From a907d05c506f935f6aaa8206397ce81fdd39af8f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steve Purcell <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2024 11:45:58 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] sonarr: ->

 .../manual/release-notes/   |  2 +
 pkgs/servers/sonarr/default.nix               | 37 +++++++++++-----
 pkgs/servers/sonarr/                 | 42 +++++++++++++++++--
 3 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/nixos/doc/manual/release-notes/ b/nixos/doc/manual/release-notes/
index 740f8bc93686..bad1fd449bbb 100644
--- a/nixos/doc/manual/release-notes/
+++ b/nixos/doc/manual/release-notes/
@@ -277,6 +277,8 @@ The pre-existing [services.ankisyncd](#opt-services.ankisyncd.enable) has been m
 - New options were added to the dnsdist module to enable and configure a DNSCrypt endpoint (see `services.dnsdist.dnscrypt.enable`, etc.).
   The module can generate the DNSCrypt provider key pair, certificates and also performs their rotation automatically with no downtime.
+- With a bump to `sonarr` v4, existing config database files will be upgraded automatically, but note that some old apparently-working configs [might actually be corrupt and fail to upgrade cleanly](
 - The Yama LSM is now enabled by default in the kernel, which prevents ptracing
   non-child processes. This means you will not be able to attach gdb to an
   existing process, but will need to start that process from gdb (so it is a
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/sonarr/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/sonarr/default.nix
index 716a386c4faa..f07c0933145f 100644
--- a/pkgs/servers/sonarr/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/servers/sonarr/default.nix
@@ -1,12 +1,28 @@
-{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, mono, libmediainfo, sqlite, curl, makeWrapper, nixosTests }:
+{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, dotnet-runtime, icu, ffmpeg, openssl, sqlite, curl, makeWrapper, nixosTests }:
+  os = if stdenv.isDarwin then "osx" else "linux";
+  arch = {
+    x86_64-linux = "x64";
+    aarch64-linux = "arm64";
+    x86_64-darwin = "x64";
+    aarch64-darwin = "arm64";
+  }."${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}" or (throw "Unsupported system: ${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}");
+  hash = {
+    x64-linux_hash = "sha256-XCCqAMxaOk9vGlTDHv7MB6VhTx0ODDTuPxkfvTBeJDk=";
+    arm64-linux_hash = "sha256-4jQzgjicPh4AmO2jY3h8YXlTlvIbk4uyDxMpOQtm+HI=";
+    x64-osx_hash = "sha256-MYLbAg9oCjWaZEMnSBmLEDEpab9vvcJjI8P8Fdmhmzs=";
+    arm64-osx_hash = "sha256-FyHffgNVoS/HPXz2YQGyxRowT04VFKtWZYEvsBZ9t4E=";
+  }."${arch}-${os}_hash";
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "sonarr";
-  version = "";
+  version = "";
   src = fetchurl {
-    url = "${version}/Sonarr.main.${version}.linux.tar.gz";
-    hash = "sha256-6zdp/Bg+9pcrElW5neB+BC16Vn1VhTjhMRRIxGrKhxc=";
+    url = "${version}/Sonarr.main.${version}.${os}-${arch}.tar.gz";
+    inherit hash;
   nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
@@ -14,12 +30,13 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   installPhase = ''
     runHook preInstall
-    mkdir -p $out/bin
-    cp -r * $out/bin/
-    makeWrapper "${mono}/bin/mono" $out/bin/NzbDrone \
-      --add-flags "$out/bin/Sonarr.exe" \
-      --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : ${lib.makeLibraryPath [
-          curl sqlite libmediainfo ]}
+    mkdir -p $out/{bin,share/sonarr-${version}}
+    cp -r * $out/share/sonarr-${version}/.
+    makeWrapper "${dotnet-runtime}/bin/dotnet" $out/bin/NzbDrone \
+      --add-flags "$out/share/sonarr-${version}/Sonarr.dll" \
+      --prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ ffmpeg ]} \
+      --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : ${lib.makeLibraryPath [ curl sqlite openssl icu ]}
     runHook postInstall
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/sonarr/ b/pkgs/servers/sonarr/
index faa4f65cfc8f..50832aba672c 100755
--- a/pkgs/servers/sonarr/
+++ b/pkgs/servers/sonarr/
@@ -1,7 +1,43 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
-#!nix-shell -i bash -p curl jq common-updater-scripts
+#!nix-shell -i bash -p curl gnused nix-prefetch jq
+set -e
+dirname="$(dirname "$0")"
+    version=$1
+    arch=$2
+    os=$3
+    hashKey="${arch}-${os}_hash"
+    url="${version}/Sonarr.main.${version}.${os}-${arch}.tar.gz";
+    hash=$(nix-prefetch-url --type sha256 $url)
+    sriHash="$(nix hash to-sri --type sha256 $hash)"
+    sed -i "s|$hashKey = \"[a-zA-Z0-9\/+-=]*\";|$hashKey = \"$sriHash\";|g" "$dirname/default.nix"
+    sed -i "s/version = \"[0-9.]*\";/version = \"$1\";/g" "$dirname/default.nix"
+currentVersion=$(cd $dirname && nix eval --raw -f ../../.. sonarr.version)
 latestTag=$(curl | jq -r '.[] | .name' | sort --version-sort | tail -1)
-version="$(expr $latestTag : 'v\(.*\)')"
+latestVersion="$(expr $latestTag : 'v\(.*\)')"
-update-source-version sonarr "$version"
+if [[ "$currentVersion" == "$latestVersion" ]]; then
+    echo "Sonarr is up-to-date: ${currentVersion}"
+    exit 0
+updateVersion $latestVersion
+updateHash $latestVersion x64 linux
+updateHash $latestVersion arm64 linux
+updateHash $latestVersion x64 osx
+updateHash $latestVersion arm64 osx