For a long time, we've had `crossLibcStdenv`, `*Cross` libc attributes,
and `*bsdCross` pre-libc package sets. This was always bad because
having "cross" things is "not declarative": the naming doesn't reflect
what packages *need* but rather how we *provide* something. This is
ugly, and creates needless friction between cross and native building.
Now, almost all of these `*Cross` attributes are gone: just these are
- Glibc's and Musl's are kept, because those packages are widely used
and I didn't want to risk changing the native builds of those at this
- generic `libcCross`, `theadsCross`, and friends, because these relate
to the convolulted GCC bootstrap which still needs to be redone.
The BSD and obscure Linux or freestnanding libcs have conversely all
been made to use a new `stdenvNoLibc`, which is like the old
`crossLibcStdenv` except:
1. It usable for native and cross alike
2. It named according to what it *is* ("a standard environment without
libc but with a C compiler"), rather than some non-compositional
jargon ("the stdenv used for building libc when cross compiling",
I should have done this change long ago, but I was stymied because of
"infinite recursions". The problem was that in too many cases we are
overriding `stdenv` to *remove* things we don't need, and this risks
cyles since those more minimal stdenvs are used to build things in the
more maximal stdenvs.
The solution is to pass `stage.nix` `stdenvNoCC`, so we can override to
*build up* rather than *tear down*. For now, the full `stdenv` is also
passed, so I don't need to change the native bootstraps, but I can see
this changing as we make things more uniform and clean those up.
(adapted from commit 51f1ecaa59)
(adapted from commit 1743662e55)
This change switches the xar package from unmaintained fork of the
original project to the Apple Open Source tarball. See also
Since the package is essentially rewritten from scratch, we take an
opportunity and move it to pkgs/by-name/xa/xar (formatted with nixfmt).
We also remove Windows from the supported platforms because even before
this change pkgsCross.mingwW64.xar failed with
xar> configure: error: can not detect the size of your system's uid_t type
This reduces the number of Python builds in the bootstrap to two: a minimal build and a normal build. Both have LTO disabled, which is required due to missing LLVM LTO libraries. This is necessary to correctly enable LTO builds in Python because it needs `llvm-ar` from ``, which does not exist in the bootstrap.
Fetchers can use the `curl` binary from the bootstrap tools. Allowing packages in the Darwin bootstrap to link curl makes any curl update cause a full rebuild on Darwin, which is undesirable.
GNU binutils is not preferred on Darwin, and newer versions have issues building. Make it an evaluation error to use it in the Darwin stdenv bootstrap.
- Only link binaries that exist for stage 0 cctools and LLVM bintools;
- Drop cctools-llvm in favor of the updated darwin.binutils; and
- Update llvm-manages Python overrides (needed for newer versions of LLVM).
Most Linux distributions are enabling this these days and it does
protect against real world vulnerabilities as demonstrated by
CVE-2018-16864 and CVE-2018-16865.
Information on llvm version support gleaned from
Information on gcc version support a lot harder to gather,
but both 32bit and 64bit arm do appear to be supported
based on the test suite.
libiconv-darwin depends on Meson, which (indirectly) depends on
libiconv. When libiconv-darwin is set as libiconv, it will cause an
infinite recursion. Avoid the infinite recursion by using libiconvReal
in stage 1. Every stage after that can use libiconv-darwin.
The cc and bintools wrapper contained ad hoc bootstrapping logic for
expand-response-params (which was callPackage-ed in a let binding). This
lead to the strange situation that the bootstrapping logic related to
expand-response-params is split between the wrapper derivations (where
it is duplicated) and the actual stdenv bootstrapping.
To clean this up, the wrappers simply should take expand-response-params
as an ordinary input: They need an adjacent expand-response-params (i.e.
one that runs on their host platform), but don't care about the how.
Providing this is only problematic during stdenv bootstrapping where we
have to pull it from the previous stage at times.
We don't need to artificially make sure that we can execute the wrapper
scripts on the build platform by using stdenv's shell (which comes from
buildPackages) since our cross infrastructure will get us the wrapper
from buildPackages. The upside of this change is that cross-compiled
wrappers (e.g. pkgsCross.aarch64-multiplatform.gcc) will actually work
when executed!
For bootstrapping this is also not a problem, since we have a long
build->build platform chain so runtimeShell is just as good as We do fall back to old ways, though, by explicitly
using the bootstrap-tools shell in stage2, so the adjacent bash is only
used from stage4 onwards. This is unnecessary in principle (I'll try
removing this hack in the future), but ensures this change causes zero
Setting the SDK root by default allows `overrideSDK` to correctly set
the SDK version when using a different SDK. It also allows the correct
SDK version to be set when using an older deployment target. Not setting
the correct SDK version can result in unexpected behavior at runtime.
* Automatic dark mode switching requires linking against an SDK version
of 10.14 or newer. With the current behavior, the only way to do this
is by using a 10.14+ deployment target even when the application
supports older platforms when build with a newer SDK.
* MetalD3D checks that the system version is at least 14.0. The API it
uses returns a compatibility version when the the SDK is older than
11.0, which causes it to display an error and terminate the
application even when even when its requirements are all met.
- update the hashes and tools needed to extract the bootstrap-tools archive
- unify the x64 and aarch64 unpack process
- unpin libxml for python-minimal
The Darwin bootstrap currently requires curl, but it is not strictly
required. The bootstrap requires it for two things:
* Fetchers; and
* As a transitive dependency of llvm-manpages (via Sphinx).
For the fetchers, the bootstrap curl can be used. For hatch-vcs, the
dependency, its tests can be disabled. Doing this allows curl to be
dropped from the Darwin stdenv bootstrap.
- merge libcxxabi into libcxx for LLVM 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and git.
- remove the link time workaround `-lc++ -lc++abi` from 58 packages as it is no longer required.
- fixes
- provides alternative fixes for.
- pkgsCross.x86_64-freebsd builds work again
This change can be represented in 3 stages
1. merge libcxxabi into libcxx -- files: pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/[12, git]/{libcxx, libcxxabi}
2. update stdenv to account for merge -- files: stdenv.{adapters, cc.wrapper, darwin}
3. remove all references to libcxxabi outside of llvm (about 58 packages modified)
### merging libcxxabi into libcxx
- take the union of the libcxxabi and libcxx cmake flags
- eliminate the libcxx-headers-only package - it was only needed to break libcxx <-> libcxxabi circular dependency
- libcxx.cxxabi is removed. external cxxabi (freebsd) will symlink headers / libs into libcxx.
- darwin will re-export the libcxxabi symbols into libcxx so linking `-lc++` is sufficient.
- linux/freebsd `` is a linker script `LINK(, -lc++abi)` making `-lc++` sufficient.
- libcxx/default.nix [12, 17] are identical except for patches and `LIBCXX_ADDITIONAL_LIBRARIES` (only used in 16+)
- git/libcxx/defaul.nix does not link with -nostdlib when useLLVM is true so flag is removed. this is not much different than before as libcxxabi used -nostdlib where libcxx did not, so libc was linked in anyway.
### stdenv changes
- darwin bootstrap, remove references to libcxxabi and cxxabi
- cc-wrapper: remove c++ link workaround when libcxx.cxxabi doesn't exist (still exists for LLVM pre 12)
- adapter: update overrideLibcxx to account for a pkgs.stdenv that only has libcxx
### 58 package updates
- remove `NIX_LDFLAGS = "-l${}` as no longer needed
- swift, nodejs_v8 remove libcxxabi references in the clang override
This patch switches the CoreFoundation on x86_64-darwin from the open
source swift-corelibs-foundation (CF) to the system CoreFoundation.
This change was motivated by failures building packages for the current
staging-next cycle #263535 due to an apparent incompatibility with the
rpath-based approach to choosing CF or CoreFoundation and macOS 14. This
error often manifests as a crash with an Illegal Instruction.
For example, building aws-sdk-cpp for building Nix will fail this way.
Application Specific Information:
CF objects must have a non-zero isa
Error Formulating Crash Report:
PC register does not match crashing frame (0x0 vs 0x7FF8094DD640)
Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0 CoreFoundation 0x7ff8094dd640 CF_IS_OBJC.cold.1 + 14
1 CoreFoundation 0x7ff8094501d0 CF_IS_OBJC + 60
2 CoreFoundation 0x7ff8093155e8 CFRelease + 40
3 ??? 0x10c7a2c61 s_aws_secure_transport_ctx_destroy + 65
4 ??? 0x10c87ba32 aws_ref_count_release + 34
5 ??? 0x10c7b7adb aws_tls_connection_options_clean_up + 27
6 ??? 0x10c596db4 Aws::Crt::Io::TlsConnectionOptions::~TlsConnectionOptions() + 20
7 ??? 0x10c2d249c Aws::CleanupCrt() + 92
8 ??? 0x10c2d1ff0 Aws::ShutdownAPI(Aws::SDKOptions const&) + 64
9 ??? 0x102d9bc6f main + 335
10 dyld 0x202f333a6 start + 1942
According to a [post][1] on the Apple developer forums, hardening was
added to CoreFoundation, and this particular message occurs when you
attempt to release an object it does not recognize as a valid CF object.
(Thank you to @lilyinstarlight for finding this post).
When I switched aws-sdk-cpp to link against CoreFoundation instead of
CF, the error went away. Somehow both libraries were being used. To
prevent dependent packages from linking the wrong CoreFoundation, it
would need to be added as a propagated build input.
Note that there are other issues related to mixing CF and CoreFoundation
frameworks. #264503 fixes an issue with abseil-cpp where it propagates
CF, causing issues when using a different SDK version. Mixing versions
can also cause crashes with Python when a shared object is loaded that
is linked to the “wrong” CoreFoundation.
`NIX_COREFOUNDATION_RPATH` is supposed to make sure the right
CoreFoundation is being used, but it does not appear to be enough on
macOS 14 (presumably due to the hardening). While it is possible to
propagate CoreFoundation manually, the cleaner solution is to make it
the default. CF remains available as `darwin.swift-corelibs-foundation`.
curl needs to link against several frameworks, but building the
frameworks (directly or indirectly) depends on curl via fetchurl and
fetchFromGitHub. Break the infinite recursion by building the SDKs’
dependencies in the last stage of the stdenv bootstrap using the prior
stage’s fetchurl and fetchFromGitHub.
To work around intermitent build failures with clang 16, the stdenv
attempted to pass arguments on the command-line on newer versions of
macOS. Unfortunately, the larger `ARG_MAX` is still not large enough to
build qtwebengine. This commit reverts the `NIX_CC_NO_RESPONSE_FILE`
logic in the stdenv. The changes to cc-wrapper in #245282 are needed for
clang 16 to prevent the above-mentioned build failures.
This fixes pyicu (and any other package that uses `icu-config` instead
of the CMake or some other module to get the build flags).
What happened here is the bootstrap disables `patchShebangs` to avoid
propagating the bootstrap tools to the final stdenv (due to `sh` and
`bash` being on the `PATH` from the bootstrap tools). Because of that,
the `#!/bin/sh` line in `icu-config` was not updated, causing it to
invoke the system bash on Darwin. While that is undesirable in its own
right, when the system bash is invoked as `sh`, `echo -n` will print
`-n`, resulting in the breakage see in
The fix is to build bash earlier in the bootstrap while making sure it
is picked up over the one in the bootstrap tools. That allows
`patchShebangs` to be enabled during the bootstrap. Any package with
scripts that is included in the final stdenv should now have its
scripts’ shebang lines properly patched.
swift-corelibs uses libcurl to implement `NSURLSession` in Foundation
via the symbols exported by CF. Foundation is not build on Darwin, and
these symbols are not exported by the system CoreFoundation.
By not linking against libcurl, this breaks a cycle between CF and
libcurl. That should allow libcurl to drop the patch disabling
linking against the SystemConfiguration and restore NAT64 support.
Unfortunately, the Darwin stdenv bootstrap still needs to build
dependencies that use `fetchFromGitHub`. While it can drop curl from the
final stdenv, it still needs to use it during the stdenv bootstrap.
In preparation for bumping the LLVM used by Darwin, this change
refactors and reworks the stdenv build process. When it made sense,
existing behaviors were kept to avoid causing any unwanted breakage.
However, there are some differences. The reasoning and differences are
discussed below.
- Improved cycle times - Working on the Darwin stdenv was a tedious
process because `allowedRequisites` determined what was allowed
between stages. If you made a mistake, you might have to wait a
considerable amount of time for the build to fail. Using assertions
makes many errors fail at evaluation time and makes moving things
around safer and easier to do.
- Decoupling from bootstrap tools - The stdenv build process builds as
much as it can in the early stages to remove the requirement that the
bootstrap tools need bumped in order to bump the stdenv itself. This
should lower the barrier to updates and make it easier to bump in the
future. It also allows changes to be made without requiring additional
tools be added to the bootstrap tools.
- Patterned after the Linux stdenv - I tried to follow the patterns
established in the Linux stdenv with adaptations made to Darwin’s
needs. My hope is this makes the Darwin stdenv more approable for
non-Darwin developers who made need to interact with it. It also
allowed some of the hacks to be removed.
- Documentation - Comments were added explaining what was happening and
why things were being done. This is particular important for some
stages that might not be obvious (such as the sysctl stage).
- Cleanup - Converting the intermediate `allowedRequisites` to
assertions revealed that many packages were being referenced that no
longer exist or have been renamed. Removing them reduces clutter and
should help make the stdenv bootstrap process be more understandable.