diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/libtopology/default.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/libtopology/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..51651e6c3a15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/libtopology/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+{ stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, cairo }:
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  name = "libtopology-0.9";
+  src = fetchurl {
+    url = "http://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/22596/${name}.tar.gz";
+    sha256 = "0vxi4cpfv74zgb08k58jkv8xj0x2m7i2mf26smfpjlfpfjrj71y4";
+  };
+  buildInputs = [ pkgconfig cairo ];
+  doCheck = true;
+  meta = {
+    description = "libtopology, a portable abstraction of hierarchical architectures for high-performance computing";
+    longDescription = ''
+       libtopology provides a portable abstraction (across OS,
+       versions, architectures, ...) of the hierarchical topology of
+       modern architectures, including NUMA memory nodes, sockets,
+       shared caches, cores and simultaneous multithreading.  It also
+       gathers various attributes such as cache and memory
+       information.  It primarily aims at helping high-performance
+       computing applications with gathering information about the
+       hardware so as to exploit it accordingly and efficiently.
+       libtopology may display the topology in multiple convenient
+       formats.  It also offers a powerful programming interface to
+       gather information about the hardware, bind processes, and much
+       more.
+    '';
+    # See http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html .
+    license = "CeCILL-B";
+    homepage = http://runtime.bordeaux.inria.fr/libtopology/;
+    maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.ludo ];
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
index f15cffa4673f..1540b27f69cd 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
@@ -3711,6 +3711,10 @@ let
     inherit fetchurl stdenv libtool;
+  libtopology = import ../development/libraries/libtopology {
+    inherit fetchurl stdenv pkgconfig cairo;
+  };
   libunistring = import ../development/libraries/libunistring {
     inherit fetchurl stdenv;