diff --git a/utils/rclutil.cpp b/utils/rclutil.cpp
index 6bafc119..d997cd17 100644
--- a/utils/rclutil.cpp
+++ b/utils/rclutil.cpp
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ const string& path_pkgdatadir()
         "a subfolder of the installation directory. \n"
         "Please set the RECOLL_DATADIR environment variable to point to it\n"
         "(e.g. setx RECOLL_DATADIR \"C:/Program Files (X86)/Recoll/Share)\"\n";
-#elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(RECOLL_AS_MAC_BUNDLE)
+#elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(RECOLL_AS_MAC_BUNDLE) && defined(NIXPKGS)
     // The package manager builds (Macports, Homebrew, Nixpkgs ...) all arrange to set a proper
     // compiled value for RECOLL_DATADIR. We can't do this when building a native bundle with
     // QCreator, in which case we use the executable location.