import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ... }: let echoAll = pkgs.writeScript "echo-all" '' #! ${pkgs.runtimeShell} for s in "$@"; do printf '%s\n' "$s" done ''; # deliberately using a local empty file instead of pkgs.emptyFile to have # a non-store path in the test args = [ "a%Nything" "lang=\${LANG}" ";" "/bin/sh -c date" ./empty-file 4.2 23 ]; in { name = "systemd-escaping"; nodes.machine = { pkgs, lib, utils, ... }: { = assert !(builtins.tryEval (utils.escapeSystemdExecArgs [ [] ])).success; assert !(builtins.tryEval (utils.escapeSystemdExecArgs [ {} ])).success; assert !(builtins.tryEval (utils.escapeSystemdExecArgs [ null ])).success; assert !(builtins.tryEval (utils.escapeSystemdExecArgs [ false ])).success; assert !(builtins.tryEval (utils.escapeSystemdExecArgs [ (_:_) ])).success; { description = "Echo to the journal"; serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; serviceConfig.ExecStart = '' ${echoAll} ${utils.escapeSystemdExecArgs args} ''; }; }; testScript = '' machine.wait_for_unit("") machine.succeed("systemctl start echo.service") # skip the first 'Starting <service> ...' line logs = machine.succeed("journalctl -u echo.service -o cat").splitlines()[1:] assert "a%Nything" == logs[0] assert "lang=''${LANG}" == logs[1] assert ";" == logs[2] assert "/bin/sh -c date" == logs[3] assert "/nix/store/ij3gw72f4n5z4dz6nnzl1731p9kmjbwr-empty-file" == logs[4] assert "4.2" in logs[5] # toString produces extra fractional digits! assert "23" == logs[6] ''; })