Reproduction script:
# Bulk rewrite
./maintainers/scripts/ pkgs/by-name
# Revert some packages which will need manual intervention
for n in amdvlk azure-cli cargo-profiler corefonts flatito fluxcd gist perf_data_converter protoc-gen-js solana-cli swt verible; do
git checkout -- "pkgs/by-name/${n:0:2}/${n}"
Over the last few months I have had at least a half dozen points points
when I have wanted to resign, and my biggest regret is that you can only
resign once.
After the previous such opportunity, I was emotionally done.
Today's shameful incident has made it abundantly clear I am not welcome.
Let's make that official.
It's been a long run and I've met a lot of lovely people working on the
Nix ecosystem. Let's hope that the technology lives on, and that I can
keep working with the lovely people I have spent most of my time working
with, *but outside of Nix*.
This is a neat little package that lets you trace your clang builds and
immediately find where all your build time went. In about half an hour,
I knocked 15% of build time off a project by strategic header splitting.