/*  The package defintion for an OpenRA out-of-tree mod.
    It shares code with `engine.nix` by what is defined in `common.nix`.
    To build an out-of-tree mod it needs the source code of the engine available,
    and they each need to be build with a specific version or fork of the engine,
    so the engine needs to be supplied as an argument as well.
    The engine is relatively small and quick to build, so this is not much of a problem.
    Building a mod will result in a wrapper script that starts the mod inside the specified engine.
{ lib, stdenv
, packageAttrs
, patchEngine
, wrapLaunchGame
, mod
, engine

  engineSourceName = engine.src.name or "engine";
  modSourceName = mod.src.name or "mod";

# Based on: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:fusion809/openra-ura
in stdenv.mkDerivation (lib.recursiveUpdate packageAttrs rec {
  name = "${pname}-${version}";
  pname = "openra_2019-${mod.name}";
  inherit (mod) version;

  srcs = [

  sourceRoot = ".";

  postUnpack = ''
    mv ${engineSourceName} ${modSourceName}
    cd ${modSourceName}

  postPatch = ''
    cat <<'EOF' > fetch-engine.sh
    exit 0

    sed -i 's/^VERSION.*/VERSION = ${version}/g' Makefile

    dos2unix *.md

    ${patchEngine engineSourceName engine.version}

  configurePhase = ''
    runHook preConfigure

    make version VERSION=${lib.escapeShellArg version}
    make -C ${engineSourceName} version VERSION=${lib.escapeShellArg engine.version}

    runHook postConfigure

  checkTarget = "test";

  installPhase = ''
    runHook preInstall

    make -C ${engineSourceName} install-engine install-common-mod-files DATA_INSTALL_DIR=$out/lib/${pname}

    cp -r ${engineSourceName}/mods/{${lib.concatStringsSep "," ([ "common" "modcontent" ] ++ engine.mods)}} mods/* \

    substitute ${./mod-launch-game.sh} $out/lib/openra_2019-${mod.name}/launch-game.sh \
      --subst-var out \
      --subst-var-by name ${lib.escapeShellArg mod.name} \
      --subst-var-by title ${lib.escapeShellArg mod.title} \
      --subst-var-by assetsError ${lib.escapeShellArg mod.assetsError}
    chmod +x $out/lib/openra_2019-${mod.name}/launch-game.sh

    ${wrapLaunchGame "_2019-${mod.name}" "openra-${mod.name}"}

    substitute ${./openra-mod.desktop} $(mkdirp $out/share/applications)/${pname}.desktop \
      --subst-var-by name ${lib.escapeShellArg mod.name} \
      --subst-var-by title ${lib.escapeShellArg mod.title} \
      --subst-var-by description ${lib.escapeShellArg mod.description}

    cp README.md $(mkdirp $out/share/doc/packages/${pname})/README.md

    [[ -e mods/${mod.name}/icon.png ]] && mod_icon=mods/${mod.name}/icon.png || {
      [[ -e mods/${mod.name}/logo.png ]] && mod_icon=mods/${mod.name}/logo.png || mod_icon=packaging/linux/mod_256x256.png
    cp "$mod_icon" $(mkdirp $out/share/pixmaps)/${pname}.png

    for size in 16 32 48 64 128 256; do
      cp packaging/linux/mod_''${size}.png $(mkdirp $out/share/icons/hicolor/''${size}/apps)/${pname}.png

    runHook postInstall

  meta = {
    inherit (mod) description homepage;