diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix
index 3b2d9594d980..d2ce7185c0a1 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix
@@ -726,8 +726,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "Agda";
        version = "2.5.2";
        sha256 = "0f8ld7sqkfhirhs886kp090iaq70qxsj8ms8farc80vzpz1ww4nq";
-       revision = "2";
-       editedCabalFile = "1zxznr7n6yyyrr38nsa53nd1vhcssnhd5jha30dzwwkyq0mv3c2d";
+       revision = "3";
+       editedCabalFile = "10j2hf2g9vv2xibywgd8s96x05clfxr4wli00011vkhblr4p9br8";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
@@ -3560,8 +3560,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "DOH";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "14wj5jdj0s3ygxqz46622j241hxz0h5apmnq7w407xk590c74z64";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1l70h2213lmpy8mkac4iy9wfcqiqcsp1dvgx9lby470hn77jmg3w";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson aeson-casing base bytestring containers filepath http-client
          http-client-tls http-types lens mtl text time unordered-containers
@@ -3979,16 +3979,17 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "DeepDarkFantasy" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, base, bimap, constraints, containers, mtl, random
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bimap, constraints, containers, mtl
+     , QuickCheck, random, recursion-schemes
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "DeepDarkFantasy";
-       version = "0.2017.4.19";
-       sha256 = "19fr67fkn4z47a27nbcqh1a24jh2ir32d6fzvjdmj7d0maman2rz";
+       version = "0.2017.8.4";
+       sha256 = "0sf1vbzfps2hi3da1b7wh23xhg69xshw8qf7i7iw3w819qlz0f5j";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         base bimap constraints containers mtl random
+         base bimap constraints containers mtl random recursion-schemes
-       testHaskellDepends = [ base constraints mtl random ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base constraints mtl QuickCheck random ];
        description = "A DSL for creating neural network";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20;
      }) {};
@@ -8557,6 +8558,40 @@ self: {
        license = "LGPL";
      }) {};
+  "HTF_0_13_2_2" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, array, base
+     , base64-bytestring, bytestring, containers, cpphs, Diff, directory
+     , filepath, haskell-src, HUnit, lifted-base, monad-control, mtl
+     , old-time, pretty, process, QuickCheck, random, regex-compat
+     , template-haskell, temporary, text, time, unix
+     , unordered-containers, vector, xmlgen
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "HTF";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1fn3w53rylaqmkhwi801phiwlkl7yp9mnj79dbwfb6b6g5mrzd0x";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson array base base64-bytestring bytestring containers cpphs Diff
+         directory haskell-src HUnit lifted-base monad-control mtl old-time
+         pretty process QuickCheck random regex-compat text time unix vector
+         xmlgen
+       ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [
+         array base cpphs directory HUnit mtl old-time random text
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson aeson-pretty base bytestring directory filepath HUnit mtl
+         process random regex-compat template-haskell temporary text
+         unordered-containers
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/skogsbaer/HTF/";
+       description = "The Haskell Test Framework";
+       license = "LGPL";
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "HTTP" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, case-insensitive, conduit
      , conduit-extra, deepseq, http-types, httpd-shed, HUnit, mtl
@@ -9852,8 +9887,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "HsHTSLib";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0mambd3iimll6v2wv616qdai31r4kcj12401afq148h47fq2qk6m";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "03qxsld5rw3j5wqm9zqfb51msyw22976ga0zibmaxc9slm684lyk";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring bytestring-lexing conduit-combinators containers
          inline-c mtl template-haskell
@@ -11885,8 +11920,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "MagicHaskeller";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0vly79iqz8ax5wzwgbr3ygdqsi7bq5vki43kmz9zgz8vjqi7hisz";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0cl0lq45x8pxsbdiqg9sx39jvs8h2h32mni5zq2jb61ac7wim9g1";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
@@ -15823,8 +15858,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc, ghc-paths }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "SSTG";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1vf5c5k6b5nww2acm0r17imcpsl2p6xbg4qqzwdalpj7xhd3bvi9";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "06rc050abq6vfgn0ylfrycp6m3631ji0mq9jwz5cnlhnrhpzfn5j";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base containers ghc ghc-paths ];
@@ -16851,6 +16886,19 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "Spock-lucid_0_4_0_1" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, lucid, Spock, transformers }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "Spock-lucid";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "15r3vk78vbhqi09liq0a3zabya845zfmblqahgw6r2jjx49da9ii";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base lucid Spock transformers ];
+       homepage = "http://github.com/aelve/Spock-lucid";
+       description = "Lucid support for Spock";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "Spock-worker" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, errors, HTF, lifted-base, mtl
      , Spock, stm, text, time, transformers, vector
@@ -20904,6 +20952,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "ad";
        version = "4.3.4";
        sha256 = "0r3qixsj624q5c88xlr444fn7z5c36m32ciyxz732lngg06pvwdz";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "0rfxjifhaxvq8nv1n1l8wf49gh13ailcnyachffk7y55nqr0zqdf";
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          array base comonad containers data-reify erf free nats reflection
@@ -22540,8 +22590,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, optparse-applicative, random, text }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "alea";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0kybz7q9gd0f35qmgnrg625z8kis308svingkjscn9ridwxz6g09";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0b8b7ncdn9as8y2m4dk4wwk7gjh79yvr9q3jlw6khdsqh266jq1q";
        isLibrary = false;
        isExecutable = true;
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
@@ -25066,6 +25116,35 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "amqp_0_16_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, clock, connection
+     , containers, data-binary-ieee754, hspec, hspec-expectations
+     , monad-control, network, network-uri, split, stm, text, vector
+     , xml
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "amqp";
+       version = "0.16.0";
+       sha256 = "100krph1yaazxcs74r6v5785l50886rsbip98w8p4rzqgcya311a";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base binary bytestring clock connection containers
+         data-binary-ieee754 monad-control network network-uri split stm
+         text vector
+       ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [ base containers xml ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base binary bytestring clock connection containers
+         data-binary-ieee754 hspec hspec-expectations network network-uri
+         split stm text vector
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/hreinhardt/amqp";
+       description = "Client library for AMQP servers (currently only RabbitMQ)";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "amqp-conduit" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, amqp, base, bytestring, conduit, exceptions, hspec
      , HUnit, lifted-base, monad-control, mtl, resourcet, text
@@ -25519,6 +25598,22 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "ansi-wl-pprint_0_6_8" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "ansi-wl-pprint";
+       version = "0.6.8";
+       sha256 = "114ga28xa2wkdf4azyhffwjh94zxa62q2z0cn58xhnca1y2b3xjx";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ ansi-terminal base ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [ ansi-terminal base ];
+       homepage = "http://github.com/ekmett/ansi-wl-pprint";
+       description = "The Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for colored ANSI terminal output";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "ansigraph" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, hspec, QuickCheck }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -29388,6 +29483,33 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "avro" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, array, base, base16-bytestring, binary
+     , bytestring, containers, data-binary-ieee754, entropy, extra, fail
+     , hashable, hspec, mtl, pure-zlib, QuickCheck, scientific
+     , semigroups, tagged, template-haskell, text, unordered-containers
+     , vector
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "avro";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0pn3pll7yjkfiqllndsn5mcm07my6mgjzd7amncvl3pykw75w0jq";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson array base base16-bytestring binary bytestring containers
+         data-binary-ieee754 entropy fail hashable mtl pure-zlib scientific
+         semigroups tagged template-haskell text unordered-containers vector
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson array base base16-bytestring binary bytestring containers
+         entropy extra fail hashable hspec mtl pure-zlib QuickCheck
+         scientific semigroups tagged template-haskell text
+         unordered-containers vector
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/GaloisInc/avro.git";
+       description = "Avro serialization support for Haskell";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "avwx" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, HTTP, lens, optparse-applicative
      , parsers, pretty-show, text
@@ -31009,6 +31131,18 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      }) {};
+  "basement" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "basement";
+       version = "0.0.0";
+       sha256 = "1agqj5yp0nf7117qx62xp5mncans5szscbp6gz6ifhhsl6lng3k1";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base ghc-prim ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/haskell-foundation/foundation";
+       description = "Foundation scrap box of array & string";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "basex-client" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, network, pureMD5, utf8-string }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -32222,6 +32356,27 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      }) {};
+  "binary-conduit_1_2_5" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, conduit, hspec
+     , QuickCheck, quickcheck-assertions, resourcet, vector
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "binary-conduit";
+       version = "1.2.5";
+       sha256 = "06sbs5kib5jdfxn0fj2yx2wjysgr7g0alnjg1v6iwi7rw2m1gm11";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base binary bytestring conduit resourcet vector
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base binary bytestring conduit hspec QuickCheck
+         quickcheck-assertions resourcet
+       ];
+       homepage = "http://github.com/qnikst/binary-conduit/";
+       description = "data serialization/deserialization conduit library";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "binary-derive" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, ghc-prim }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -33138,6 +33293,19 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {inherit (pkgs) libftdi; inherit (pkgs) libusb;};
+  "bindings-libg15" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, g15 }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "bindings-libg15";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0vaayi9vnis9d35yrym67ihghfqyz4d13h86m3b27znwk7fqsz0d";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ];
+       librarySystemDepends = [ g15 ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/Xandaros/bindings-libg15#readme";
+       description = "Bindings to libg15";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {g15 = null;};
   "bindings-librrd" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, librrd }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -33581,6 +33749,23 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "bio-sequence" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, hspec, parsec, QuickCheck
+     , template-haskell, text
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "bio-sequence";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0x9il05qdzmj6ka0pr8nbjg8zi073f52lpfd0dhzxy2f15zdralc";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         array base bytestring parsec template-haskell text
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base bytestring hspec QuickCheck ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/biocad/bio-sequence";
+       description = "Initial project template from stack";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "bioace" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bioalign, biocore, bytestring, parsec }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -33816,16 +34001,16 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "bit-stream" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, base, criterion, QuickCheck, tasty, tasty-hunit
-     , tasty-quickcheck, tasty-smallcheck, vector
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, criterion, ghc-prim, QuickCheck, tasty
+     , tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, tasty-smallcheck, vector
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "bit-stream";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1nn7yb15a1nlqjjmz0i4r53gh5wravp07faygn0hrvzvhwghgx1s";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0qza9w01qwrbfa35dzhfzxxd8ss1aww332s48sbpdjq3ywkjgk81";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
-       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base vector ];
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base ghc-prim vector ];
        executableHaskellDepends = [ base vector ];
        testHaskellDepends = [
          base QuickCheck tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck tasty-smallcheck
@@ -33833,7 +34018,7 @@ self: {
        benchmarkHaskellDepends = [ base criterion ];
        homepage = "https://github.com/Bodigrim/bit-stream#readme";
-       description = "Lazy, infinite, compact stream of 'Bool' with O(1) indexing";
+       description = "Lazy, infinite, compact stream of Bool with O(1) indexing";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
@@ -34155,8 +34340,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "bits";
        version = "0.5.1";
        sha256 = "14ww8zcyis6kfli28bb9i5dmmj7k1j1dlzpwnfrkzd8kp5xmazk5";
-       revision = "1";
-       editedCabalFile = "06gsbm787kanng2p37sfkpzh9s630bcxgncayn3alxk3y5q5yi7l";
+       revision = "2";
+       editedCabalFile = "1c209vyxxafr1pf1zqcydy85w9v5gvfjy64i5i6v9asfld6jppig";
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base bytes mtl transformers ];
        testHaskellDepends = [ base doctest ];
@@ -34376,10 +34561,12 @@ self: {
        pname = "bitwise";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "11llsq03f7nlqdgzr2al71l01r3gbc8xfvrskx5ix3lc20aldq6d";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "10v3wkjc3y9435kn1rywrp6z0h71pkjcs51p8wl30g9pbpscw5pq";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ array base bytestring ];
        testHaskellDepends = [ base QuickCheck ];
        benchmarkHaskellDepends = [ array base bytestring criterion ];
-       homepage = "http://code.mathr.co.uk/bitwise";
+       homepage = "https://code.mathr.co.uk/bitwise";
        description = "fast multi-dimensional unboxed bit packed Bool arrays";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
@@ -36020,6 +36207,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "bound";
        version = "2.0.1";
        sha256 = "0xmvkwambzmji1czxipl9cms5l3v98765b9spmb3wn5n6dpj0ji9";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "0hqs7k5xyfpfcrfms342jj81gzrgxkrkvrl68061nkmsc5xrm4ix";
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base bifunctors binary bytes cereal comonad deepseq hashable mmorph
@@ -36328,7 +36517,7 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
-  "brick_0_20_1" = callPackage
+  "brick_0_23" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, contravariant, data-clist
      , deepseq, dlist, microlens, microlens-mtl, microlens-th, stm
      , template-haskell, text, text-zipper, transformers, vector, vty
@@ -36336,8 +36525,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "brick";
-       version = "0.20.1";
-       sha256 = "1yhxs2p83nrv9b5lw9cd21f6r735sjxkamhmc2vv8d63z2fncz0f";
+       version = "0.23";
+       sha256 = "1izw1gj38z6d8wnakpdqvsqx49gpgg5wm95hkbc75fvxshngxiwm";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -36346,7 +36535,7 @@ self: {
          transformers vector vty word-wrap
        executableHaskellDepends = [
-         base microlens microlens-th text text-zipper vector vty
+         base microlens microlens-th text text-zipper vector vty word-wrap
        homepage = "https://github.com/jtdaugherty/brick/";
        description = "A declarative terminal user interface library";
@@ -36375,6 +36564,48 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "brittany" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, butcher, bytestring, cmdargs
+     , containers, czipwith, data-tree-print, deepseq, directory, either
+     , extra, filepath, ghc, ghc-boot-th, ghc-exactprint, ghc-paths
+     , hspec, monad-memo, mtl, multistate, neat-interpolation, parsec
+     , pretty, safe, semigroups, strict, syb, text, transformers
+     , uniplate, unsafe, yaml
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "brittany";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "001nfcdj366avjcjz199s630v3z6r9mrj22b16qcixnwm3pzpxr7";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "16ks5wxyjlgh7krvkr072pkhj4f5sa8bpnw1y15swx5d8xinp40w";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson base butcher bytestring cmdargs containers czipwith
+         data-tree-print deepseq directory either extra ghc ghc-boot-th
+         ghc-exactprint ghc-paths monad-memo mtl multistate
+         neat-interpolation pretty safe semigroups strict syb text
+         transformers uniplate unsafe yaml
+       ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson base butcher bytestring cmdargs containers czipwith
+         data-tree-print deepseq directory either extra filepath ghc
+         ghc-boot-th ghc-exactprint ghc-paths hspec monad-memo mtl
+         multistate neat-interpolation pretty safe semigroups strict syb
+         text transformers uniplate unsafe yaml
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson base butcher bytestring cmdargs containers czipwith
+         data-tree-print deepseq directory either extra ghc ghc-boot-th
+         ghc-exactprint ghc-paths hspec monad-memo mtl multistate
+         neat-interpolation parsec pretty safe semigroups strict syb text
+         transformers uniplate unsafe yaml
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/lspitzner/brittany/";
+       description = "Haskell source code formatter";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3;
+     }) {};
   "broadcast-chan" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -37168,8 +37399,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "bytes";
        version = "0.15.3";
        sha256 = "0kfdw1c13y3kxc1s9nzyavrv1ccipzrmqlwmigj3gnwjcjvddp6q";
-       revision = "1";
-       editedCabalFile = "1fnv8vlbv8m5k9n5rik6pq693n0nfi9bkx2d8f7y5vvfly5bbkpw";
+       revision = "2";
+       editedCabalFile = "07j20bmhysp4dawy8am1j4lhg21s5c2i8ckqby0iykmfgrlsrcv0";
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base binary bytestring cereal containers hashable mtl scientific
@@ -37915,8 +38146,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "cabal-cargs";
-       version = "0.7.12";
-       sha256 = "18d0sky1h4n41j4hib34ji51jh3ikm68gdc60qv361i7pwrmi1mk";
+       version = "0.8.1";
+       sha256 = "0xzzxzh41k8h6sf04b6j49b44c68gvghh0slifywj171ip4zv5g3";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -38619,8 +38850,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, QuickCheck }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "cabal-test-quickcheck";
-       version = "0.1.8";
-       sha256 = "11i7726z7ic7xb3ssx69938ipanqasrdl055ym2swm9s2jmc9k6x";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0r5fd670a5ch0lzw7wsxp6k06wzi64wvjbiy8zyfl7brmjnbh8gn";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal QuickCheck ];
        homepage = "https://github.com/zmthy/cabal-test-quickcheck";
        description = "QuickCheck for Cabal";
@@ -38737,8 +38968,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "cabal2nix";
-       version = "2.4";
-       sha256 = "0nmvfg1fdmkibr7c0jk68mbinvqjr91c0lh1xzrd0g1kz576y703";
+       version = "2.4.1";
+       sha256 = "0dplmm32kckb5mk2gfkw63qkakzbgz7f4j0scaj74ncga4vjkzxg";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
@@ -39331,19 +39562,19 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "call-haskell-from-anything" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, msgpack, mtl, template-haskell
-     , vector
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-msgpack, mtl
+     , storable-endian, template-haskell
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "call-haskell-from-anything";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1z5zyyara0g6inyjqhq26zvln926kln29avvllsg94agdwdbqcqs";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1ys5xjf1jvrr2nybv5lw36x59n4jnxwqfkf3hdmrdz770y08gp0r";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         base bytestring msgpack mtl template-haskell vector
+         base bytestring data-msgpack mtl storable-endian template-haskell
-       executableHaskellDepends = [ base bytestring msgpack mtl ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [ base bytestring data-msgpack mtl ];
        homepage = "https://github.com/nh2/call-haskell-from-anything";
        description = "Call Haskell functions from other languages via serialization and dynamic libraries";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
@@ -41729,6 +41960,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "cheapskate-highlight";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "0w6k694gmnx7h8ix79z8scsdl65zbilxni1vjr90ka2fdfrazxss";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "1c8kxqdqf0j962xjdrrjfcbjsl0c1kax31rjykymv7w16d6hmlj4";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base blaze-html cheapskate highlighting-kate text
@@ -43959,8 +44192,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "clr-bindings";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1rqj81bzqhfz32sf6yningzpd4xp32myknnv0c1vbzkz19cklma1";
+       version = "0.2.0";
+       sha256 = "1q2s4bg4lilcn9pfp14vj11m67l4f3lpqr5h1j17mklzp5cbhv85";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base clr-host clr-marshal clr-typed pipes template-haskell text
@@ -43992,6 +44225,28 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {inherit (pkgs) glib; inherit (pkgs) mono;};
+  "clr-host_0_2_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, clr-marshal, directory
+     , file-embed, filepath, glib, mono, text, transformers
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "clr-host";
+       version = "0.2.0";
+       sha256 = "0x40zbdzj6zkb3k41z1ncdphnny4wyxlbw9n734h4qdqw093vcvv";
+       setupHaskellDepends = [
+         base Cabal directory filepath transformers
+       ];
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring clr-marshal file-embed text
+       ];
+       librarySystemDepends = [ glib mono ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base ];
+       homepage = "https://gitlab.com/tim-m89/clr-haskell/tree/master/libs/clr-host";
+       description = "Hosting the Common Language Runtime";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {inherit (pkgs) glib; inherit (pkgs) mono;};
   "clr-inline" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, clr-host, clr-marshal
      , containers, criterion, directory, extra, filepath, here, hspec
@@ -44016,6 +44271,37 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "clr-inline_0_2_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, case-insensitive
+     , clr-host, clr-marshal, containers, criterion, directory, extra
+     , filepath, here, hspec, lens, parsec, process, split
+     , template-haskell, temporary, text, transformers
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "clr-inline";
+       version = "0.2.0";
+       sha256 = "0s9f2y5ykfsq3sw52mxmvwih946ah9gv48pqma8nql9k0xx905ww";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring Cabal case-insensitive clr-host clr-marshal
+         containers directory extra filepath here lens parsec process split
+         template-haskell temporary text transformers
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring Cabal case-insensitive clr-host clr-marshal
+         containers directory extra filepath here hspec lens parsec process
+         split template-haskell temporary text transformers
+       ];
+       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring Cabal case-insensitive clr-host clr-marshal
+         containers criterion directory extra filepath here lens parsec
+         process split template-haskell temporary text transformers
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://gitlab.com/tim-m89/clr-haskell";
+       description = "Quasiquoters for inline C# and F#";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "clr-marshal" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, clr-host, text }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -44028,16 +44314,27 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "clr-marshal_0_2_0_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, text }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "clr-marshal";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1mnwxfmhz548bb1g17bddhmvd6lzl66bfi1a7f0j3phh7lgna4s1";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base text ];
+       homepage = "https://gitlab.com/tim-m89/clr-haskell/tree/master/libs/clr-marshal";
+       description = "Marshaling for the clr";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "clr-typed" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, base, clr-marshal, ghc-prim, text, tuple }:
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, clr-marshal, ghc-prim, hspec, text, tuple }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "clr-typed";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "07qi8g7lh8h9lph088p5zx4qjp6na1239pwjr5s8lgiq069gmn99";
-       revision = "1";
-       editedCabalFile = "02fsha9hir0yqnn9b9dgpg345313n660j9mhdmsya0r3k8fhmn2b";
+       version = "0.2.0";
+       sha256 = "1ay3970fccvr4hbmv5dah2qdxv51q09n1v3m9wkj62mbpsp3zk2y";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base clr-marshal ghc-prim text tuple ];
-       testHaskellDepends = [ base ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base clr-marshal hspec text ];
        homepage = "https://gitlab.com/tim-m89/clr-haskell/tree/master/libs/clr-typed";
        description = "A strongly typed Haskell interface to the CLR type system";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
@@ -44216,6 +44513,43 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "cmark_0_5_6" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, bytestring, cheapskate
+     , criterion, discount, HUnit, markdown, sundown, text
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "cmark";
+       version = "0.5.6";
+       sha256 = "1c1j3a8b9qx5zk9myqm3gap8ymz7fipwrdmyfsq9wkkdr9x4np45";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base bytestring text ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base HUnit text ];
+       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
+         base blaze-html cheapskate criterion discount markdown sundown text
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/jgm/cmark-hs";
+       description = "Fast, accurate CommonMark (Markdown) parser and renderer";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
+  "cmark-gfm" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, bytestring, cheapskate
+     , criterion, discount, HUnit, markdown, sundown, text
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "cmark-gfm";
+       version = "0.1.0";
+       sha256 = "14x8mq06lhx85z413m2aabp5mwrkzhk5mv2hryf972hiv6pv9r0k";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base bytestring text ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base HUnit text ];
+       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
+         base blaze-html cheapskate criterion discount markdown sundown text
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/kivikakk/cmark-gfm-hs";
+       description = "Fast, accurate GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and renderer";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "cmark-highlight" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, cmark, highlighting-kate, text
@@ -44223,6 +44557,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "cmark-highlight";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "0aw1y0bl7ddvm4ai66x7apdijw6mza272ir8jkbdbz6k0gbrqxny";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "1zdxr3bfj9bn2yclm5m17aa7wid6zwhvg6mj245wd2y34p696znw";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base blaze-html cmark highlighting-kate text
@@ -44972,14 +45308,20 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "collection-json" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, text }:
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, network-uri, QuickCheck
+     , quickcheck-instances, test-invariant, text
+     }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "collection-json";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1nzpa791s04r3qikn329r67a64gl9rnk389bk3blijx6q2r9xacc";
-       libraryHaskellDepends = [ aeson base bytestring text ];
-       homepage = "https://github.com/danchoi/collection-json.hs";
-       description = "Collection+JSON hypermedia type tools";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0v068wayi1f22infgccflpfg78zcwqdga3q6980jxs7irng9xsjv";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ aeson base network-uri text ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson base network-uri QuickCheck quickcheck-instances
+         test-invariant text
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/alunduil/collection-json.hs";
+       description = "Collection+JSON—Hypermedia Type Tools";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
@@ -45537,6 +45879,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "comonad";
        version = "5.0.2";
        sha256 = "115pai560rllsmym76bj787kwz5xx19y8bl6262005nddqwzxc0v";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "1lnsnx8p3wlfhd1xfc68za3b00vq77z2m6b0vqiw2laqmpj9akcw";
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base containers contravariant distributive semigroups tagged
@@ -45931,6 +46275,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "complex-generic";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "03wb599difj0qm1dpzgxdymq3bql69qmkdk5fspcyc19nnd5qlqz";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "0jf2mq26m0asgl5l0b1c1va30qj61ddvwxyl5xq29d3lpgnlby27";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base template-haskell ];
        homepage = "https://code.mathr.co.uk/complex-generic";
        description = "complex numbers with non-mandatory RealFloat";
@@ -47419,6 +47765,40 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      }) {};
+  "configuration-tools_0_3_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, ansi-wl-pprint, attoparsec, base
+     , base-unicode-symbols, base64-bytestring, bytestring, Cabal
+     , case-insensitive, connection, data-default, deepseq, directory
+     , dlist, enclosed-exceptions, filepath, http-client
+     , http-client-tls, http-types, monad-control, mtl, network-uri
+     , optparse-applicative, process, profunctors, text, tls
+     , transformers, unordered-containers, wai, warp, warp-tls, x509
+     , x509-system, x509-validation, yaml
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "configuration-tools";
+       version = "0.3.0";
+       sha256 = "0kpjmnmc7vzdarqczk4z1hxizm9fsnbvhazb6xg4y1a7j8ps99wz";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson ansi-wl-pprint attoparsec base base-unicode-symbols
+         base64-bytestring bytestring Cabal case-insensitive connection
+         data-default deepseq directory dlist enclosed-exceptions filepath
+         http-client http-client-tls http-types monad-control mtl
+         network-uri optparse-applicative process profunctors text tls
+         transformers unordered-containers x509 x509-system x509-validation
+         yaml
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base base-unicode-symbols bytestring Cabal enclosed-exceptions
+         http-types monad-control mtl text transformers unordered-containers
+         wai warp warp-tls yaml
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/alephcloud/hs-configuration-tools";
+       description = "Tools for specifying and parsing configurations";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "configurator" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, directory, filepath
      , hashable, HUnit, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text
@@ -48746,8 +49126,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "core-compiler";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0qyrqarqf35z9kp2znaq3qvfpkjlvyahkvarr1jhl2z12alfvzns";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1bz7lxklbsw12y0v89nvrcyy7m35zb0cldn0wzyxz4h5szx5cji6";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -49984,7 +50364,7 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
-  "criterion_1_2_1_0" = callPackage
+  "criterion_1_2_2_0" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, ansi-wl-pprint, base, base-compat, binary
      , bytestring, cassava, code-page, containers, deepseq, directory
      , exceptions, filepath, Glob, HUnit, js-flot, js-jquery
@@ -49995,8 +50375,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "criterion";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0hbhm6fcbvh38m8hazlzjh3z09adjrzcv5jq63792bvnm24bpx6r";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0cc95hp5l7srjs5471lpdvx9hihvvi5rabrqqpy6blnrhpf9jwfz";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
@@ -51143,6 +51523,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "css-syntax";
        version = "0.0.5";
        sha256 = "17hbwnhwz9c6xdw508chygq684h7hrrv16yyrmqdj7f8hfzy0s9r";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "15s7q21kahh1gmm7i3jd937d5pq5khn9a6sq8kdhs6bx11cfa5ap";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          attoparsec base bytestring scientific text
@@ -53000,14 +53382,14 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
-  "data-diverse_0_9_0_0" = callPackage
+  "data-diverse_0_9_0_1" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, criterion, deepseq, ghc-prim
      , hspec, tagged
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "data-diverse";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0mx348pl32jycbcdhb9p199hzqg8yrh8ckw85vvgxg5n4251nd9p";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "155zq4pn68wxw096i7w6k68rpaxhcyjqjhhc89yvky22nvv67yq4";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base containers deepseq ghc-prim tagged
@@ -54437,8 +54819,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, postgresql-simple, text }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "dbcleaner";
-       version = "0.1.2";
-       sha256 = "0ida0rqx66b5sajic1y2k89mlx9039s3m8xalqadsybij29yfmjr";
+       version = "0.1.3";
+       sha256 = "0d8ghd4i7qq3zp1vmxvsx7s66ip3qqfzacfnb2n4i3cdd7hv05q8";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base postgresql-simple text ];
        testHaskellDepends = [ base hspec postgresql-simple text ];
        description = "Clean database tables automatically around hspec tests";
@@ -56466,8 +56848,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "dhall";
-       version = "1.5.0";
-       sha256 = "13s98jjhibm9p0hd9y9fbj0a1il4mwcp2v9mi9j0zrpn6vr4h00p";
+       version = "1.5.1";
+       sha256 = "0hrxrchcs7853gys85niqmngvpd3fla59ca11npw5h0aznbj6ymk";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -59141,6 +59523,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "distributive";
        version = "0.5.3";
        sha256 = "0y566r97sfyvhsmd4yxiz4ns2mqgwf5bdbp56wgxl6wlkidq0wwi";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "0hsq03i0qa0jvw7kaaqic40zvfkzhkd25dgvbdg6hjzylf1k1gax";
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base base-orphans tagged transformers transformers-compat
@@ -59474,6 +59858,30 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "dns_2_0_12" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, binary, bytestring
+     , bytestring-builder, conduit, conduit-extra, containers, doctest
+     , hspec, iproute, mtl, network, random, resourcet, safe, word8
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "dns";
+       version = "2.0.12";
+       sha256 = "0c5w2s8cvid9nk9ldd759k0p54pnb10ld3iin1w1b4lqi08cnnwk";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         attoparsec base binary bytestring conduit conduit-extra containers
+         iproute mtl network random resourcet safe
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         attoparsec base binary bytestring bytestring-builder conduit
+         conduit-extra containers doctest hspec iproute mtl network random
+         resourcet safe word8
+       ];
+       testTarget = "spec";
+       description = "DNS library in Haskell";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "dnscache" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, contstuff, dns
      , iproute, time
@@ -59770,6 +60178,34 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      }) {};
+  "doctest_0_13_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, base-compat, code-page, deepseq, directory
+     , filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, hspec, HUnit, mockery, process
+     , QuickCheck, setenv, silently, stringbuilder, syb, transformers
+     , with-location
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "doctest";
+       version = "0.13.0";
+       sha256 = "08g3nmpqbnbkxc95d65hkhfabwax10qrq51vlynr342npn40mn2b";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base base-compat code-page deepseq directory filepath ghc ghc-paths
+         process syb transformers
+       ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [ base ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base base-compat code-page deepseq directory filepath ghc ghc-paths
+         hspec HUnit mockery process QuickCheck setenv silently
+         stringbuilder syb transformers with-location
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/sol/doctest#readme";
+       description = "Test interactive Haskell examples";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "doctest-discover" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, directory, doctest
      , filepath
@@ -60076,6 +60512,34 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      }) {};
+  "dotenv_0_4_0_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, base-compat, exceptions, hspec
+     , hspec-megaparsec, megaparsec, optparse-applicative, process, text
+     , transformers
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "dotenv";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0f9c5p1nm7zdwz55wlgm56fb2xvyra0f4i37rfj7bb5kdhncqphg";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base base-compat exceptions megaparsec text transformers
+       ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [
+         base base-compat megaparsec optparse-applicative process text
+         transformers
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base base-compat exceptions hspec hspec-megaparsec megaparsec text
+         transformers
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/stackbuilders/dotenv-hs";
+       description = "Loads environment variables from dotenv files";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "dotfs" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath
      , haskell-src, HFuse, HUnit, parsec, process, QuickCheck
@@ -62292,6 +62756,19 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "effin_0_3_0_3" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "effin";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1kq5n25m7bzw4zrz35b5zc8r4q0p0ai801hdf7r537fim0ia973x";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base mtl ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/YellPika/effin";
+       description = "A Typeable-free implementation of extensible effects";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "egison" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, criterion, deepseq
      , directory, filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, Glob, haskeline, HUnit, mtl
@@ -66315,8 +66792,10 @@ self: {
        pname = "exp-extended";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "0ymfnwq103n1paj6wl2cj6szi5nx2h2j1azy3wy4kkw6sk07m00r";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "1bxlaagjvlhnbf9hh0n46b05gm1vmdrgzzgrc3kbz8mg87j91vyr";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base compensated log-domain ];
-       homepage = "http://code.mathr.co.uk/exp-extended";
+       homepage = "https://code.mathr.co.uk/exp-extended";
        description = "floating point with extended exponent range";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
@@ -66650,6 +67129,31 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "extensible_0_4_3" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, constraints, criterion, deepseq
+     , effin, extensible-effects, freer-effects, ghc-prim, lens
+     , monad-skeleton, mtl, primitive, profunctors, semigroups, StateVar
+     , tagged, template-haskell, transformers
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "extensible";
+       version = "0.4.3";
+       sha256 = "0ix1dran0s17jpdzcwai79snfmls8al7a34b0sysgkp75g8lrgca";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base comonad constraints deepseq ghc-prim monad-skeleton mtl
+         primitive profunctors semigroups StateVar tagged template-haskell
+         transformers
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base ];
+       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
+         base criterion effin extensible-effects freer-effects lens mtl
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/fumieval/extensible";
+       description = "Extensible, efficient, optics-friendly data types and effects";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "extensible-data" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, data-lens, hashable, template-haskell
      , unordered-containers
@@ -66837,8 +67341,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, leancheck, speculate, template-haskell }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "extrapolate";
-       version = "0.0.1";
-       sha256 = "07yh1w3vbhrb621nbwp7zvjj92b16i6jc69qflzvp8jn9w7f71h5";
+       version = "0.1.0";
+       sha256 = "1y9mk8g9sfvp8cyjqfy91qrhkn76clx2lp5kbaa3q2kyhiqifg63";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base leancheck speculate template-haskell
@@ -67482,8 +67986,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, fay }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "fay-base";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "17mfblr40jhn93vz6vn0n0xsk4lwf5d5cavfy5zy8sg4inp6dkjr";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1sj6baw63xzv6hcqmka29hvack00fal3zlp5b97qca56lbh7yhbf";
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base fay ];
        homepage = "https://github.com/faylang/fay/";
@@ -68728,6 +69232,20 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain;
      }) {};
+  "filelock_0_1_1_2" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, async, base, process, unix }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "filelock";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0g90wgm4bcfr5j44sc5s2jlcd7ggk092lph3jqjgf6f67sqxrw8g";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base unix ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ async base process ];
+       homepage = "http://github.com/takano-akio/filelock";
+       description = "Portable interface to file locking (flock / LockFileEx)";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "filemanip" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, mtl
      , unix-compat
@@ -69428,6 +69946,23 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "fixed-vector-hetero_0_3_1_2" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, fixed-vector, ghc-prim, primitive
+     , transformers
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "fixed-vector-hetero";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0l8vphi8ijyzyk372r9i7imq8r6ki1w774gid69c8d2a2b63gvdd";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base deepseq fixed-vector ghc-prim primitive transformers
+       ];
+       homepage = "http://github.org/Shimuuar/fixed-vector-hetero";
+       description = "Generic heterogeneous vectors";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "fixed-width" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -70220,8 +70755,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "fltkhs";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1p2vmnyydq5f888q26gni1y4bpmhn3m4hr6123aq4d5zhy1x9cyv";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0wa1g5rfnlblhsp7bkwqksakid6pgb9zyigvr00kpy264z2fm50q";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal directory filepath ];
@@ -73983,8 +74518,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "generic-lens";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0zsxf8v8j1dw0x913iin69r01mynmzyxnq778wqh5id7lz8fb69s";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0wkshjzwvlpmxbfr96l1c485rwn21zfgcngkchj2c04amq1fiqs8";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base profunctors ];
        testHaskellDepends = [ base hspec QuickCheck ];
        benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
@@ -76533,6 +77068,27 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {inherit (pkgs) gdk_pixbuf;};
+  "gi-ggit" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, gi-gio
+     , gi-glib, gi-gobject, haskell-gi, haskell-gi-base
+     , haskell-gi-overloading, libgit2-glib, text, transformers
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "gi-ggit";
+       version = "1.0.1";
+       sha256 = "08jfsfjvdbyd1m1si2r50frc4s3x5x9710r2np6wl1p0y3pk20cf";
+       setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal haskell-gi ];
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring containers gi-gio gi-glib gi-gobject haskell-gi
+         haskell-gi-base haskell-gi-overloading text transformers
+       ];
+       libraryPkgconfigDepends = [ libgit2-glib ];
+       doHaddock = false;
+       homepage = "https://github.com/haskell-gi/haskell-gi";
+       description = "libgit2-glib bindings";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21;
+     }) {inherit (pkgs.gnome3) libgit2-glib;};
   "gi-gio" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, gi-glib
      , gi-gobject, glib, haskell-gi, haskell-gi-base, text, transformers
@@ -78100,6 +78656,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "github-webhook-handler";
        version = "0.0.8";
        sha256 = "1sjgnc1zl3xsv25nc71bw0dmj8z7iacf6b8cf8vc50v6c1a8i40x";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "1nhwindcplcyyffvzw0cig1p0m8165laq3hv94s596rsi3b5pgqr";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson base bytestring cryptohash github-types text transformers
          uuid vector
@@ -78116,6 +78674,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "github-webhook-handler-snap";
        version = "0.0.7";
        sha256 = "149c40rp2r7ib6x256rpnfg56hhp1kxznmglppciq33s0bs2dxfl";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "1l0c2xn41pylap7vw33r67pmmcafr1fdm04l9b8h206c270bsinm";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring case-insensitive github-types
          github-webhook-handler snap-core uuid
@@ -78975,6 +79535,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "gloss";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "0lyns4jzh4najgbavlhalix6br1dc0smqrakj46ls30jp909bq0l";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "1bxdf2kmdcqndg25jgh0l1bmr39795gxrcx0rgzcich4n8l88pvb";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base bmp bytestring containers ghc-prim gloss-rendering GLUT OpenGL
@@ -79044,6 +79606,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "gloss-examples";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "0m5xyr5q6kfb2h5pfd5nj4x39nhhsnr7h8vxghvhvw1khsbh5gj1";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "1l7hkyrl535wmw8afafsq3hj6b02zmm4skv1739h8wbpdc6255al";
        isLibrary = false;
        isExecutable = true;
        executableHaskellDepends = [
@@ -79096,6 +79660,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "gloss-raster";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "0ikwg3ckq82qysbc3jisvxylcq13x7cnwyci6gi6dys64vmrfy17";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "1kx0n4kwy5xdg4b5b79a815y8yqcsld8s5p784qhgg92s0cmnsjf";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base containers ghc-prim gloss gloss-rendering repa
@@ -79318,8 +79884,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "gmndl";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "04r7n24jnqgggi19d4l1lj1ag5jrh3zk2pvxwm5xfb7imlg37zm8";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "041g7mlgwk6yb3814cy93yvwfhk5gzdkms7d8dg312vnpykp2kl1";
        isLibrary = false;
        isExecutable = true;
        executableHaskellDepends = [
@@ -79392,14 +79958,13 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "gnss-converters";
-       version = "0.3.3";
-       sha256 = "1rhy280c6dx5s31maia9la6j3y62v4fjwbwhr26n5cg4xl1n3p5g";
+       version = "0.3.6";
+       sha256 = "16kprvn242i05pravy5x04dsnkr5ifb4y427nb0588v5ljhbab0s";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         base basic-prelude conduit-extra exceptions extra lens
-         monad-control mtl resourcet rtcm sbp time transformers-base
-         unordered-containers
+         base basic-prelude exceptions extra lens monad-control mtl
+         resourcet rtcm sbp time transformers-base
        executableHaskellDepends = [
          base basic-prelude binary-conduit conduit conduit-extra resourcet
@@ -81041,6 +81606,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "google-cloud";
        version = "0.0.4";
        sha256 = "16pv4iiladfsq92xnpj46xa91x5svk6qsmz5szwwb83fhkk7r9q9";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "0512swl7ydlcjdbvcb2xm59q97yr3wxgh3sfdsz3zdm1y88qi18c";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson base bytestring http-client http-client-tls http-types mtl
          random scientific stm text time unordered-containers
@@ -81543,8 +82110,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "gotta-go-fast";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "124zk4zcfpr72xgck104n338p9aid9p1q89vcs7h16zvhai3bc4f";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1fid0xshpimxq0n73741ywm4a34vscw289bw93jd4gmnihyp9bgs";
        isLibrary = false;
        isExecutable = true;
        executableHaskellDepends = [
@@ -84371,18 +84938,19 @@ self: {
   "hablog" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, blaze-html, blaze-markup
      , bytestring, containers, directory, filepath, markdown, mime-types
-     , mtl, optparse-applicative, scotty, scotty-tls, text, transformers
+     , mtl, network-uri, optparse-applicative, rss, scotty, scotty-tls
+     , text, time, transformers
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "hablog";
-       version = "0.5.1";
-       sha256 = "178j0jv38yi5hq2lb9sq8rjxbpvb1y8anqal2mgh7crxkch3llqs";
+       version = "0.6.0";
+       sha256 = "0373kjd67iivrrr6kcjrhcqkk2wrxfx9zz3qn58mhycp8w78biaq";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base bifunctors blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring containers
-         directory filepath markdown mime-types mtl scotty scotty-tls text
-         transformers
+         directory filepath markdown mime-types mtl network-uri rss scotty
+         scotty-tls text time transformers
        executableHaskellDepends = [ base optparse-applicative text ];
        description = "A blog system";
@@ -90977,6 +91545,28 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "haskintex_0_8_0_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, directory
+     , filepath, haskell-src-exts, HaTeX, hint, parsec, process, text
+     , transformers
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "haskintex";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1n6xbk8mc4n7a7w9hw2q21ya784jd2wqfvx54iqz9fik5w8p8jcx";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base binary bytestring containers directory filepath
+         haskell-src-exts HaTeX hint parsec process text transformers
+       ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [ base ];
+       homepage = "http://daniel-diaz.github.io/projects/haskintex";
+       description = "Haskell Evaluation inside of LaTeX code";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "haskmon" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, http-streams
      , io-streams, time, vector
@@ -93436,6 +94026,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "heaps";
        version = "0.3.5";
        sha256 = "1p1nsglsf8hric63cn3n1iw1nlbiv3lgk3n5gq0znajj7j7s64qv";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "05avm1b16gj3rlm9sjqkxb0flq055r6gqhnacp7yzw4j1bghm5j7";
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base ];
        testHaskellDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ];
@@ -94676,6 +95268,25 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "hexml-lens" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, doctest, foundation, hexml, lens
+     , QuickCheck, text
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "hexml-lens";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "11v137m91asl52srb82xfvxjl3cyiw2213mjyy1lbqzdriz6k9lc";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring foundation hexml lens text
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring doctest foundation hexml lens QuickCheck text
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/pepeiborra/hexml-lens#readme";
+       description = "Lenses for the hexml package";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "hexpat" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq, expat, List
      , text, transformers, utf8-string
@@ -95333,6 +95944,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "hgmp";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "0fkcp3l34si7v286dza3yhw2bjpx6vpwqnkqnp9lv18jwxak7xji";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "0fmzm7m0z1jzpi7c1k8gk843d9jqljrkrb25yzs1kpbrg0ylpi3c";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base ghc-prim integer-gmp ];
        testHaskellDepends = [ base QuickCheck ];
        homepage = "https://code.mathr.co.uk/hgmp";
@@ -97014,8 +97627,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "hledger-iadd";
-       version = "1.2.4";
-       sha256 = "17bzjmdcirf32fic6sx246x30p02gnq0c50bia0lq088hdfxn6yr";
+       version = "1.2.5";
+       sha256 = "1va5a1j4pa6yvzhk0y4pxs0q80ph3yr8jdbgy422mkvbmczxynna";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -97276,6 +97889,23 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {inherit (pkgs) libsass;};
+  "hlibsass_0_1_6_1" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, hspec, libsass }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "hlibsass";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0j88b1fm0al8w7h6sdw89jpsfs8aplj9q050k41gaib44r7hl4iy";
+       configureFlags = [ "-fexternallibsass" ];
+       setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal directory ];
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base ];
+       librarySystemDepends = [ libsass ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base hspec ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/jakubfijalkowski/hlibsass";
+       description = "Low-level bindings to Libsass";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {inherit (pkgs) libsass;};
   "hlint" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, cmdargs
      , containers, cpphs, directory, extra, filepath, haskell-src-exts
@@ -103870,8 +104500,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "hssqlppp";
-       version = "0.6.0";
-       sha256 = "1g0c9rvk9pn23bnja46vw67q7k3yvik3bvlzk43ghl8jzcyd0lkh";
+       version = "0.6.1";
+       sha256 = "06rqf8gkz2f1ay1vd3ba0nzv9n1098vxm9sc9ls4dk2ismab7cgz";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base containers mtl parsec pretty pretty-show syb text transformers
@@ -103892,8 +104522,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "hssqlppp-th";
-       version = "0.6.0";
-       sha256 = "11apcd3l77zifip70mvkhncfrs5ahmfw26cdqxyqwykkgrx92vjl";
+       version = "0.6.1";
+       sha256 = "09mxb2pmnk43bvdl7f58r8wxaw3h372sy174p42k8pphlss9amkg";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base hssqlppp syb template-haskell text
@@ -105310,15 +105940,15 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      }) {};
-  "http-media_0_7_1" = callPackage
+  "http-media_0_7_1_1" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, case-insensitive, containers
      , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2
      , utf8-string
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "http-media";
-       version = "0.7.1";
-       sha256 = "06b921qchv3avras2i7x0n7fy3rj7lr2dwm82b62fgzhy6riskh6";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0k58368im14jwsd4wpyw9kl166zbi14ccl3adjigx8yf8k61n7zz";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring case-insensitive containers utf8-string
@@ -106424,6 +107054,27 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "hw-bits_0_5_0_3" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, criterion, hspec, hw-int
+     , hw-prim, hw-string-parse, QuickCheck, safe, vector
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "hw-bits";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1xkzxfz25ah7p4zybdm0c1081kkca7515jh1d7vjysxs34w8h1yn";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring hw-int hw-prim hw-string-parse safe vector
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring hspec hw-prim QuickCheck vector
+       ];
+       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [ base criterion hw-prim vector ];
+       homepage = "http://github.com/haskell-works/hw-bits#readme";
+       description = "Bit manipulation";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "hw-conduit" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, conduit, criterion, hspec
      , mmap, time, vector, word8
@@ -106643,8 +107294,7 @@ self: {
        homepage = "https://github.com/haskell-works/hw-kafka-avro#readme";
        description = "Avro support for Kafka infrastructure";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
-       broken = true;
-     }) {avro = null;};
+     }) {};
   "hw-kafka-client" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, bytestring, c2hs, containers
@@ -107816,8 +108466,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, deepseq, text }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "hyper";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0jzfij3wqnyj7yf4ip8a8y0kz8zj9ci8gsjxf4m4hr5zsh90bas4";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1lp9mlg2ky1ph508xiwvn2f5ycxv0w7lyl0rl7wnlhm5wcp6793r";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base blaze-html deepseq text ];
        description = "Display class for the HyperHaskell graphical Haskell interpreter";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
@@ -107829,8 +108479,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "hyper-extra";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1ffbp3qqplfys3yhy3mm8k76xnfzkmyk1zsgmcw4hn4phmqbkdvc";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "032ccqrpjqqlgg416x2igg5dycd2ddgl0mfh2yywg9fmigs0zxdd";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base diagrams-lib diagrams-svg hyper svg-builder text
@@ -107845,8 +108495,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "hyper-haskell-server";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "147jwzv9jym0bimlvaxgwyf0081vw0zb4sw7xs5c783ci5qdgc23";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0ljkh1n4lh877gxcy15pv9bybl9rnhi7ycxvzw9m97r80hyxidm1";
        isLibrary = false;
        isExecutable = true;
        executableHaskellDepends = [
@@ -108002,8 +108652,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "hyphenation";
        version = "0.7";
        sha256 = "0l1yvfdkkgba91pzncy399hv65pdipb9p78v2j9g0sdkmb1anq9s";
-       revision = "1";
-       editedCabalFile = "0r3a79cg3dabcm4px3vq26hc5yj4sagws4fa3ic00d28qb6y4b4w";
+       revision = "2";
+       editedCabalFile = "0bf147dfnp8lw4kmscgkmd4pnawzv0yc63hhjr7sjvk5xyyvb5mq";
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -108623,12 +109273,12 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {inherit (pkgs) gmp;};
-  "idris_1_1_0" = callPackage
+  "idris_1_1_1" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, annotated-wl-pprint, ansi-terminal
      , ansi-wl-pprint, array, async, base, base64-bytestring, binary
-     , blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring, cheapskate, code-page
-     , containers, deepseq, directory, filepath, fingertree, fsnotify
-     , gmp, haskeline, ieee754, libffi, mtl, network
+     , blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring, Cabal, cheapskate
+     , code-page, containers, deepseq, directory, filepath, fingertree
+     , fsnotify, gmp, haskeline, ieee754, libffi, mtl, network
      , optparse-applicative, parsers, pretty, process, regex-tdfa, safe
      , split, tagged, tasty, tasty-golden, tasty-rerun, terminal-size
      , text, time, transformers, transformers-compat, trifecta, uniplate
@@ -108637,12 +109287,13 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "idris";
-       version = "1.1.0";
-       sha256 = "1d68jz9irqcya90a1s3hvn955lqq3zd64y5d7mkx84r1gsxsmskk";
+       version = "1.1.1";
+       sha256 = "0rq43i3mf7b4yiwzrzzpyh3ldka3j514ms9cf31vsfpy0jn3bvkp";
        configureFlags = [ "-fcurses" "-fffi" "-fgmp" ];
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
+       setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal directory filepath process ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson annotated-wl-pprint ansi-terminal ansi-wl-pprint array async
          base base64-bytestring binary blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring
@@ -110202,6 +110853,27 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      }) {};
+  "inflections_0_4_0_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, exceptions, hspec
+     , hspec-megaparsec, megaparsec, QuickCheck, text
+     , unordered-containers
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "inflections";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1m42sigx621yzd6sznaas6917skyw8lf5ynfcjd87jybhv2r9g2k";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base exceptions megaparsec text unordered-containers
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base containers hspec hspec-megaparsec megaparsec QuickCheck text
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/stackbuilders/inflections-hs";
+       description = "Inflections library for Haskell";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "inflist" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -110385,22 +111057,21 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      }) {inherit (pkgs) gsl; gslcblas = null;};
-  "inline-c_0_6_0_2" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, binary, bytestring
-     , containers, cryptohash, gsl, gslcblas, hashable, hspec, mtl
-     , parsec, parsers, QuickCheck, raw-strings-qq, regex-posix
-     , template-haskell, transformers, unordered-containers, vector
+  "inline-c_0_6_0_4" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, bytestring, containers, gsl
+     , gslcblas, hashable, hspec, mtl, parsec, parsers, QuickCheck
+     , raw-strings-qq, regex-posix, template-haskell, transformers
+     , unordered-containers, vector
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "inline-c";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0myrr8fh42ydzwkyw2mipa5g7hzr6lb593dl95vkika8v3nr2srk";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0ram4gixghck1ydqjfymm0ks7yfig2cn3iq40iid2ppvam5kmsgc";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         ansi-wl-pprint base binary bytestring containers cryptohash
-         hashable mtl parsec parsers QuickCheck template-haskell
-         transformers unordered-containers vector
+         ansi-wl-pprint base bytestring containers hashable mtl parsec
+         parsers template-haskell transformers unordered-containers vector
        executableSystemDepends = [ gsl gslcblas ];
        testHaskellDepends = [
@@ -111211,6 +111882,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "intervals";
        version = "0.8.1";
        sha256 = "00vyxf3ba9d7aas3npfapr53w71fslgh69fczjb25axr66fvzqww";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "0im2m4acx6g638h7yz0x3qyaipfmri59q4zdq1w7n608r3i406dj";
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ array base distributive ghc-prim ];
        testHaskellDepends = [
@@ -112313,8 +112986,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "iridium";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0xrmya03n4xpnn3c79r94x8dz8yn963v8js8rwyjcslr11gyx80q";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0jfsz8j9dq0nfr536wp78k02ffg8xgjm3zqgjgfdm1i0zwi5dcbp";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
@@ -112368,6 +113041,18 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "irt" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, ad, base, data-default-class, statistics }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "irt";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "05a1k70cj4rlaz7yx84m7riz6zhsb588vfyzkza2gr4i5wlhjr6c";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ ad base data-default-class statistics ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/argiopetech/irt";
+       description = "Item Response Theory functions for use in computerized adaptive testing";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "is" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -115249,8 +115934,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "justified-containers";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1grihhshn1dprg6cll742bdqkywnlz8zzcyf2m49kbpyzrcaywqg";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1rzphablg1wpx2b33zgdyslb9ch436g0wi59vy6gk06572najvz4";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base containers ];
        homepage = "https://github.com/matt-noonan/justified-containers";
        description = "Keyed container types with type-checked proofs of key presence";
@@ -116995,8 +117680,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "kraken";
        version = "0.0.3";
        sha256 = "178y3d9gxfv03as4p3f5hdf4csnc3dfkpabwbyc38m0m8p2y20a0";
-       revision = "1";
-       editedCabalFile = "0dm107c8nxdh544pswj7saxmaz1jbzwphdzgpyk857l33sdmy203";
+       revision = "2";
+       editedCabalFile = "0w8w1frkx54ldyhxp09ddm2y1l7q72xfl1p6py7y6ywxnq23lr4h";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson base bytestring http-client http-client-tls mtl
@@ -119844,6 +120529,20 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "leancheck_0_6_4" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "leancheck";
+       version = "0.6.4";
+       sha256 = "0vvqzcl53d18axi3p6n9chggb2g7i2ip3wq8z5cbklkm9vb8qirc";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base template-haskell ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base template-haskell ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/rudymatela/leancheck#readme";
+       description = "Cholesterol-free property-based testing";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "leankit-api" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, colour, curl, split }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -120219,6 +120918,48 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2;
      }) {};
+  "lens_4_15_4" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, array, base, base-orphans, bifunctors, bytestring
+     , Cabal, cabal-doctest, call-stack, comonad, containers
+     , contravariant, criterion, deepseq, directory, distributive
+     , doctest, exceptions, filepath, free, generic-deriving, ghc-prim
+     , hashable, HUnit, kan-extensions, mtl, nats, parallel, profunctors
+     , QuickCheck, reflection, semigroupoids, semigroups, simple-reflect
+     , tagged, template-haskell, test-framework, test-framework-hunit
+     , test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-th, text
+     , th-abstraction, transformers, transformers-compat
+     , unordered-containers, vector, void
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "lens";
+       version = "4.15.4";
+       sha256 = "1lkwlnhgpgnsz046mw4qs0fa7h4l012gilrr3nf3spllsy3pnbkl";
+       setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest filepath ];
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         array base base-orphans bifunctors bytestring call-stack comonad
+         containers contravariant distributive exceptions filepath free
+         ghc-prim hashable kan-extensions mtl parallel profunctors
+         reflection semigroupoids semigroups tagged template-haskell text
+         th-abstraction transformers transformers-compat
+         unordered-containers vector void
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring containers deepseq directory doctest filepath
+         generic-deriving HUnit mtl nats parallel QuickCheck semigroups
+         simple-reflect test-framework test-framework-hunit
+         test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th text transformers
+         unordered-containers vector
+       ];
+       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring comonad containers criterion deepseq
+         generic-deriving transformers unordered-containers vector
+       ];
+       homepage = "http://github.com/ekmett/lens/";
+       description = "Lenses, Folds and Traversals";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "lens-accelerate" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, base, lens }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -120303,6 +121044,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "lens-aeson";
        version = "1.0.2";
        sha256 = "1k028ycmhz7mnjlrap88fqix4nmmpyy6b88m16kv77d3r8sz04a3";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "1xkxncl218ni4idq90g6bdd7vnwxshcpa1xk11fd3kc3i3j90pqs";
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson attoparsec base bytestring lens scientific text
@@ -120367,6 +121110,20 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "lens-family-th_0_5_0_1" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, lens-family, template-haskell }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "lens-family-th";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "00rpx75hh8p2991m36jp1cb91m048xjn8f02kj2zqsfwfhimfdzs";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base template-haskell ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base hspec lens-family template-haskell ];
+       homepage = "http://github.com/DanBurton/lens-family-th#readme";
+       description = "Generate lens-family style lenses";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "lens-labels" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -121090,6 +121847,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "libinfluxdb";
        version = "0.0.4";
        sha256 = "0gzgcczw1jz0cns9x9na8rnyrapwml2ih9x0dv28pqf9fk1bpd95";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "17ddlql04hgah7pr0zi8zvpza17ig7a0m27wr2c47gdzy7k0nr2v";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring clock containers http-client http-client-tls
          http-types resource-pool stm text
@@ -121278,6 +122037,29 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      }) {};
+  "libmpd_0_9_0_7" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers
+     , data-default-class, filepath, hspec, mtl, network, old-locale
+     , QuickCheck, text, time, unix, utf8-string
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "libmpd";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "08i6v4i8xbv0vv4w0yqqh2pp7z0fb5dc9chgwyclkrvy480g5w0p";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         attoparsec base bytestring containers data-default-class filepath
+         mtl network old-locale text time utf8-string
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         attoparsec base bytestring containers data-default-class filepath
+         hspec mtl network old-locale QuickCheck text time unix utf8-string
+       ];
+       homepage = "http://github.com/vimus/libmpd-haskell#readme";
+       description = "An MPD client library";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "libnotify" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, glib, gtk, libnotify }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -122106,6 +122888,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "linear";
        version = "1.20.7";
        sha256 = "1dna0zf4qwqwvslz0nkkfclvbflfvf10qydnjsi20wijilkbd22b";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "0ghmlkk5cy0pylx47rwr37p403ml7x6sg0sapz9c7534nzzhxq0g";
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          adjunctions base base-orphans binary bytes cereal containers
@@ -122141,14 +122925,14 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
-  "linear-accelerate_0_4_1" = callPackage
+  "linear-accelerate_0_5" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, base, Cabal, cabal-doctest
      , distributive, doctest, lens, linear
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "linear-accelerate";
-       version = "0.4.1";
-       sha256 = "1hhmn446ggm66r3aibg8dyc923lw68fmkb1y8q37jsw13s1lkdlp";
+       version = "0.5";
+       sha256 = "1whgf5bxl8knh04n7brgy7a7awdsxkyvkrqqpskyiii5bya21q7r";
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          accelerate base distributive lens linear
@@ -122345,8 +123129,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, text }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "linguistic-ordinals";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "02sl3jbfpbb77a6g4g9gj7a6mba804fqjx5d21ix8c8rzakavh38";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "11f01j9qak8rhaj84gkx27qhfc334cj9pchi7qcb6brpqbwgdsik";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base text ];
        homepage = "http://github.com/argiopetech/linguistic-ordinals";
        description = "Express Integral types as linguistic ordinals (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc)";
@@ -124192,6 +124976,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "log-domain";
        version = "0.11.2";
        sha256 = "0cywq1zv57p30419hdg6s7srd14g6r2kixnk8gmj72h0rx7fc2cd";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "0frl4vwwlkfvz73pkiay4qh1vm576z4kj2gsbbq1za6b6pya4qhw";
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base binary bytes cereal comonad deepseq distributive hashable
@@ -126011,6 +126797,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "machines";
        version = "0.6.3";
        sha256 = "1kxypm26xxd30979yrg94pnaaj3yfn180ri3y4z2xsm2m5iyiliz";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "045qh0qwjiyrwcfsfw9galhqr6w7c96zpg7fnib3jaw8509d53x5";
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          adjunctions base comonad containers distributive mtl pointed
@@ -127892,8 +128680,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "matterhorn";
-       version = "40000.0.1";
-       sha256 = "08khf3s38gvxn5w6jv21h0zc1g6p3ddjs8lbzziyh416w0qq9b9y";
+       version = "40000.0.2";
+       sha256 = "1lsxadkhvk8bylpc0sh1pmkldv8m17fpi96zkihdpchpwhw1i8jn";
        isLibrary = false;
        isExecutable = true;
        executableHaskellDepends = [
@@ -128165,16 +128953,17 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "mbtiles" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, HUnit, mtl
-     , sqlite-simple, text, transformers, unordered-containers
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, HUnit, monad-control
+     , mtl, resource-pool, sqlite-simple, text, transformers
+     , unordered-containers
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "mbtiles";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0v41lzh1pi105nw3kl0kg04q1xlf9mwkhrdyiyc877a2y01xg2np";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "03d1wmn974ic0dfapyrf881xnily0g6asqss1raaad9g03kwxcxr";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         base bytestring directory mtl sqlite-simple text transformers
-         unordered-containers
+         base bytestring directory monad-control mtl resource-pool
+         sqlite-simple text transformers unordered-containers
        testHaskellDepends = [ base HUnit ];
        homepage = "https://github.com/caneroj1/mbtiles#readme";
@@ -128479,6 +129268,24 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3;
      }) {};
+  "med-module_0_1_1" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, storable-endian, transformers
+     , utility-ht
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "med-module";
+       version = "0.1.1";
+       sha256 = "1qzffgcg29gjc6j0dl9ablgzad3lry28n9kv55kp5lgqm3xp92gp";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring storable-endian transformers utility-ht
+       ];
+       description = "Parse song module files from Amiga MED and OctaMED";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "mediabus" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, array, async, base, binary, bytestring, cereal
      , conduit, conduit-combinators, conduit-extra, containers
@@ -129399,6 +130206,29 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "metrics_0_4_1_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, async, base, bytestring, containers
+     , HUnit, lens, mwc-random, primitive, QuickCheck, text, time
+     , transformers, transformers-base, unix-compat
+     , unordered-containers, vector, vector-algorithms
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "metrics";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0d4pp1f2ag7bmsxb57p1h6c2qxf1svda9vdlrg8p8111nim5miar";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         ansi-terminal base bytestring containers lens mwc-random primitive
+         text time transformers transformers-base unix-compat
+         unordered-containers vector vector-algorithms
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         async base HUnit lens mwc-random primitive QuickCheck
+       ];
+       description = "High-performance application metric tracking";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "metricsd-client" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, network }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -130641,6 +131471,26 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "miso_0_6_0_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, BoundedChan, bytestring, containers
+     , lucid, servant, servant-lucid, text, vector
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "miso";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "14pzfqzrakiw1xfmzkynjjg2h1d1ab4ndwy4fyl1wffrb0dnjqxg";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson base BoundedChan bytestring containers lucid servant
+         servant-lucid text vector
+       ];
+       homepage = "http://github.com/dmjio/miso";
+       description = "A tasty Haskell front-end framework";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "missing-foreign" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -131249,6 +132099,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "mole";
        version = "0.0.5";
        sha256 = "14vqa4mszb37rlpimlqir4g39lv66bfvg9jp4hcqzj5gsny3a1qb";
+       revision = "4";
+       editedCabalFile = "1565y432g3xy8q9db5sg4nsrb4pn25sxjlb0d6psgfhajb0qlh3l";
        isLibrary = false;
        isExecutable = true;
        executableHaskellDepends = [
@@ -131439,6 +132291,23 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "monad-control_1_0_2_2" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, stm, transformers, transformers-base
+     , transformers-compat
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "monad-control";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0cz4ww3vp96crdqrh7w86rzrs7gs8c1z7rq84yxxhbiz28fs4d0y";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base stm transformers transformers-base transformers-compat
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/basvandijk/monad-control";
+       description = "Lift control operations, like exception catching, through monad transformers";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "monad-control-aligned" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, stm, transformers, transformers-base
      , transformers-compat
@@ -132093,6 +132962,19 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "monad-skeleton_0_1_5" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "monad-skeleton";
+       version = "0.1.5";
+       sha256 = "17jm69pwysx2kbx06n80iy396nbj5dys9iwdivargfzx7xql0s59";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/fumieval/monad-skeleton";
+       description = "Monads of program skeleta";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "monad-st" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -132935,6 +133817,27 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "monoid-subclasses_0_4_4" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, primes, QuickCheck
+     , quickcheck-instances, tasty, tasty-quickcheck, text, vector
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "monoid-subclasses";
+       version = "0.4.4";
+       sha256 = "1ycrcrw3gnsb8zxx8hvrfclj1skfapkvxp37r2j4j31wjhv3fycp";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring containers primes text vector
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring containers primes QuickCheck quickcheck-instances
+         tasty tasty-quickcheck text vector
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/blamario/monoid-subclasses/";
+       description = "Subclasses of Monoid";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "monoid-transformer" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -139082,10 +139985,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "normalization-insensitive";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "178hipiqlkqjp88wivid1jyg718mb38i5731zggfp9misbpj5y8p";
-       revision = "1";
-       editedCabalFile = "0hp6v44slmxa3i6cs68ffa5wlkd4bj695l1fh058mhi64bhvql8x";
+       version = "2.0.1";
+       sha256 = "00nbha984yg4lxnpkyd3q0gbywf7xn5z5ixy3cr9ksn05w6blm1v";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring deepseq hashable text unicode-transforms
@@ -139739,14 +140640,14 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
-  "numhask_0_0_8" = callPackage
+  "numhask_0_0_9" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, adjunctions, base, distributive, doctest
      , protolude, QuickCheck, tasty, tasty-quickcheck, vector
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "numhask";
-       version = "0.0.8";
-       sha256 = "1mgknk4ilpk216hxclc3zc2gcrk2c9si52r77s6ijhkx398j2v11";
+       version = "0.0.9";
+       sha256 = "16ss7lqwvmsgwgrj1smvdr5zzj33svi1mj1k5lhik1mm6dhd1c9x";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          adjunctions base distributive protolude QuickCheck vector
@@ -139776,6 +140677,28 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "numhask-range_0_1_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, adjunctions, base, containers, distributive
+     , doctest, formatting, numhask, protolude, QuickCheck
+     , semigroupoids, tasty, tasty-quickcheck
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "numhask-range";
+       version = "0.1.0";
+       sha256 = "1z5h7vmbq0jx8rcvxd8b9y1w1lnh3hv9mcykajwddjmrk2rxynnp";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         adjunctions base containers distributive formatting numhask
+         protolude QuickCheck semigroupoids
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base doctest numhask tasty tasty-quickcheck
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/tonyday567/numhask-range";
+       description = "Numbers that are range representations";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "nums" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -141126,6 +142049,25 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "open-witness_0_4_0_1" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, constraints, hashable, mtl, random, tasty
+     , tasty-hunit, template-haskell, transformers, witness
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "open-witness";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "04a10cv0iddnvp5my4h00bmmpc2mxz6c5gih5p4iyc7bdq6m0w07";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base constraints hashable random template-haskell transformers
+         witness
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base mtl tasty tasty-hunit witness ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/AshleyYakeley/open-witness";
+       description = "open witnesses";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "opench-meteo" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, data-default, text, time }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -142712,6 +143654,35 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "otp-authenticator" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bifunctors, binary, bytestring
+     , containers, cryptonite, dependent-sum, filepath, h-gpgme
+     , haskeline, microlens, one-time-password, optparse-applicative
+     , sandi, singletons, text, time, transformers, trifecta
+     , type-combinators, unix, uri-encode, witherable, yaml
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "otp-authenticator";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1f30mr512rwbx58wkfqk3cyw471mw1lyz0jmcjj4lhknhf0agvhm";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson base bifunctors binary bytestring containers cryptonite
+         dependent-sum filepath h-gpgme haskeline microlens
+         one-time-password optparse-applicative sandi singletons text time
+         transformers trifecta type-combinators unix uri-encode witherable
+         yaml
+       ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson base binary bytestring h-gpgme text yaml
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/mstksg/otp-authenticator";
+       description = "OTP Authenticator (a la google) command line client";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "ottparse-pretty" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parsec, split, uniplate }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -144115,6 +145086,28 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "papillon_0_1_0_5" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, monads-tf
+     , template-haskell, transformers
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "papillon";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1c42mmhgwgdz2adpby9134cyzgp8nfyxl0671d1fs3ybsl2zz17k";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring monads-tf template-haskell transformers
+       ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [
+         base directory filepath monads-tf template-haskell transformers
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://skami.iocikun.jp/haskell/packages/papillon";
+       description = "packrat parser";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "pappy" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -145993,8 +146986,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "peano";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "0yzcxrl41dacvx2wkyxjj7hgvz56l4qb59r4h9rmaqd7jcwx5z9i";
-       revision = "1";
-       editedCabalFile = "0sf4iv77bgkr4n50ap27cxy9gkdx030dbg3f6wxk0rwa7sxdjkal";
+       revision = "2";
+       editedCabalFile = "10b0vjc7lnfkscg2c8hhqbvf1xdvgbr3njrs9b4ick91n44vjbhk";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base ];
        description = "Peano numbers";
        license = "unknown";
@@ -147234,6 +148227,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "pgdl";
        version = "10.9";
        sha256 = "0hwky1331bv1zbjq9nbfnvx8gkbfhs5sjawxjccz9l484xsrbb5z";
+       revision = "2";
+       editedCabalFile = "11p3bcr82rm4pry1dqxgnzsgi50qiwma8bvfbm13fq7jy2qj51vq";
        isLibrary = false;
        isExecutable = true;
        executableHaskellDepends = [
@@ -149574,14 +150569,14 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
-  "plot-light_0_2_6" = callPackage
+  "plot-light_0_2_7" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-time, base, blaze-svg
      , colour, hspec, mtl, palette, QuickCheck, scientific, text, time
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "plot-light";
-       version = "0.2.6";
-       sha256 = "1zwf3gmimbpzji9dyn5a93pc07ymcp6xc48zfq5lxchajnilchwc";
+       version = "0.2.7";
+       sha256 = "0w1mbhws7fs0kld61fd9f9xyvfpzsjhh6ic6ny89gka4421p002s";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
@@ -152618,6 +153613,34 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2;
      }) {};
+  "prettyprinter_1_1_0_1" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, bytestring, containers
+     , criterion, deepseq, doctest, mtl, pgp-wordlist, QuickCheck
+     , random, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, template-haskell
+     , text, transformers
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "prettyprinter";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0pfvh90gya175bdfmkzq53f4i3mvgybqhd4sw86y0vvfg8zpc38n";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base text ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [ base template-haskell text ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring doctest pgp-wordlist tasty tasty-hunit
+         tasty-quickcheck text
+       ];
+       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
+         ansi-wl-pprint base containers criterion deepseq mtl QuickCheck
+         random text transformers
+       ];
+       homepage = "http://github.com/quchen/prettyprinter";
+       description = "A modern, easy to use, well-documented, extensible prettyprinter";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "prettyprinter-ansi-terminal" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, doctest, prettyprinter, text
@@ -152632,6 +153655,21 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2;
      }) {};
+  "prettyprinter-ansi-terminal_1_1_1_1" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, doctest, prettyprinter, text
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "prettyprinter-ansi-terminal";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1d3sr74c0bd1nzp0cy4ip6mk85cp1v8svh6yhggsd89r0wzkb6nl";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ ansi-terminal base prettyprinter text ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base doctest ];
+       homepage = "http://github.com/quchen/prettyprinter";
+       description = "ANSI terminal backend for the »prettyprinter« package";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "prettyprinter-compat-annotated-wl-pprint" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, prettyprinter, text }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -152676,6 +153714,26 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2;
      }) {};
+  "prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, ansi-wl-pprint, base, doctest
+     , prettyprinter, prettyprinter-ansi-terminal, text
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint";
+       version = "1.1";
+       sha256 = "03565w1qvqgdr1g2nwj3d2xpqbx04xm45pjfkb9d6jb2fww2v65q";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "1c4zcscmvq0vbdgnp7n0avv8si5jshl4kw2qd1lqmhr28kj8x45f";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         ansi-terminal ansi-wl-pprint base prettyprinter
+         prettyprinter-ansi-terminal text
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base doctest ];
+       homepage = "http://github.com/quchen/prettyprinter";
+       description = "Converter from »ansi-wl-pprint« documents to »prettyprinter«-based ones";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2;
+     }) {};
   "prettyprinter-vty" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, prettyprinter, vty }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -152688,6 +153746,22 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "preview" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, pretty, strict-data, text
+     , util-plus
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "preview";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0z8dz0frc43jnm65iybvpcn2689c3q2iy3zdqjs623clwsvrmh3b";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base containers pretty strict-data text util-plus
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/factisresearch/opensource-mono#readme";
+       description = "The method of previewing data (instead of wholly show-ing it)";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "prim-array" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, primitive }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -154237,7 +155311,7 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
-  "proto-lens-protoc_0_2_2_0" = callPackage
+  "proto-lens-protoc_0_2_2_2" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers
      , data-default-class, directory, filepath, haskell-src-exts
      , lens-family, lens-labels, process, proto-lens
@@ -154245,8 +155319,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "proto-lens-protoc";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1h6rlgk36a5wbcqwqs5n53rh37alcj0l5yq666gcawda0zwb0ys2";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1hkx0yqj4jfmq0b3pqwy9jadipazsfcb9fncxqkm9z57a5qa8khn";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -154693,6 +155767,23 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      }) {};
+  "publicsuffix_0_20170802" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, criterion, filepath, hspec, random
+     , template-haskell
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "publicsuffix";
+       version = "0.20170802";
+       sha256 = "0a2cfvf7ahaic62jn80sazmraqny20mcfsr6j8bji9fcgxjj150w";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base filepath template-haskell ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base hspec ];
+       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [ base criterion random ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/wereHamster/publicsuffix-haskell/";
+       description = "The publicsuffix list exposed as proper Haskell types";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "publicsuffixlist" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, data-default
      , HUnit, idna, text, utf8-string
@@ -155409,8 +156500,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "pusher-ws";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0gdbxrvcnhr0y229i9k5rc9fp73fvrnvsj77mw8pibnq2djfqx5s";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0i5659wljhaindimm8b6khibr8mcmcr5iaags2a33zjb67gjbsd7";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson base bytestring containers deepseq hashable http-conduit lens
          lens-aeson network scientific stm text time transformers
@@ -155727,6 +156818,19 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "qchas" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, hmatrix, tasty, tasty-hunit }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "qchas";
+       version = "1.0.0";
+       sha256 = "0zjhhk6i60svp4p17xjg7pyc5hinj32r7jrcg7z7jibqmm5d3mds";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base hmatrix ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base hmatrix tasty tasty-hunit ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/ardeleanasm/qchas#readme";
+       description = "A library for implementing Quantum Algorithms";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "qd" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, floatshow, qd }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -157872,8 +158976,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest, template-haskell, transformers }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "rank2classes";
-       version = "0.1";
-       sha256 = "1izr3nrbrrcf4496m0p5fpvd9h6gzgirb6q76kvn4chd4p45j0iz";
+       version = "0.2";
+       sha256 = "017vz33qafc1synzccl3p3cws010vg03l13i5y5igfs8f1rf5l80";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base template-haskell transformers ];
        testHaskellDepends = [ base doctest ];
        homepage = "https://github.com/blamario/grampa/tree/master/rank2classes";
@@ -158562,6 +159666,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "rcu";
        version = "0.2.1";
        sha256 = "114w0nhlcg6wd9v6xg0ax74y5xbwb408b37hdkra863xr7dibdp0";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "138vbjy6z2lh4x4icdssh0xz0rcwiw4lczcb3w375cnyjjn3b6ly";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
@@ -163026,6 +164132,34 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "rethinkdb-client-driver_0_0_24" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, binary, bytestring, containers
+     , criterion, hashable, hspec, hspec-smallcheck, mtl, network
+     , old-locale, scientific, smallcheck, stm, template-haskell, text
+     , time, unordered-containers, vector
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "rethinkdb-client-driver";
+       version = "0.0.24";
+       sha256 = "06fhrip547mgv0nqjsiilbdhc0nphqqwy3qacxw36macvg6mhsbb";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson base binary bytestring containers hashable mtl network
+         old-locale scientific stm template-haskell text time
+         unordered-containers vector
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base hspec hspec-smallcheck smallcheck text time
+         unordered-containers vector
+       ];
+       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
+         base criterion text time unordered-containers vector
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/wereHamster/rethinkdb-client-driver";
+       description = "Client driver for RethinkDB";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "rethinkdb-model" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, mtl, rethinkdb, text, transformers
      , unordered-containers
@@ -164031,17 +165165,17 @@ self: {
   "rollbar" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, basic-prelude, http-conduit
-     , monad-control, network, text, vector
+     , monad-control, network, resourcet, text, vector
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "rollbar";
-       version = "0.3.1";
-       sha256 = "0hv9i38c0c1bv36xy4inq6dghn79bmjw1x0xgi5mlwf5lzzp2fv1";
+       version = "0.4.1";
+       sha256 = "0gl1q1f8n2xngb665hkqncqj1ymm7kymhhgp0qwdhdi3gnm8kymp";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson base basic-prelude http-conduit monad-control network text
-         vector
+         aeson base basic-prelude http-conduit monad-control network
+         resourcet text vector
-       homepage = "https://github.com/docmunch/rollbar-haskell";
+       homepage = "https://github.com/azara/rollbar-haskell";
        description = "error tracking through rollbar.com";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
@@ -167402,8 +168536,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, linear, mtl, random, sdl2, time }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "sdl2-cairo";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1lw5d8hk97h26sxq1bq0ha56s1pi0zsyw60di41w92a4xrx8z2nf";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "08i7vbibak0y760j2cibwdn2yhgkp2xv2j325mimvdqcp44x0rz0";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base cairo linear mtl random sdl2 time ];
@@ -168029,6 +169163,18 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "selections" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, comonad, mtl }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "selections";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0wl8jy0c3sm384qr4q143d0wiy2984mdyxhwd78mnq4glsipkwyc";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base bifunctors comonad mtl ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/ChrisPenner/selections#readme";
+       description = "Combinators for operating with selections over an underlying functor";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "selectors" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, containers, happy
      , template-haskell, text, xml-conduit
@@ -168210,6 +169356,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "semigroupoids";
        version = "5.2.1";
        sha256 = "006jys6kvckkmbnhf4jc51sh64hamkz464mr8ciiakybrfvixr3r";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "1lb59k2hdz9kbhmpw7bzc0n9pb5x3b9ysglp69dn4yf5xxjw03wx";
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base base-orphans bifunctors comonad containers contravariant
@@ -168454,15 +169602,15 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
-  "sensu-run_0_3_0" = callPackage
+  "sensu-run_0_4_0" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, filepath, http-client
      , http-types, lens, network, optparse-applicative, process
      , temporary, text, time, unix, unix-compat, vector, wreq
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "sensu-run";
-       version = "0.3.0";
-       sha256 = "0p22069kvfj1fl5s26l9lvijbxzvdf58rkj3bdfrrw76l941shwm";
+       version = "0.4.0";
+       sha256 = "0wsrm7l12yfm89yfd5y1w8xypfg29d2s1afy7m8dpcdypmrxrghw";
        isLibrary = false;
        isExecutable = true;
        executableHaskellDepends = [
@@ -168526,20 +169674,20 @@ self: {
   "separated" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, directory, doctest, filepath
-     , lens, papa, parsec, QuickCheck, semigroupoids, semigroups
+     , lens, parsec, QuickCheck, semigroupoids, semigroups
      , template-haskell
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "separated";
-       version = "0.1.2";
-       sha256 = "0hq4b6pvhwgqxskylyqg2952gj8nblbx7zcgj4rds10qlkaxhp4m";
+       version = "0.2.2";
+       sha256 = "137s8rzpppnyg3l794m17pndix0nja66qcancwjjqhhfdhmc2pv4";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         base bifunctors lens papa semigroupoids semigroups
+         base bifunctors lens semigroupoids semigroups
        testHaskellDepends = [
          base directory doctest filepath parsec QuickCheck template-haskell
-       homepage = "https://github.com/data61/separated";
+       homepage = "https://github.com/qfpl/separated";
        description = "A data type with elements separated by values";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
@@ -168866,34 +170014,31 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "serokell-util" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, acid-state, aeson, aeson-extra, ansi-terminal
-     , base, base16-bytestring, base64-bytestring, binary
-     , binary-orphans, bytestring, cereal, cereal-vector, clock
-     , containers, deepseq, directory, either, exceptions, extra
-     , filepath, formatting, hashable, hspec, lens, log-warper
-     , monad-control, mtl, optparse-applicative, parsec, QuickCheck
-     , quickcheck-instances, safecopy, scientific, semigroups, stm
-     , template-haskell, text, text-format, time-units, transformers
-     , universum, unordered-containers, vector, yaml
+    ({ mkDerivation, acid-state, aeson, ansi-terminal, base
+     , base16-bytestring, base64-bytestring, bytestring, clock
+     , containers, deepseq, directory, exceptions, extra, filepath
+     , formatting, hashable, hspec, lens, log-warper, monad-control, mtl
+     , optparse-applicative, parsec, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances
+     , safecopy, scientific, semigroups, stm, template-haskell, text
+     , text-format, time-units, transformers, universum
+     , unordered-containers, vector, yaml
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "serokell-util";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "13jna9mpi4dlw7hrdp2cv1p145hbri5a7ch3ly8a4j4apnx2s4qc";
+       version = "0.3";
+       sha256 = "1crcc9vsg713cnsrpha54rki4a9pnls8sw4m9hz3pikmyqg01jsh";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         acid-state aeson aeson-extra ansi-terminal base base16-bytestring
-         base64-bytestring binary binary-orphans bytestring cereal
-         cereal-vector clock containers deepseq directory either exceptions
-         extra filepath formatting hashable lens log-warper monad-control
-         mtl optparse-applicative parsec QuickCheck quickcheck-instances
-         safecopy scientific semigroups stm template-haskell text
-         text-format time-units transformers universum unordered-containers
-         vector yaml
+         acid-state aeson ansi-terminal base base16-bytestring
+         base64-bytestring bytestring clock containers deepseq directory
+         exceptions extra filepath formatting hashable lens log-warper
+         monad-control mtl optparse-applicative parsec QuickCheck
+         quickcheck-instances safecopy scientific semigroups stm
+         template-haskell text text-format time-units transformers universum
+         unordered-containers vector yaml
        testHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson base binary bytestring cereal hspec QuickCheck
-         quickcheck-instances safecopy scientific text text-format
-         unordered-containers vector
+         aeson base bytestring hspec QuickCheck quickcheck-instances
+         safecopy scientific text text-format unordered-containers vector
        homepage = "https://github.com/serokell/serokell-util";
        description = "General-purpose functions by Serokell";
@@ -169717,17 +170862,18 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "servant-github-webhook" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base16-bytestring, bytestring, Crypto
-     , github, http-types, servant, servant-server, string-conversions
-     , text, transformers, wai, warp
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base16-bytestring, bytestring
+     , cryptonite, github, http-types, memory, servant, servant-server
+     , string-conversions, text, transformers, wai, warp
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "servant-github-webhook";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1fbrc1i76hllrl61j262yxbibgsd6fkwcwl588mhxf48j0cfpp06";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0px2pxw6piqjh2vawf0mkhcf96pqk2rm0izvbsy5xcd011qlvfhq";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson base base16-bytestring bytestring Crypto github http-types
-         servant servant-server string-conversions text transformers wai
+         aeson base base16-bytestring bytestring cryptonite github
+         http-types memory servant servant-server string-conversions text
+         transformers wai
        testHaskellDepends = [
          aeson base bytestring servant-server transformers wai warp
@@ -173217,8 +174363,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "simple-sql-parser";
-       version = "0.4.2";
-       sha256 = "013vxh1l1q44s566d7mizhf810sl6r87nkkpl687md421kjhswms";
+       version = "0.4.3";
+       sha256 = "125k5vz05spmyd5gws1sfrqamp4pnbpyim21mvz1vx8avj548xi8";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base mtl parsec pretty ];
@@ -173226,7 +174372,7 @@ self: {
        testHaskellDepends = [
          base HUnit mtl parsec pretty test-framework test-framework-hunit
-       homepage = "http://jakewheat.github.io/simple-sql-parser/";
+       homepage = "http://jakewheat.github.io/simple-sql-parser/latest";
        description = "A parser for SQL queries";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
@@ -175137,6 +176283,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "snap-extras";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "15744qmp48qn67n8w2nxxqxfh5rjlg328psl58whb8q5m6grgv3n";
+       revision = "2";
+       editedCabalFile = "1zm93m5x6h63nagjlfzsq4cgx2600hm16zj5pjxvfh0d0vgq0yjp";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
@@ -177572,8 +178720,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, containers, leancheck }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "speculate";
-       version = "0.2.5";
-       sha256 = "1galy8k0nvnq4xavm15f6v160ili1kmiq5p2rdhqmfciadrxzxqd";
+       version = "0.2.6";
+       sha256 = "0dc1ahgqwykiscm1bhkf07kijpn4sm4w4sfg88vvdyq8swil5kyz";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base cmdargs containers leancheck ];
        testHaskellDepends = [ base cmdargs containers leancheck ];
        benchmarkHaskellDepends = [ base cmdargs containers leancheck ];
@@ -178207,8 +179355,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "sproxy2";
-       version = "1.95.0";
-       sha256 = "16m0sqmp85p8zkpdh1pnzhja7j774cpfppwc5d6rq5palikwd88c";
+       version = "1.96.0";
+       sha256 = "0wzkh312d7h957vkf2qqsbnf9xm98vm8y5kzray87rn6rdc5k5x6";
        isLibrary = false;
        isExecutable = true;
        executableHaskellDepends = [
@@ -178899,7 +180047,7 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
-  "stache_1_0_0" = callPackage
+  "stache_1_1_1" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, criterion
      , deepseq, directory, file-embed, filepath, hspec, hspec-megaparsec
      , megaparsec, mtl, template-haskell, text, unordered-containers
@@ -178907,8 +180055,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "stache";
-       version = "1.0.0";
-       sha256 = "1ms3jxsbny6gdqwq536xsdm1xj5hlyb77mxyf6q2s0q8skyc9kvr";
+       version = "1.1.1";
+       sha256 = "1gjmv1yqm5hkgap60w1ci6ng1l7kfhmz97wdhnqawcm8q7lir1nx";
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson base bytestring containers deepseq directory filepath
@@ -178952,10 +180100,10 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "stack";
-       version = "1.5.0";
-       sha256 = "1wx3p4n28mf6g4iydnsjvm87hn43kqsmn52npmsyym54wsl2vzx9";
+       version = "1.5.1";
+       sha256 = "1hw8lwk4dxfzw27l64g2z7gscpnp7adw5cc8kplldazj0y2cnf6x";
        revision = "1";
-       editedCabalFile = "161v9lsi6xacbz279bhclmhn0vmv24a0badawm17rqhq4w8lh4yq";
+       editedCabalFile = "1ywghpdjnwzk1m67fg5hzz16hxf7pqf5wayyzk1xjbnnl989gll6";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal filepath ];
@@ -180365,6 +181513,36 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      }) {};
+  "stm-containers_0_2_16" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, async, base, base-prelude, containers, criterion
+     , focus, free, hashable, hashtables, HTF, list-t, loch-th, mtl
+     , mtl-prelude, mwc-random, mwc-random-monad, placeholders
+     , primitive, QuickCheck, text, transformers, unordered-containers
+     , vector
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "stm-containers";
+       version = "0.2.16";
+       sha256 = "0bsha98j8ryzcrcs3n1iyrvx7b37ipc66f7qxkhnkp3wch32y139";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base base-prelude focus hashable list-t primitive transformers
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base base-prelude focus free hashable HTF list-t loch-th mtl
+         mtl-prelude placeholders primitive QuickCheck transformers
+         unordered-containers
+       ];
+       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
+         async base base-prelude containers criterion focus free hashable
+         hashtables list-t loch-th mtl mtl-prelude mwc-random
+         mwc-random-monad placeholders text unordered-containers vector
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/nikita-volkov/stm-containers";
+       description = "Containers for STM";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "stm-delay" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -181600,14 +182778,27 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "strict-data" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, deepseq }:
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, deepseq, doctest
+     , exceptions, fail, hashable, HTF, monad-control, mtl, pretty
+     , QuickCheck, resourcet, strict, text, transformers
+     , transformers-base, unordered-containers, util-plus, vector
+     , vector-algorithms
+     }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "strict-data";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1by3icfp0b0im2g87rmaclh7iwwwz564gl3x6yyn840rgc9k4xnr";
-       libraryHaskellDepends = [ aeson base deepseq ];
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1xr1qd707grip4kan9d2nh5flqc61m2m3z8kf4wzgdd3m42zdg7q";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson base containers deepseq exceptions fail hashable
+         monad-control mtl pretty QuickCheck resourcet strict text
+         transformers transformers-base unordered-containers util-plus
+         vector vector-algorithms
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base containers deepseq doctest hashable HTF vector
+       ];
        homepage = "https://github.com/agrafix/strict-data#readme";
-       description = "Verious useful strict data structures";
+       description = "A collection of commonly used strict data structures";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
@@ -183011,6 +184202,22 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "svg-builder-fork" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, hashable, text
+     , unordered-containers
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "svg-builder-fork";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "16y8azlayb5925aybm2780aqbq4qhqpv9c96k22h3ci7ybb9zk92";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base blaze-builder bytestring hashable text unordered-containers
+       ];
+       homepage = "http://github.com/jeffreyrosenbluth/svg-builder.git";
+       description = "DSL for building SVG";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "svg-tree" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers
      , JuicyPixels, lens, linear, mtl, scientific, text, transformers
@@ -188498,6 +189705,23 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "text-plus" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, doctest, HTF, pretty, QuickCheck
+     , strict-data, text, util-plus
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "text-plus";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1i93dk0i7zn81iw0q6g8ygr0bxwil09826mx1kw544n153yw9g7x";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring pretty QuickCheck strict-data text util-plus
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base doctest HTF text ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/factisresearch/opensource-mono#readme";
+       description = "Utils for text";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "text-position" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, regex-applicative }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -190543,14 +191767,14 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
-  "time_1_8_0_2" = callPackage
+  "time_1_8_0_3" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, QuickCheck, random, tasty
      , tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, unix
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "time";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "158hy4klkdwm1vvqnfibziqac6h6ms42x0gha24w3a5cbjb2sr20";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0mbz76v74q938ramsgipgsvk8hvnplcnffplaq439z202zkyar1h";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base deepseq ];
        testHaskellDepends = [
          base deepseq QuickCheck random tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck
@@ -192877,6 +194101,28 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      }) {};
+  "transient_0_5_9" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, atomic-primops, base, bytestring, containers
+     , directory, mtl, random, stm, time, transformers
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "transient";
+       version = "0.5.9";
+       sha256 = "0y06x24x9jy6y6wqmq4smz9mkpy2yk53llaajlhdqysxwmhlpxag";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         atomic-primops base bytestring containers directory mtl random stm
+         time
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring containers directory mtl random stm time
+         transformers
+       ];
+       homepage = "http://www.fpcomplete.com/user/agocorona";
+       description = "composing programs with multithreading, events and distributed computing";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "transient-universe" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, case-insensitive, containers
      , directory, filepath, hashable, HTTP, iproute, mtl, network
@@ -193373,7 +194619,7 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
-  "trifecta_1_7_1" = callPackage
+  "trifecta_1_7_1_1" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, ansi-wl-pprint, array, base
      , blaze-builder, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring, Cabal
      , cabal-doctest, charset, comonad, containers, deepseq, doctest
@@ -193383,8 +194629,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "trifecta";
-       version = "1.7.1";
-       sha256 = "1fnf3riihg3nglrwl9sy093ppklgnjz4shc1p2184m30ckwmk945";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "13n6a3fdxngnzsjnhfrzigv1c2g0xm6lqkjcnirpc37sd0rpby31";
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          ansi-terminal ansi-wl-pprint array base blaze-builder blaze-html
@@ -195200,6 +196446,24 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "type-of-html" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, bytestring, criterion, hspec
+     , text
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "type-of-html";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1dvmpi1bal10vr5l4phllwxij9yw5lgjyx7aimb1yalri2dapipk";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base text ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base hspec text ];
+       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
+         base blaze-html bytestring criterion text
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/knupfer/type-of-html";
+       description = "High performance type driven html generation";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "type-operators" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -196830,6 +198094,23 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "union_0_1_1_2" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, criterion, deepseq, lens, profunctors
+     , tagged, vinyl
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "union";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "10nkcmql6ryh3vp02yxk3i1f6fbxdcsjk6s5ani89qa05448xqkw";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "17n6f3bpw7zwa9kgfpk6sa9bwg0gsi840kkzifwmp9lakykjf0cw";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base deepseq profunctors tagged vinyl ];
+       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [ base criterion deepseq lens ];
+       description = "Extensible type-safe unions";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "union-find" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, transformers }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -197057,6 +198338,24 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "units-parser_0_1_0_1" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, multimap, parsec, syb
+     , tasty, tasty-hunit, template-haskell
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "units-parser";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1kmac80hnb2dric6d5ll7cdyhs8s4qqkk5vmd8gq9zjdyl6zxmrp";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base containers mtl multimap parsec ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base containers mtl multimap parsec syb tasty tasty-hunit
+         template-haskell
+       ];
+       description = "A parser for units of measure";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "unittyped" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -197968,6 +199267,21 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "uri-bytestring-aeson_0_1_0_2" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, text, uri-bytestring }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "uri-bytestring-aeson";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1i62sr28fxc3k045j8l2iak4f46nf8ygzqafc2k1pa0grm4l7ipa";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson base bytestring text uri-bytestring
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/reactormonk/uri-bytestring-aeson";
+       description = "Aeson instances for URI Bytestring";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "uri-conduit" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, containers, deepseq
      , failure, monad-control, network, system-fileio, system-filepath
@@ -198551,6 +199865,23 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "util-plus" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, hashable, HTF, QuickCheck
+     , safe, unordered-containers
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "util-plus";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "062xs84zgqvxwvydbb2ivyhsfsmqk6wxl41pd4v7pyyqhdq588wm";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         array base containers hashable safe unordered-containers
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base containers HTF QuickCheck ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/factisresearch/opensource-mono#readme";
+       description = "A collection of commonly used utils";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "utility-ht" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -200066,6 +201397,19 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "vector-sized_0_6_1_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, finite-typelits, vector }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "vector-sized";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "08bqyvkxs2bbbm5ljsymj178iiqp6izzbchlzav7hmwmj893wvjd";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base deepseq finite-typelits vector ];
+       homepage = "http://github.com/expipiplus1/vector-sized#readme";
+       description = "Size tagged vectors";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "vector-space" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, Boolean, MemoTrie, NumInstances }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -200560,19 +201904,21 @@ self: {
      }) {inherit (pkgs) ncurses;};
   "vintage-basic" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, filepath, HUnit, mtl
-     , parsec, process, random, regex-base, regex-posix, time
+    ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, filepath, hashable
+     , hashtables, HUnit, mtl, parsec, process, random, regex-base
+     , regex-posix, time
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "vintage-basic";
-       version = "1.0.1";
-       sha256 = "0hmnkmg6sz702nplh7indlzmv7bb36fmaglf9lw0fziabaj9kk25";
+       version = "1.0.3";
+       sha256 = "1wv7gz4yw4vd2xqcjx8sq0s7cd9h6z6zn7s5lxb10akv7kf52xb8";
        isLibrary = false;
        isExecutable = true;
        executableHaskellDepends = [
-         array base directory filepath HUnit mtl parsec process random
-         regex-base regex-posix time
+         array base directory filepath hashable hashtables HUnit mtl parsec
+         process random regex-base regex-posix time
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base ];
        homepage = "http://www.vintage-basic.net";
        description = "Interpreter for microcomputer-era BASIC";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
@@ -202329,6 +203675,30 @@ self: {
        license = "unknown";
      }) {};
+  "wai-predicates_0_10_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring
+     , bytestring-conversion, case-insensitive, cookie, http-types
+     , singletons, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, text
+     , transformers, vault, vector, wai
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "wai-predicates";
+       version = "0.10.0";
+       sha256 = "1hnpzf7zwizx67ql4fwpqj7xlgkn6c2ms8w4kjapmgxv8z8zdcxp";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         attoparsec base bytestring bytestring-conversion case-insensitive
+         cookie http-types singletons text transformers vault vector wai
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive http-types tasty
+         tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck wai
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://gitlab.com/twittner/wai-predicates/";
+       description = "WAI request predicates";
+       license = "unknown";
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "wai-request-spec" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, case-insensitive, containers
      , criterion, http-types, text, wai
@@ -204245,6 +205615,27 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "weigh_0_0_5" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring-trie, containers, deepseq, mtl
+     , process, random, split, template-haskell, temporary
+     , unordered-containers
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "weigh";
+       version = "0.0.5";
+       sha256 = "0s4bk2bglc5bf569zrbap7h6svd96sfgmvmrx57xwyinard7jfz9";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base deepseq mtl process split template-haskell temporary
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring-trie containers deepseq random unordered-containers
+       ];
+       homepage = "https://github.com/fpco/weigh#readme";
+       description = "Measure allocations of a Haskell functions/values";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "weighted" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, semiring-num, transformers }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -205184,8 +206575,10 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, text }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "word-wrap";
-       version = "0.1.2";
-       sha256 = "0bpjylmfy8dkqgyrngllvplqfrnljz6c8p8mqsim1xy8fikmqp21";
+       version = "0.3.3";
+       sha256 = "1qc6v556mynqjk86ba958rdwbmvfy5marria8ybjpjdsrn2zmdm6";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "1637bnmg2zm26ik3ql4203yk10jjjj50wyyzzhk210jcrvp8a27g";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base text ];
        testHaskellDepends = [ base hspec ];
        homepage = "https://github.com/jtdaugherty/word-wrap/";
@@ -205621,6 +207014,45 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "wreq_0_5_1_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, attoparsec
+     , authenticate-oauth, base, base16-bytestring, base64-bytestring
+     , byteable, bytestring, case-insensitive, containers, cryptohash
+     , directory, doctest, exceptions, filepath, ghc-prim, hashable
+     , http-client, http-client-tls, http-types, HUnit, lens, lens-aeson
+     , mime-types, network-info, psqueues, QuickCheck, snap-core
+     , snap-server, template-haskell, temporary, test-framework
+     , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, text, time
+     , time-locale-compat, transformers, unix-compat
+     , unordered-containers, uuid, vector
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "wreq";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1p8cn9yzm2ggb3kac17xc3if6sdxjdh544k730imvvhm0szx4j76";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson attoparsec authenticate-oauth base base16-bytestring byteable
+         bytestring case-insensitive containers cryptohash exceptions
+         ghc-prim hashable http-client http-client-tls http-types lens
+         lens-aeson mime-types psqueues template-haskell text time
+         time-locale-compat unordered-containers
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson aeson-pretty base base64-bytestring bytestring
+         case-insensitive containers directory doctest filepath hashable
+         http-client http-types HUnit lens lens-aeson network-info
+         QuickCheck snap-core snap-server temporary test-framework
+         test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text time
+         transformers unix-compat unordered-containers uuid vector
+       ];
+       homepage = "http://www.serpentine.com/wreq";
+       description = "An easy-to-use HTTP client library";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "wreq-sb" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, attoparsec
      , authenticate-oauth, base, base16-bytestring, base64-bytestring
@@ -206318,15 +207750,15 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
-  "x509-store_1_6_4" = callPackage
+  "x509-store_1_6_5" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, asn1-encoding, asn1-types, base, bytestring
      , containers, cryptonite, directory, filepath, mtl, pem, tasty
      , tasty-hunit, x509
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "x509-store";
-       version = "1.6.4";
-       sha256 = "089hpq1qbn19rbrvi91pn3v6681dkbm5hmkvg6cwqr868cj4yn79";
+       version = "1.6.5";
+       sha256 = "1lg9gy0bmzjmlk4gfnzx2prfar1qha4hfjsw8yvjg33zm0fv3ahs";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          asn1-encoding asn1-types base bytestring containers cryptonite
          directory filepath mtl pem x509
@@ -209443,8 +210875,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "yesod-auth-oauth2";
-       version = "0.2.2";
-       sha256 = "0cswp2kkw14g64axbzncnckrlfxnvdjgppjwwm60i4n9y2zg6xk2";
+       version = "0.2.4";
+       sha256 = "1gpyra5j6hi25r0hrjifjmkar8yb0f74cln4rygdjsvczllkri9a";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -209550,7 +210982,7 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      }) {};
-  "yesod-bin_1_5_2_4" = callPackage
+  "yesod-bin_1_5_2_5" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, async, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring
      , blaze-builder, bytestring, Cabal, conduit, conduit-extra
      , containers, data-default-class, deepseq, directory, file-embed
@@ -209564,8 +210996,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "yesod-bin";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0kgrhpz2g9pj8llf9akbvjv1w76y82pk2pqm4hpqaaj6219pzznm";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0jwnjxfb6s2gcx66am74hpq38fv3svgp1a08yf4610g6fskhkx4n";
        isLibrary = false;
        isExecutable = true;
        executableHaskellDepends = [
@@ -209725,6 +211157,50 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      }) {};
+  "yesod-core_1_4_36" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, auto-update, base, blaze-builder
+     , blaze-html, blaze-markup, byteable, bytestring, case-insensitive
+     , cereal, clientsession, conduit, conduit-extra, containers, cookie
+     , criterion, data-default, deepseq, deepseq-generics, directory
+     , exceptions, fast-logger, hspec, hspec-expectations, http-types
+     , HUnit, lifted-base, monad-control, monad-logger, mtl, mwc-random
+     , network, old-locale, parsec, path-pieces, primitive, QuickCheck
+     , random, resourcet, safe, semigroups, shakespeare
+     , streaming-commons, template-haskell, text, time, transformers
+     , transformers-base, unix-compat, unordered-containers, vector, wai
+     , wai-extra, wai-logger, warp, word8
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "yesod-core";
+       version = "1.4.36";
+       sha256 = "0pjhpqqsgkkccg269i5q8xngzk1lh945acnlfdjd429xjrpcmfir";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson auto-update base blaze-builder blaze-html blaze-markup
+         byteable bytestring case-insensitive cereal clientsession conduit
+         conduit-extra containers cookie data-default deepseq
+         deepseq-generics directory exceptions fast-logger http-types
+         lifted-base monad-control monad-logger mtl mwc-random old-locale
+         parsec path-pieces primitive random resourcet safe semigroups
+         shakespeare template-haskell text time transformers
+         transformers-base unix-compat unordered-containers vector wai
+         wai-extra wai-logger warp word8
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         async base blaze-builder bytestring clientsession conduit
+         conduit-extra containers cookie hspec hspec-expectations http-types
+         HUnit lifted-base mwc-random network path-pieces QuickCheck random
+         resourcet shakespeare streaming-commons template-haskell text
+         transformers wai wai-extra
+       ];
+       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
+         base blaze-html bytestring criterion shakespeare text transformers
+       ];
+       homepage = "http://www.yesodweb.com/";
+       description = "Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "yesod-crud" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, classy-prelude, containers, MissingH
      , monad-control, persistent, random, safe, stm, uuid, yesod-core
@@ -211949,6 +213425,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "yoctoparsec";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "0p9kw60glcgrjfx04x3innn3rqnh12yrv4wh0a0fivcx8b9kj1yp";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "12qzdi2dx22kvfmvsj8yy82fgl29m15ys9myra3jrq4fqr5n0br9";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base free mtl ];
        homepage = "https://github.com/mniip/yoctoparsec";
        description = "A truly tiny monadic parsing library";
@@ -212816,6 +214294,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "zippers";
        version = "0.2.4";
        sha256 = "1nzjs1s0lb0gr0n2qib4pdp24k7q707261n8icxzg81f0c04yafb";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "18a7wlklxvl9fhk8j7njf8ifn2781vfiqz0vxk6ljx30f1p7plq1";
        setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-doctest ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base lens profunctors semigroupoids ];
        testHaskellDepends = [ base doctest ];