Merge pull request #256449 from illustris/hadoop
hadoop: 3.3.5 -> 3.3.6, build container executor from source
This commit is contained in:
@ -67,16 +67,16 @@ with lib;
mapredSiteDefault = mkOption {
default = {
"" = "yarn";
"" = "HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=${cfg.package}/lib/${cfg.package.untarDir}";
"" = "HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=${cfg.package}/lib/${cfg.package.untarDir}";
"mapreduce.reduce.env" = "HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=${cfg.package}/lib/${cfg.package.untarDir}";
"" = "HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=${cfg.package}";
"" = "HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=${cfg.package}";
"mapreduce.reduce.env" = "HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=${cfg.package}";
defaultText = literalExpression ''
"" = "yarn";
"" = "HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=''${config.${opt.package}}/lib/''${config.${opt.package}.untarDir}";
"" = "HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=''${config.${opt.package}}/lib/''${config.${opt.package}.untarDir}";
"mapreduce.reduce.env" = "HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=''${config.${opt.package}}/lib/''${config.${opt.package}.untarDir}";
"" = "HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=''${config.${opt.package}}";
"" = "HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=''${config.${opt.package}}";
"mapreduce.reduce.env" = "HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=''${config.${opt.package}}";
type = types.attrsOf types.anything;
@ -154,13 +154,13 @@ with lib;
log4jProperties = mkOption {
default = "${cfg.package}/lib/${cfg.package.untarDir}/etc/hadoop/";
default = "${cfg.package}/etc/hadoop/";
defaultText = literalExpression ''
type = types.path;
example = literalExpression ''
description = lib.mdDoc " file added to HADOOP_CONF_DIR";
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ in
umount /run/wrappers/yarn-nodemanager/cgroup/cpu || true
rm -rf /run/wrappers/yarn-nodemanager/ || true
mkdir -p /run/wrappers/yarn-nodemanager/{bin,etc/hadoop,cgroup/cpu}
cp ${cfg.package}/lib/${cfg.package.untarDir}/bin/container-executor /run/wrappers/yarn-nodemanager/bin/
cp ${cfg.package}/bin/container-executor /run/wrappers/yarn-nodemanager/bin/
chgrp hadoop /run/wrappers/yarn-nodemanager/bin/container-executor
chmod 6050 /run/wrappers/yarn-nodemanager/bin/container-executor
cp ${hadoopConf}/container-executor.cfg /run/wrappers/yarn-nodemanager/etc/hadoop/
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ import ../make-test-python.nix ({ package, ... }: {
assert "standby" in client.succeed("sudo -u yarn yarn rmadmin -getAllServiceState")
client.succeed("sudo -u yarn yarn rmadmin -getAllServiceState | systemd-cat")
assert "Estimated value of Pi is" in client.succeed("HADOOP_USER_NAME=hdfs yarn jar $(readlink $(which yarn) | sed -r 's~bin/yarn~lib/hadoop-*/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-*.jar~g') pi 2 10")
assert "Estimated value of Pi is" in client.succeed("HADOOP_USER_NAME=hdfs yarn jar $(readlink $(which yarn) | sed -r 's~bin/yarn~share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-*.jar~g') pi 2 10")
assert "SUCCEEDED" in client.succeed("yarn application -list -appStates FINISHED")
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
{ version, stdenv, fetchurl, lib, cmake, openssl, platformAttrs, ... }:
stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: {
pname = "hadoop-yarn-containerexecutor";
inherit version;
src = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://apache/hadoop/common/hadoop-${finalAttrs.version}/hadoop-${finalAttrs.version}-src.tar.gz";
hash = platformAttrs.${stdenv.system}.srcHash;
sourceRoot = "hadoop-${finalAttrs.version}-src/hadoop-yarn-project/hadoop-yarn/"
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ];
buildInputs = [ openssl ];
cmakeFlags = [ "-DHADOOP_CONF_DIR=/run/wrappers/yarn-nodemanager/etc/hadoop" ];
installPhase = ''
mkdir $out
mv target/var/empty/local/bin $out/
meta = with lib; {
homepage = "";
description = "Framework for distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers";
license = licenses.asl20;
longDescription = ''
The Hadoop YARN Container Executor is a native component responsible for managing the lifecycle of containers
on individual nodes in a Hadoop YARN cluster. It launches, monitors, and terminates containers, ensuring that
resources like CPU and memory are allocated according to the policies defined in the ResourceManager.
maintainers = with maintainers; [ illustris ];
platforms = filter (strings.hasSuffix "linux") (attrNames platformAttrs);
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
, nixosTests
, sparkSupport ? true
, spark
, libtirpc
, callPackage
with lib;
@ -26,40 +28,75 @@ with lib;
assert elem stdenv.system [ "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-linux" "aarch64-darwin" ];
common = { pname, platformAttrs, untarDir ? "${pname}-${version}", jdk, openssl ? null, nativeLibs ? [ ], libPatches ? "", tests }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
inherit pname jdk libPatches untarDir openssl;
common = { pname, platformAttrs, jdk, tests }:
stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: {
inherit pname jdk;
version = platformAttrs.${stdenv.system}.version or (throw "Unsupported system: ${stdenv.system}");
src = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://apache/hadoop/common/hadoop-${version}/hadoop-${version}" + optionalString stdenv.isAarch64 "-aarch64" + ".tar.gz";
url = "mirror://apache/hadoop/common/hadoop-${finalAttrs.version}/hadoop-${finalAttrs.version}"
+ optionalString stdenv.isAarch64 "-aarch64" + ".tar.gz";
inherit (platformAttrs.${stdenv.system}) hash;
doCheck = true;
# Build the container executor binary from source
# InstallPhase is not lazily evaluating containerExecutor for some reason
containerExecutor = if stdenv.isLinux then (callPackage ./containerExecutor.nix {
inherit (finalAttrs) version;
inherit platformAttrs;
}) else "";
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ]
++ optionals (stdenv.isLinux && (nativeLibs != [ ] || libPatches != "")) [ autoPatchelfHook ];
buildInputs = [ openssl ] ++ nativeLibs;
++ optionals stdenv.isLinux [ autoPatchelfHook ];
buildInputs = optionals stdenv.isLinux [ openssl protobuf zlib snappy libtirpc ];
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/{lib/${untarDir}/conf,bin,lib}
mv * $out/lib/${untarDir}
mkdir $out
mv * $out/
'' + optionalString stdenv.isLinux ''
# All versions need container-executor, but some versions can't use autoPatchelf because of broken SSL versions
patchelf --set-interpreter ${glibc.out}/lib64/ $out/lib/${untarDir}/bin/container-executor
'' + ''
for n in $(find $out/lib/${untarDir}/bin -type f ! -name "*.*"); do
makeWrapper "$n" "$out/bin/$(basename $n)"\
--set-default JAVA_HOME ${jdk.home}\
--set-default HADOOP_HOME $out/lib/${untarDir}\
--run "test -d /etc/hadoop-conf && export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=\''${HADOOP_CONF_DIR-'/etc/hadoop-conf/'}"\
--set-default HADOOP_CONF_DIR $out/lib/${untarDir}/etc/hadoop/\
--prefix PATH : "${makeBinPath [ bash coreutils which]}"\
--prefix JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH : "${makeLibraryPath buildInputs}"
for n in $(find ${finalAttrs.containerExecutor}/bin -type f); do
ln -sf "$n" $out/bin
'' + optionalString sparkSupport ''
# these libraries are loaded at runtime by the JVM
ln -s ${getLib cyrus_sasl}/lib/ $out/lib/native/
ln -s ${getLib openssl}/lib/ $out/lib/native/
ln -s ${getLib zlib}/lib/ $out/lib/native/
ln -s ${getLib zstd}/lib/ $out/lib/native/
ln -s ${getLib bzip2}/lib/ $out/lib/native/
ln -s ${getLib snappy}/lib/ $out/lib/native/
# is in different paths for java 8 and 11
# in hadooop 3 and in hadoop 2 depend on it
find $out/lib/native/ -name '*' -o -name '*' | \
xargs -n1 patchelf --add-rpath $(dirname $(find ${finalAttrs.jdk.home} -name | head -n1))
# NixOS/nixpkgs#193370
# This workaround is needed to use protobuf 3.19
# hadoop 3.3+ depends on protobuf 3.18, 3.2 depends on 3.8
find $out/lib/native -name '*' | \
xargs -r -n1 patchelf --replace-needed${
if (versionAtLeast finalAttrs.version "3.3") then "18"
else "8"
patchelf --replace-needed \
'' + ''
for n in $(find $out/bin -type f ! -name "*.*"); do
wrapProgram "$n"\
--set-default JAVA_HOME ${finalAttrs.jdk.home}\
--set-default HADOOP_HOME $out/\
--run "test -d /etc/hadoop-conf && export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=\''${HADOOP_CONF_DIR-'/etc/hadoop-conf/'}"\
--set-default HADOOP_CONF_DIR $out/etc/hadoop/\
--prefix PATH : "${makeBinPath [ bash coreutils which]}"\
--prefix JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH : "${makeLibraryPath finalAttrs.buildInputs}"
'' + (optionalString sparkSupport ''
# Add the spark shuffle service jar to YARN
cp ${spark.src}/yarn/spark-${spark.version}-yarn-shuffle.jar $out/lib/${untarDir}/share/hadoop/yarn/
'' + libPatches;
cp ${spark.src}/yarn/spark-${spark.version}-yarn-shuffle.jar $out/share/hadoop/yarn/
passthru = { inherit tests; };
@ -83,7 +120,7 @@ let
maintainers = with maintainers; [ illustris ];
platforms = attrNames platformAttrs;
} (attrByPath [ stdenv.system "meta" ] {} platformAttrs);
# Different version of hadoop support different java runtime versions
@ -91,48 +128,29 @@ in
hadoop_3_3 = common rec {
pname = "hadoop";
platformAttrs = rec {
x86_64-linux = {
version = "3.3.5";
hash = "sha256-RG4FypL6I6YGF6ixeUbe3kcoGvFQQEFhfLfV9i50JSo=";
x86_64-darwin = x86_64-linux;
aarch64-linux = {
version = "3.3.5";
hash = "sha256-qcKjbE881isauWBxIv+NY0UFbYit704/Re8Kdl6x1LA=";
aarch64-darwin = aarch64-linux;
x86_64-linux = {
version = "3.3.6";
hash = "sha256-9RlQWcDUECrap//xf3sqhd+Qa8tuGZSHFjGfmXhkGgQ=";
srcHash = "sha256-4OEsVhBNV9CJ+PN4FgCduUCVA9/el5yezSCZ6ko3+bU=";
x86_64-darwin = x86_64-linux;
aarch64-linux = x86_64-linux // {
hash = "sha256-5Lv2uA72BJEva5v2yncyPe5gKNCNOPNsoHffVt6KXQ0=";
aarch64-darwin = aarch64-linux;
untarDir = "${pname}-${platformAttrs.${stdenv.system}.version}";
jdk = jdk11_headless;
inherit openssl;
# TODO: Package and add Intel Storage Acceleration Library
nativeLibs = [ protobuf zlib snappy ];
libPatches = ''
ln -s ${getLib cyrus_sasl}/lib/ $out/lib/${untarDir}/lib/native/
ln -s ${getLib openssl}/lib/ $out/lib/${untarDir}/lib/native/
ln -s ${getLib zlib}/lib/ $out/lib/${untarDir}/lib/native/
ln -s ${getLib zstd}/lib/ $out/lib/${untarDir}/lib/native/
ln -s ${getLib bzip2}/lib/ $out/lib/${untarDir}/lib/native/
'' + optionalString stdenv.isLinux ''
# for Java >=11
patchelf --add-rpath ${jdk.home}/lib/server $out/lib/${untarDir}/lib/native/
# Java 8 has at a different path
patchelf --add-rpath ${jdk.home}/jre/lib/amd64/server $out/lib/${untarDir}/lib/native/
# NixOS/nixpkgs#193370
# This workaround is needed to use protobuf 3.19
patchelf --replace-needed $out/lib/${untarDir}/lib/native/
tests = nixosTests.hadoop;
hadoop_3_2 = common rec {
hadoop_3_2 = common {
pname = "hadoop";
platformAttrs.x86_64-linux = {
version = "3.2.4";
hash = "sha256-qt2gpMr+NHuiVR+/zFRzRyRKG725/ZNBIM69z9J9wNw=";
srcHash = "sha256-F9nGD3mZZ1eJf3Ec3AJGE9YBcL/HiagskcdKQhCn/sw=";
jdk = jdk8_headless;
# not using native libs because of broken openssl_1_0_2 dependency
# can be manually overridden
tests = nixosTests.hadoop_3_2;
hadoop2 = common rec {
@ -140,6 +158,7 @@ in
platformAttrs.x86_64-linux = {
version = "2.10.2";
hash = "sha256-xhA4zxqIRGNhIeBnJO9dLKf/gx/Bq+uIyyZwsIafEyo=";
srcHash = "sha256-ucxCyXiJo8aL6aNMhZgKEbn8sGKOoMPVREbMGSfSdAI=";
jdk = jdk8_headless;
tests = nixosTests.hadoop2;
@ -17702,9 +17702,7 @@ with pkgs;
groovy = callPackage ../development/interpreters/groovy { };
inherit (callPackages ../applications/networking/cluster/hadoop {
openssl = openssl_1_1;
inherit (callPackages ../applications/networking/cluster/hadoop {})
Reference in New Issue
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