import ./make-test-python.nix ({pkgs, lib, ...}: let # Settings for both servers and agents webUi = true; retry_interval = "1s"; raft_multiplier = 1; defaultExtraConfig = { inherit retry_interval; performance = { inherit raft_multiplier; }; }; allConsensusServerHosts = [ "" "" "" ]; allConsensusClientHosts = [ "" "" ]; firewallSettings = { # See allowedTCPPorts = [ 8301 8302 8600 8500 8300 ]; allowedUDPPorts = [ 8301 8302 8600 ]; }; client = index: { pkgs, ... }: let ip = builtins.elemAt allConsensusClientHosts index; in { environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.consul ]; networking.interfaces.eth1.ipv4.addresses = pkgs.lib.mkOverride 0 [ { address = ip; prefixLength = 16; } ]; networking.firewall = firewallSettings; services.consul = { enable = true; inherit webUi; extraConfig = defaultExtraConfig // { server = false; retry_join = allConsensusServerHosts; bind_addr = ip; }; }; }; server = index: { pkgs, ... }: let numConsensusServers = builtins.length allConsensusServerHosts; thisConsensusServerHost = builtins.elemAt allConsensusServerHosts index; ip = thisConsensusServerHost; # since we already use IPs to identify servers in { networking.interfaces.eth1.ipv4.addresses = pkgs.lib.mkOverride 0 [ { address = ip; prefixLength = 16; } ]; networking.firewall = firewallSettings; services.consul = assert builtins.elem thisConsensusServerHost allConsensusServerHosts; { enable = true; inherit webUi; extraConfig = defaultExtraConfig // { server = true; bootstrap_expect = numConsensusServers; # Tell Consul that we never intend to drop below this many servers. # Ensures to not permanently lose consensus after temporary loss. # See autopilot.min_quorum = numConsensusServers; retry_join = # If there's only 1 node in the network, we allow self-join; # otherwise, the node must not try to join itself, and join only the other servers. # See if numConsensusServers == 1 then allConsensusServerHosts else builtins.filter (h: h != thisConsensusServerHost) allConsensusServerHosts; bind_addr = ip; }; }; }; in { name = "consul"; nodes = { server1 = server 0; server2 = server 1; server3 = server 2; client1 = client 0; client2 = client 1; }; testScript = '' servers = [server1, server2, server3] machines = [server1, server2, server3, client1, client2] for m in machines: m.wait_for_unit("consul.service") def wait_for_healthy_servers(): for m in machines: m.wait_until_succeeds("[ $(consul members | grep -o alive | wc -l) == 5 ]") wait_for_healthy_servers() # Also wait for clients to be alive. for m in machines: m.wait_until_succeeds("[ $(consul members | grep -o alive | wc -l) == 5 ]") client1.succeed("consul kv put testkey 42") client2.succeed("[ $(consul kv get testkey) == 42 ]") def rolling_reboot_test(): """ Tests that the cluster can tolearate failures of any single server, following the recommended rolling upgrade procedure from """ for server in servers: server.crash() # For each client, wait until they have connection again # using `kv get -recurse` before issuing commands. client1.wait_until_succeeds("consul kv get -recurse") client2.wait_until_succeeds("consul kv get -recurse") # Do some consul actions while one server is down. client1.succeed("consul kv put testkey 43") client2.succeed("[ $(consul kv get testkey) == 43 ]") client2.succeed("consul kv delete testkey") # Restart crashed machine. server.start() # Wait for recovery. wait_for_healthy_servers() # Wait for client connections. client1.wait_until_succeeds("consul kv get -recurse") client2.wait_until_succeeds("consul kv get -recurse") # Do some consul actions with server back up. client1.succeed("consul kv put testkey 44") client2.succeed("[ $(consul kv get testkey) == 44 ]") client2.succeed("consul kv delete testkey") # Run the tests. rolling_reboot_test() ''; })