diff --git a/nixos/tests/dokuwiki.nix b/nixos/tests/dokuwiki.nix
index 67657e89f74c..15ccea23cf55 100644
--- a/nixos/tests/dokuwiki.nix
+++ b/nixos/tests/dokuwiki.nix
@@ -30,6 +30,39 @@ let
installPhase = "mkdir -p $out; cp -R * $out/";
+ acronymsFile = pkgs.writeText "acronyms.local.conf" ''
+ r13y reproducibility
+ '';
+ dwWithAcronyms = pkgs.dokuwiki.overrideAttrs (prev: {
+ installPhase = prev.installPhase or "" + ''
+ ln -sf ${acronymsFile} $out/share/dokuwiki/conf/acronyms.local.conf
+ '';
+ });
+ mkNode = webserver: { ... }: {
+ services.dokuwiki = {
+ inherit webserver;
+ sites = {
+ "site1.local" = {
+ aclUse = false;
+ superUser = "admin";
+ };
+ "site2.local" = {
+ package = dwWithAcronyms;
+ usersFile = "/var/lib/dokuwiki/site2.local/users.auth.php";
+ superUser = "admin";
+ templates = [ template-bootstrap3 ];
+ plugins = [ plugin-icalevents ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 ];
+ networking.hosts."" = [ "site1.local" "site2.local" ];
+ };
in {
name = "dokuwiki";
meta = with pkgs.lib; {
@@ -40,47 +73,8 @@ in {
nodes = {
- dokuwiki_nginx = {...}: {
- services.dokuwiki = {
- sites = {
- "site1.local" = {
- aclUse = false;
- superUser = "admin";
- };
- "site2.local" = {
- usersFile = "/var/lib/dokuwiki/site2.local/users.auth.php";
- superUser = "admin";
- templates = [ template-bootstrap3 ];
- plugins = [ plugin-icalevents ];
- };
- };
- };
- networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 ];
- networking.hosts."" = [ "site1.local" "site2.local" ];
- };
- dokuwiki_caddy = {...}: {
- services.dokuwiki = {
- webserver = "caddy";
- sites = {
- "site1.local" = {
- aclUse = false;
- superUser = "admin";
- };
- "site2.local" = {
- usersFile = "/var/lib/dokuwiki/site2.local/users.auth.php";
- superUser = "admin";
- templates = [ template-bootstrap3 ];
- plugins = [ plugin-icalevents ];
- };
- };
- };
- networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 ];
- networking.hosts."" = [ "site1.local" "site2.local" ];
- };
+ dokuwiki_nginx = mkNode "nginx";
+ dokuwiki_caddy = mkNode "caddy";
testScript = ''
@@ -102,10 +96,24 @@ in {
machine.succeed("curl -sSfL http://site2.local/ | grep 'DokuWiki'")
machine.succeed("curl -sSfL 'http://site2.local/doku.php?do=login' | grep 'Login'")
- machine.succeed(
+ with subtest("ACL Operations"):
+ machine.succeed(
"echo 'admin:$2y$10$ijdBQMzSVV20SrKtCna8gue36vnsbVm2wItAXvdm876sshI4uwy6S:Admin:admin@example.test:user' >> /var/lib/dokuwiki/site2.local/users.auth.php",
"curl -sSfL -d 'u=admin&p=password' --cookie-jar cjar 'http://site2.local/doku.php?do=login'",
"curl -sSfL --cookie cjar --cookie-jar cjar 'http://site2.local/doku.php?do=login' | grep 'Logged in as: Admin'",
- )
+ )
+ with subtest("Customizing Dokuwiki"):
+ machine.succeed(
+ "echo 'r13y is awesome!' >> /var/lib/dokuwiki/site2.local/data/pages/acronyms-test.txt",
+ "curl -sSfL 'http://site2.local/doku.php?id=acronyms-test' | grep 'r13y'",
+ )
+ # Just to ensure both Webserver configurations are consistent in allowing that
+ with subtest("Rewriting"):
+ machine.succeed(
+ "echo 'Hello, NixOS!' >> /var/lib/dokuwiki/site1.local/data/pages/rewrite-test.txt",
+ "curl -sSfL http://site1.local/rewrite-test | grep 'Hello, NixOS!'",
+ )