# Lemmy {#module-services-lemmy}

Lemmy is a federated alternative to reddit in rust.

## Quickstart {#module-services-lemmy-quickstart}

the minimum to start lemmy is

services.lemmy = {
  enable = true;
  settings = {
    hostname = "lemmy.union.rocks";
    database.createLocally = true;
  caddy.enable = true;

this will start the backend on port 8536 and the frontend on port 1234.
It will expose your instance with a caddy reverse proxy to the hostname you've provided.
Postgres will be initialized on that same instance automatically.

## Usage {#module-services-lemmy-usage}

On first connection you will be asked to define an admin user.

## Missing {#module-services-lemmy-missing}

- Exposing with nginx is not implemented yet.
- This has been tested using a local database with a unix socket connection. Using different database settings will likely require modifications