SSL/TLS Certificates with ACME NixOS supports automatic domain validation & certificate retrieval and renewal using the ACME protocol. This is currently only implemented by and for Let's Encrypt. The alternative ACME client LEGo is used under the hood.
Prerequisites You need to have a running HTTP server for verification. The server must have a webroot defined that can serve .well-known/acme-challenge. This directory must be writeable by the user that will run the ACME client. For instance, this generic snippet could be used for Nginx: http { server { server_name _; listen 80; listen [::]:80; location /.well-known/acme-challenge { root /var/www/challenges; } location / { return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } } }
Configuring To enable ACME certificate retrieval & renewal for a certificate for, add the following in your configuration.nix: ."" = { webroot = "/var/www/challenges"; email = ""; }; The private key key.pem and certificate fullchain.pem will be put into /var/lib/acme/ Refer to for all available configuration options for the security.acme module.
Using ACME certificates in Nginx NixOS supports fetching ACME certificates for you by setting enableACME = true; in a virtualHost config. We first create self-signed placeholder certificates in place of the real ACME certs. The placeholder certs are overwritten when the ACME certs arrive. For the config would look like. services.nginx = { enable = true; virtualHosts = { "" = { forceSSL = true; enableACME = true; locations."/" = { root = "/var/www"; }; }; }; }