lib.optionals with_openblas [ openblas.dev ]; cmakeFlags = [ (lib.cmakeBool "WHISPER_CUDA" with_cublas) (lib.cmakeBool "WHISPER_CLBLAST" with_clblas) (lib.cmakeBool "WHISPER_OPENBLAS" with_openblas) (lib.cmakeBool "WHISPER_NO_AVX" (!enable_avx)) (lib.cmakeBool "WHISPER_NO_AVX2" (!enable_avx2)) (lib.cmakeBool "WHISPER_NO_FMA" (!enable_fma)) (lib.cmakeBool "WHISPER_NO_F16C" (!enable_f16c)) (lib.cmakeBool "BUILD_SHARED_LIBS" false) ]; postInstall = '' install -Dt $out/bin bin/* ''; }; go-bert = stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "go-bert"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "go-skynet"; repo = "go-bert.cpp"; rev = "710044b124545415f555e4260d16b146c725a6e4"; hash = "sha256-UNrs3unYjvSzCVaVISFFBDD+s37lmN6/7ajmGNcYgrU="; fetchSubmodules = true; }; buildFlags = [ "libgobert.a" ]; dontUseCmakeConfigure = true; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ]; env.NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-Wformat"; installPhase = '' cp -r --no-preserve=mode $src $out cp *.a $out ''; }; go-stable-diffusion = stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "go-stable-diffusion"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "mudler"; repo = "go-stable-diffusion"; rev = "4a3cd6aeae6f66ee57eae9a0075f8c58c3a6a38f"; hash = "sha256-KXUvMP6cDyWib4rG0RmVRm3pgrdsfKXaH3k0v5/mTe8="; fetchSubmodules = true; }; buildFlags = [ "libstablediffusion.a" ]; dontUseCmakeConfigure = true; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ]; buildInputs = [ opencv ]; env.NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = " -isystem ${opencv}/include/opencv4"; installPhase = '' mkdir $out tar cf - --exclude=CMakeFiles --exclude="*.o" --exclude="*.so" --exclude="*.so.*" . \ | tar xf - -C $out ''; }; go-tiny-dream-ncnn = ncnn.overrideAttrs (self: { name = "go-tiny-dream-ncnn"; inherit (go-tiny-dream) src; sourceRoot = "${go-tiny-dream.src.name}/ncnn"; cmakeFlags = self.cmakeFlags ++ [ (lib.cmakeBool "NCNN_SHARED_LIB" false) (lib.cmakeBool "NCNN_OPENMP" false) (lib.cmakeBool "NCNN_VULKAN" false) (lib.cmakeBool "NCNN_AVX" enable_avx) (lib.cmakeBool "NCNN_AVX2" enable_avx2) (lib.cmakeBool "NCNN_AVX512" enable_avx512) (lib.cmakeBool "NCNN_FMA" enable_fma) (lib.cmakeBool "NCNN_F16C" enable_f16c) ]; }); go-tiny-dream = effectiveStdenv.mkDerivation { name = "go-tiny-dream"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "M0Rf30"; repo = "go-tiny-dream"; rev = "c04fa463ace9d9a6464313aa5f9cd0f953b6c057"; hash = "sha256-uow3vbAI4F/fTGjYOKOLqTpKq7NgGYSZhGlEhn7h6s0="; fetchSubmodules = true; }; postUnpack = '' rm -rf source/ncnn mkdir -p source/ncnn/build/src cp -r --no-preserve=mode ${go-tiny-dream-ncnn}/lib/. ${go-tiny-dream-ncnn}/include/. source/ncnn/build/src ''; buildFlags = [ "libtinydream.a" ]; installPhase = '' mkdir $out tar cf - --exclude="*.o" . \ | tar xf - -C $out ''; meta.broken = lib.versionOlder go-tiny-dream.stdenv.cc.version "13"; }; GO_TAGS = lib.optional with_tinydream "tinydream" ++ lib.optional with_tts "tts" ++ lib.optional with_stablediffusion "stablediffusion"; effectiveStdenv = if with_cublas then # It's necessary to consistently use backendStdenv when building with CUDA support, # otherwise we get libstdc++ errors downstream. cudaPackages.backendStdenv else stdenv; pname = "local-ai"; version = "2.19.4"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "go-skynet"; repo = "LocalAI"; rev = "v${version}"; hash = "sha256-aKq6/DI+4+BvIEw6eONqPr3mZXuz7rMFN+FBypVj0Gc="; }; prepare-sources = let cp = "cp -r --no-preserve=mode,ownership"; in '' mkdir sources ${cp} ${go-llama} sources/go-llama.cpp ${cp} ${gpt4all} sources/gpt4all ${cp} ${if with_tts then go-piper else go-piper.src} sources/go-piper ${cp} ${go-rwkv} sources/go-rwkv.cpp ${cp} ${whisper-cpp.src} sources/whisper.cpp cp ${whisper-cpp}/lib/lib*.a sources/whisper.cpp ${cp} ${go-bert} sources/go-bert.cpp ${cp} ${if with_stablediffusion then go-stable-diffusion else go-stable-diffusion.src} sources/go-stable-diffusion ${cp} ${if with_tinydream then go-tiny-dream else go-tiny-dream.src} sources/go-tiny-dream ''; self = buildGoModule.override { stdenv = effectiveStdenv; } { inherit pname version src; vendorHash = "sha256-HEKE75+ixuNbM+KEuhbQQ/NYYEzVlGYOttPavftWKhk="; env.NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = lib.optionalString with_stablediffusion " -isystem ${opencv}/include/opencv4"; postPatch = '' sed -i Makefile \ -e '/mod download/ d' \ -e '/^ALL_GRPC_BACKENDS+=backend-assets\/grpc\/llama-cpp-fallback/ d' \ -e '/^ALL_GRPC_BACKENDS+=backend-assets\/grpc\/llama-cpp-avx/ d' \ -e '/^ALL_GRPC_BACKENDS+=backend-assets\/grpc\/llama-cpp-cuda/ d' \ '' + lib.optionalString with_cublas '' sed -i Makefile \ -e '/^CGO_LDFLAGS_WHISPER?=/ s;$;-L${libcufft}/lib -L${cuda_cudart}/lib;' ''; postConfigure = prepare-sources + '' shopt -s extglob mkdir -p backend-assets/grpc cp ${llama-cpp-grpc}/bin/grpc-server backend-assets/grpc/llama-cpp-avx2 cp ${llama-cpp-rpc}/bin/grpc-server backend-assets/grpc/llama-cpp-grpc mkdir -p backend/cpp/llama/llama.cpp mkdir -p backend-assets/util cp ${llama-cpp-rpc}/bin/llama-rpc-server backend-assets/util/llama-cpp-rpc-server # avoid rebuild of prebuilt make targets touch backend-assets/grpc/* backend-assets/util/* sources/**/lib*.a ''; buildInputs = [ ] ++ lib.optionals with_cublas [ cuda_cudart libcublas libcufft ] ++ lib.optionals with_clblas [ clblast ocl-icd opencl-headers ] ++ lib.optionals with_openblas [ openblas.dev ] ++ lib.optionals with_stablediffusion go-stable-diffusion.buildInputs ++ lib.optionals with_tts go-piper.buildInputs; nativeBuildInputs = [ protobuf protoc-gen-go protoc-gen-go-grpc makeWrapper ncurses # tput which ] ++ lib.optional enable_upx upx ++ lib.optionals with_cublas [ cuda_nvcc ]; enableParallelBuilding = false; modBuildPhase = prepare-sources + '' make protogen-go go mod tidy -v ''; proxyVendor = true; # should be passed as makeFlags, but build system failes with strings # containing spaces env.GO_TAGS = builtins.concatStringsSep " " GO_TAGS; makeFlags = [ "VERSION=v${version}" "BUILD_TYPE=${BUILD_TYPE}" ] ++ lib.optional with_cublas "CUDA_LIBPATH=${cuda_cudart}/lib" ++ lib.optional with_tts "PIPER_CGO_CXXFLAGS=-DSPDLOG_FMT_EXTERNAL=1"; buildPhase = '' runHook preBuild local flagsArray=( ''${enableParallelBuilding:+-j''${NIX_BUILD_CORES}} SHELL=$SHELL ) concatTo flagsArray makeFlags makeFlagsArray buildFlags buildFlagsArray echoCmd 'build flags' "''${flagsArray[@]}" make build "''${flagsArray[@]}" unset flagsArray runHook postBuild ''; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall install -Dt $out/bin ${pname} runHook postInstall ''; # patching rpath with patchelf doens't work. The execuable # raises an segmentation fault postFixup = let LD_LIBRARY_PATH = [ ] ++ lib.optionals with_cublas [ # driverLink has to be first to avoid loading the stub version of libcuda.so # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/320145#issuecomment-2190319327 addDriverRunpath.driverLink (lib.getLib libcublas) cuda_cudart ] ++ lib.optionals with_clblas [ clblast ocl-icd ] ++ lib.optionals with_openblas [ openblas ] ++ lib.optionals with_tts [ piper-phonemize ] ++ lib.optionals (with_tts && enable_upx) [ fmt spdlog ]; in '' wrapProgram $out/bin/${pname} \ --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${lib.makeLibraryPath LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" \ --prefix PATH : "${ffmpeg}/bin" ''; passthru.local-packages = { inherit go-tiny-dream go-rwkv go-bert go-llama gpt4all go-piper llama-cpp-grpc whisper-cpp go-tiny-dream-ncnn espeak-ng' piper-phonemize piper-tts' llama-cpp-rpc; }; passthru.features = { inherit with_cublas with_openblas with_tts with_stablediffusion with_tinydream with_clblas; }; passthru.tests = callPackages ./tests.nix { inherit self; }; passthru.lib = callPackages ./lib.nix { }; meta = with lib; { description = "OpenAI alternative to run local LLMs, image and audio generation"; homepage = "https://localai.io"; license = licenses.mit; maintainers = with maintainers; [ onny ck3d ]; platforms = platforms.linux; }; }; in self